Good Morning! It’s cloudy and unseasonably cool for July…but it appears we’re in for another heat wave next week. Looking forward to later this afternoon as Bronc is coming to stay overnight with Papa and Gramma. I have to get his pool cleaned out and refilled…it’s getting a little iffy. Hope the sun comes out to warm up the water. And I have to get to the grocery store for some milk…if Gramma doesn’t have chocolate milk it won’t be pretty!
Barbie, have you tried any of the consignment shops or thrift stores in your area for the slacks/jeans you want? There must be hundreds in the cities. I’ve found some fantastic deals on some very nice garments. But then I’m not a fashionista and tend to stick more with classic styles….nor am I looking for a size 4.
Just think that there must be some small wealthy mature women who are cleaning out their closets! Right now I have trouble going into the consignment shop…I see something and think “Hey that would be good for work” then I realize that I don’t need work clothes anymore! About all I wear anymore is capris/jeans and t-shirts/sweatshirts…I really should take a bunch of my sweaters in to sell. Eddie Bauer quit making my favorite jeans but I went on ebay and was able to find three just like new pairs for $20.00 less than I paid for one pair from Eddie Bauer. So I’m set for a while. Just have to make sure I keep one good "marry 'em and bury 'em" outfit on hand.
Ava, I understand your situation. I am fortunate enough that between SS and my state retirement plan I'm receiving very close to the same amount that I was while working. Even when I deduct health insurance supplement and prescription plan. I don't have the expense of driving to work either. Lucky if I fill the good car with gas every 3-4 weeks. I don't think I've put gas in my bomb around town '95 Tracer since the end of April! Maybe you should consider would still give you the chance to travel. I know you aren't too excited about working, but I think you'll find you might miss it a little. I enjoy the days that Pam and Jim call and want me to work at the bar. It makes me get out of the house. I wish I could talk DH into retiring and workcamp during the winter months. At this point he's "retiring" from his city job the beginning of October and will start collecting his state retirement benefits....then in January he can be rehired by the city and get both a salary and state retirement and SS....and the farm. So much for retirement on his part.
A friend who I taught with for 13 years lives about 90 miles from me. She called Tuesday night and asked if I would be home Wednesday because her sister was going to a funeral in the area and she would drop her off at my house for a visit If I was going to be home. When she got here she informed me that she has breast cancer and will start chemo on the 21st. Vynita is single. Her one sister has MS and her husband is recuperating from heart surgery. The sister who came with her is in her 80’s and has arthritis. So she doesn’t have a strong back-up system. I told her that if she needed help or a driver to let me know and I would come.
Not much else is new around here. Same ol’ same ol’.
My mind works like brilliant flash and it's gone.