Part of me wonders what have I done????
I stopped in at a dealership to see if they happen to have a used truck that would fit the
wants that I have and have had no less than 4 or 5 phone calls from him one he called said didn't have anything he thought would be good for me
then immediately calls me back and say hey one is coming in as we speak!!! think it's just the one!!! describes it and it's lifted !!! so I say lifted??
thinking I know what it is I say what is that? just exactly what I was lifted I think 8 inches...I said I have to be able to get the 5th wheel
up to it and I sure the heck aren't going to crawl into the truck NO!!!! and he thought it was perfect for my needs??? after standing next to a truck with
4 wheel drive wish that it wasn't so hard to find a 2 wheel drive they are sooooo tall...there is actually one on the paper on line site that I would go look
at but the phone number is wrong on it...guess if it's wrong and it's a 2 wheel drive it will hang around for awhile
much of me wants to wait a bit
but then part of me thinks how much easier it would be to get the truck pulled into space if I'd just bite the bullet and pull on my big girl's and go get one!!!
then last night we had a huge wind storm!!! so many trees huge huge things down..a set of new bleachers at the district field tore was quite the storm
we were out of electricity from about 2:00 AM to 4:00 PM seemed like a long time forgot to say rabbits!!! would have but when my son in law got up to go the bathroom yelled at him to tell dd no church due to outage!!!
well you all have a great day