by BirdbyBird » Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:06 pm
Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I went on into work yesterday for the overtime and Josef and I headed off to a small UKC show today. This afternoon the quiet is settling in and the realization that I need to rearrange the kennel area. It is the little things that set off the aching, knowing that time does not go backwards. I did get a very nice phone call back and a later FB message from Blondie's First Mamma, Linda, who was her breeder, handled her to her Championship and helped her raise her first litter. I had made a special point of taking Blondie up to a show in Northern Ohio last spring when the two grand daughters were showing so that Linda could see her one last time.
Shepherding our dear ones through illnesses and/or old age is not for the weak of heart. Sitting in "the room" waiting for the vet to come, sitting with them until the end because you just hope that you are helping them feel safe and cherished....we choose to take on these heart breaking responsibilities. In adulthood I have never had one that has died in their sleep or disappeared in the night and yet I keep choosing to live my life with animals because I couldn't imagine the alternative...... Then I return home and hug the young ones, knowing that in ?? years, after countless memories and adventures, I will need to step up and make those final journeys in time.
Tina and the furry companions...Lark, Audrey and Jane