Wishing a Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers out there, whether it be two legged or four. Hope you have a wonderful day.
I have some exciting news to report this morning. I had an unexpected showing on my house yesterday cause the office didn't call me. It has resulted in a second offer being made, this one for my full asking price. So now the people who have the Contingency offer have 72 hours to either match it or they will lose out. I could have a bidding war going here. Needless to say, I am beyond Cloud 9. And the lady who's house I am buying, came up from downstate yesterday to get some of her stuff from the house and make sure things are ready for my inspector on Tuesday. She can't drive anymore, so DD and SIL brought her up. They will be coming back in a couple of weeks to pick up some pictures and some personal stuff She is leaving the furniture, kitchen utensils and what not for me. I can sort through, see if I want anything, donate it or have myself a nice garage sale and pocket the proceeds. So this whole buying, selling, moving thing is falling into place beyond my expectations. Will be doing some serious packing soon as I see who the buyers will be as the date of closing might be changing as much as two weeks earlier and vacate day about same. And I have friends jumping on the bandwagon to help me move, one of whom just volunteered to bring over their toy hauler trailer.
So off to mass this morning. Have much to be thankful for. Molly's one eye is clearing up and the other hopefully will come around. Think I see a little change in it now too. See the specialist on the 16th. Hoping to get her to he groomer this week too as she really needs a bath. Going to be a busy week with inspection of lake house on Tuesday, friends coming by on Wednesday and I have Blue Cross meeting to attend on Thursday. Changes in insurance of course. So Commission on Aging having two meetings with the reps scheduled so we can see what's up. Plus there will also be some paperwork for the sale to be signed etc.
Barb, I saw the news on the fire up in MN. Seems like there are fires all over. Even FL had one. We are starting to get some of the upper atmosphere smoke from the Canadian fire here. Giving us a little haze in the sky. See there has been a little rain ovr toward the MN fire area, hope it helps. They desperately need it in Canada. We have a high fire danger here too but there are a few little showers moving through this morning. Probably not enough or widespread enough to do much though.
Well, off to wash hair, make bed and eventually get dressed. I"m up before O dark thirty this morning, so have a good couple of hours before I will be leaving. Have a wonderful day everyone.