by Bethers » Wed Nov 11, 2015 12:55 am
OK, we've talked about the importance of backing up our computers, pictures, etc before.
I've always been very diligent about having everything in two places. But, a few years ago, I moved almost all my backups to one external hard drive (not quite all - some things are also on some thumb drives). And I always said I better get another external hard drive and copy the one - just in case. I can't figure out why I never purchased it, but I didn't.
Guess what is no longer readable? My external hard drive. Guess what the computer guy said today? He can't read it either. He could "attempt" to open it up and no guarantees, but he didn't feel comfortable doing so as he thought he'd be more likely to render it completely useless. He did give me copies of people/companies who do only that type of work. Then he warned me that they can be very expensive.
Guess what the most important (to me) stuff is on this external hard drive and no where else? ALL my pictures I've taken since I started rving. ALL of them. The only ones I'll be able to "save" are those I posted on FB or to my blog at some point.
So, for those of you who backup - let me recommend that you have a backup to your backup. Just sayin.
The computer guy tried to make me feel good, because he told me he had 8 years of things on one backup drive like mine that he also didn't backup anywhere else - and didn't think of when he replaced a computer and didn't move that stuff over - and lost it all.
I'm pretty much accepting that everything on that drive is gone. Not sure I'll call all these companies - might make one or two calls, but if the price is as high as I'm expecting, for only the possibility ... well, I'll be purchasing two external hard drives - or buying extra space in the "cloud" for one - and making sure I save everything to both and copy over blog pictures and fb pictures, etc.
I feel very lucky for the things that were also on the thumb drives - need to get those copied to a 2nd place now that they aren't any more !!!
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
"He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"