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Re: peace

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:14 pm

((((((((((((((( Donna )))))))))))))))
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Re: peace

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:19 pm

Donna, you might find some help thru this agency or maybe a referral. They do offer some caregiver assistance also but not sure about help with house keeping. Worth a shot anyway.
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Re: peace

Postby Colliemom » Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:29 am

I agree with the others Donna. Check and see if there is a Commission or Council on Aging down there. Ask the neighbor's, check around. There are a lot of services they can offer and will help you get peace of mind.
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Re: peace

Postby Irmi » Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:22 am

Donna, when I was taking care of my parents, there was an organization called Comfort Keepers that would fill in for me, that did an exceptional job. Being a caregiver was the hardest thing I ever did, both physically and emotionally. I hope you get the help you need.
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Re: peace

Postby grammynmaggie » Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:01 am

Thanks all... my dad is not bedridden or anything like that since I got the Walker and he accepted it and decided to use it he is walking better but his balance is not good and all that stuff... now that he is fallen twice in two weeks I am worried about leaving him... there's plenty of food in the refrigerator meals made up but you have to do is zap it in the microwave is sometimes he won't even do .that... I make him do as much as I can otherwise he was just set in the chair and do nothing I feel that's what's got him into this position... I would just like to get someone to come in once a day when I'm not here to check on them make sure everything is OK and I would feel better about going camping and doing things and that would relieve my stress but he refuses to let me get anybody in or come... there's more but what's the use... he is not going to change he's not going to do anything especially anything that I say or mention... my position isn't as bad as some people that have there parents bedridden and have to have 24 hour care and stuff like that but its still very stressful.... well I'm going to start a new thread I got to get out of this funk....
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Re: peace

Postby snowball » Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:07 pm

just a thought would he accept meals on wheels???? that way some one would be there at least 5 days a week at least I think that is how often
it is delivered... sometimes you read or hear of places and think there should be someone that can call or stop by just to visit with but at the same time
doing pretty much a make sure all is well would he wear a "help can't get up" type necklace??? one would think that there should be someone who could
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Re: peace

Postby snowball » Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:26 pm

today I was in a store and saw a sign for something Angels thought that is a thought need to pass it on
it sounds like they will do as much or as little as needed
but can't remember the first part of the name sorry perhaps someone can help I want to say living angels but don't know
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Re: peace

Postby avalen » Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:04 pm

Somewhere with Ava and Maggie
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Re: peace

Postby gingerK » Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:30 am

Sheila, you might have seen a sign for Visiting Angels? My friend Daun had them for her brother as he got older and couldn't keep up his house. They came in and cooked and cleaned for him. Don't remember if they also drove him to stores/Dr. appts. and such or not. I do know she liked them.
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Re: peace

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:05 am

Donna, I really feel for you.
So sad for everyone.

Would he wear a medical alert pendant with a fall alarm?
I think they run between $25-$30/month.
If he falls, there is a speaker that he can "talk" into.
If he's unconscious, the thing senses a change in altitude and takes the necessary steps.

My stubborn sister refuses to wear one.
For what reason, I have no clue.

Maybe worth looking into for your Dad?

Good luck on this tough road.

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Re: peace

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:14 pm

I got a Life Station alert bracelet for my dad. Looks like a watch but with a button on it. It is waterproof so he never has to take it off. They do a weekly check to make sure it is working right. If anything is wrong, I get an email and a phone call right away. He was outside once and accidently hit the button against something and within minutes, the police were there. (he wasn't inside to hear them on the intercom asking if he was all right, so they called 911). So it works great! The wrist band is a good option if he wouldn't want to wear something around his neck.

Is there a friend or neighbor who could stop by occasionally for you? Someone he already knows and trusts? My dad also doesn't like having anyone coming to his house, so it is nice that he has a renter who is there to check on him. The guy is a PITA but we put up with him because he is willing to help my dad and look out for him.

I really empathize with your situation.
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Re: peace

Postby snowball » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:03 pm

gingerK wrote:Sheila, you might have seen a sign for Visiting Angels? My friend Daun had them for her brother as he got older and couldn't keep up his house. They came in and cooked and cleaned for him. Don't remember if they also drove him to stores/Dr. appts. and such or not. I do know she liked them.

that would be the one! pretty sure it is thanks for remembering for me
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