Back Ups

Re: Back Ups

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:09 pm

Sorry Beth. Like you I have always done back up until recently and I am now way behind. Will move getting that task up to date higher on priority list for next week.
Thanks for the reminder, you may have saved some of the rest of us.
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Re: Back Ups

Postby JudyJB » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:13 pm

OK, going to get out my backup hard drive and do a good backup. Then I will copy everything to my backup laptop. (I need to be online at least every other day, and bought a cheap backup when my hard drive died over two years ago. Was lucky to get everything copied from old drive by a local computer store.)

My laptop is over three years old, and that is old for a laptop. Don't want to press my luck, and hearing all of these stories is an excellent reminder to the rest of us, so thanks.
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Re: Back Ups

Postby Bethers » Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:00 pm

You're all very welcome. When I first went on the road I had backups of my backups ... but that is when I had my internet business and I didn't dare lose anything. Now - I'm just too lackadasical. I have free cloud space but never put pictures on it ... Colleen, that's going to be one of my backups if I get these pics back.

You know, hardest part is all the pics I took the last month and never posted anywhere yet -

I'm glad some of you are getting in gear and backing up. I need to purchase another external hard drive and back up my current usb devices and computer stuff to it. I'm also lucky that other than my pictures most of what I didn't have multiple backups of wasn't (at this point in my life) as important. But some of the things backed up to it from the usb devices are very important - therefore - And I'm hoping that I have everything I think I do on the usb's.
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