Good late morning from MN! Big storm came thru here yesterday! Had a thunderstorm in the late afternoon/evening and then heavy rains for hours into the night and then the winds picked up and are still howling out there at 30+ mph! But the sun is trying to come out now. It could be so much worse for this time of year. Could have been snow!!!
Loved hearing the thunderstorm and rain tho!
I, too, am a "misplaced" SoCal gal! It is the only place I have ever felt like I was "home". Can't wait to move back there someday! Am hoping to go out to San Diego in February for a visit tho!
Yesterday, my brothers and my dad had a meeting with the mortgage company about the reverse mortgage. Hoping it will all go as planned! Will give us all some breathing room and financial room to keep things going with the house. Will eliminate a lot of stress for all of us!
Sophie, my kitten is getting so big!! In just a few weeks, she has gone from just a tiny kitten to over twice that size! She and Lola are getting along much better. More playing than fighting. Lola still gets annoyed by the kitten ambushing her at every turn, but I have caught her cleaning the kittens ears and she is very gentle with her. I have also gotten Sophie over her hard biting when we play. She is learning to "play bite" much gentler now. She loves to climb to the top of my fake tree and hang from the branches!
She is a ton of fun! And so sweet and affectionate once she calms down.
Things have been really slow at work lately and tips have been bad. Doesn't help that I have had to use up my vacation days before the holidays and end of the year. No work, no tips. Hoping that things will pick up now that the holidays are getting closer. I am up for another raise tho! Yay! Will be 5th one in less than 3 years. Very unheard of with Great Clips, so I must be doing something right!
Hope those of you under the weather, start feeling better. Those on the road stay safe and enjoy the journey to your next destination! The rest of us are getting ready to hunker down and hibernate for the winter!