I was late so learned the hard way about some of the dangers of common household cleaners. Mine now pretty much consist of lemon, baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. My cleaning is somewhat infrequent (maybe like Tina's) but have been happy with results using the less expensive, environmentally friendly products.
Also agree about the carpet. Wish I could get rid of the carpet in downstairs den but that floor is on a slab and stays cold even with carpet; heat vents are in the ceiling. Like that the only carpet upstairs is in the bedrooms. I was thrilled that Magic came with no carpet. Smart move by manufacturers not to install so much carpet in RVs.
Forecast says it will be a little warmer tomorrow but we have rain returning mid to late week with even warmer temps.
Totally failed at getting my step count up today. Discovered Fitbit doesn't give me much credit for marching in place. I still have a shot to make my stair climbing goal tonight; better than nothing.