Interested in East to West Trip.......

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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:16 am

Yes! And somewhere in the pictures from that GTG is the picture of "wings" holding the ax in a threatening manner! We subdued her with laughter. Lyn

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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby JudyJB » Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:57 am

And my sons also mentioned meeting up with ax murderers! :lol: What is it with these kids who think their mothers are so dumb?

The other day, I got an invitation from the couple camped next door to me (in their half-million dollar motorhome and brand new SUV) to go with them out to dinner in Memphis! So I went. Shocking.
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:55 pm

Claudia (Wings) was the one whose kids were worried about her encountering "ax murders" among strange RV ladies. Guess who was the ONLY person in the entire group who actually traveled with an ax? Found the photo for you
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:27 pm

It must be that age group... my daughter also was worried about axe murderers and serial killers.... I'm still not convinced that she thinks its okay for me to be out in about with strangers in state parks.... all I do is laugh
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby Bethers » Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:45 pm

To get back to the original post - I'm not big on caravaning, but much of how you're talking about doing this would work. However, I'd probably be boondocking most nights and rarely want hookups - therefore I'd join the group much less often. I am prone to joining if people want to meet up for a gtg here and there - so that is something you could consider also. I know when I travel anywhere now, it's hard to go too far without stopping to see someone along the way - so many, many friends from this group live everywhere!

If you make it all the way to CA let me know, I'd be happy to say hi. Mid-March I'll head to AZ for a short time before heading north. Will be doing a whirlwind trip in AZ to see a bunch of people first.
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:31 pm

It was Shiela's husband that was worried about 'ax-murders" that she was meeting on the internet too. I well remember the argument I had with my high school age son that wanted to go to an Anime Convention in Ohio with someone from the internet. He didn't go and I am still hearing about me meeting people I know on the internet. :lol:

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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby YodaRules » Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:18 pm

Bethers wrote:To get back to the original post - I'm not big on caravaning, but much of how you're talking about doing this would work. However, I'd probably be boondocking most nights and rarely want hookups - therefore I'd join the group much less often. I am prone to joining if people want to meet up for a gtg here and there - so that is something you could consider also.

And that certainly may be the way to go..... posting a few GTGs along the way instead of trying to find others wanting to do the whole/part of the adventure. Thanks for the suggestion. Good food for thought!
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby JudyJB » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:18 pm

How far west did you want to go? I'll be in Utah most of April and would enjoy meeting you.
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby bertk523 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:57 pm

sounds like something I would like to do... I am in Southern Indiana and would need to go south to start the journey or meet up somewhere toward the beginning of your route. WEST would be my interest. My preference is not to travel more than 3-5 hours (as determined by google which means 4-7 hours depending on stops for gas, food, and potty). I tow a 26ft TT, so I would have wheels for running around. Because I need to hitch and unhitch, I like to stay put for at least 3 days, or overnight without unhitching! I do like hook-ups, but am OK without for overnights. Otherwise I am pretty flexible and don't get my feathers ruffled easily. Cannot commit at the moment as it will depend on health issues or non-issues with my Aunt closer to the travel dates! I like the "loose" feeling rather than a tight caravan.
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby snowball » Wed Nov 11, 2015 12:40 am

gingerK wrote:
mitch5252 wrote:..
Sounds like a great non-plan...

And ladies, just so you know, I met Patsy in NE GA last week and I believe quite strongly that she is not a serial killer, stalker, or some other kind of crazy. But you all know how my judgment leaves something to be desired.

Curious - is your preference dry camping or hook-ups?


Is she an "ax murderer" then? :lol:

( Sorry, Patsy, it is an inside joke. First time I met the ladies a friend was aghast that I was going out to KS to meet a bunch of ladies I'd met on the internet. "They could be ax murderers!" she said. And someone else's daughter said the same thing first time her Mom met up with a bunch of us.)

When I first started meeting those I'd met on the husband would ask if we were going to met a ax murderer when we left he'd say nope not an ax memories

should have read all the posts before posting :lol:
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby YodaRules » Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:00 am

bertk523 wrote:sounds like something I would like to do... I am in Southern Indiana and would need to go south to start the journey or meet up somewhere toward the beginning of your route. WEST would be my interest. My preference is not to travel more than 3-5 hours (as determined by google which means 4-7 hours depending on stops for gas, food, and potty). I tow a 26ft TT, so I would have wheels for running around. Because I need to hitch and unhitch, I like to stay put for at least 3 days, or overnight without unhitching! I do like hook-ups, but am OK without for overnights. Otherwise I am pretty flexible and don't get my feathers ruffled easily. Cannot commit at the moment as it will depend on health issues or non-issues with my Aunt closer to the travel dates! I like the "loose" feeling rather than a tight caravan.

Where in Southern Indiana are you? Glad the "loose" caravan appeals to you! We agree on both travel time and days at campsite.... What places, in the Western Regions, would be at the top of your list of places to camp around and visit? And for others reading this.... what are your suggestions to be sure to hit while in the areas of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada then north toward (and seeing) Glacier National Park.

WooHoo.... I love planning the possibilities!!
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby Rufflesgurl » Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:51 am

Shiela - I remember the first time I met Larry - he told the story about possible axe murderers that we might meet online. I also remember his campfires he built. Nice memories

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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby snowball » Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:29 am

Rufflesgurl wrote:Shiela - I remember the first time I met Larry - he told the story about possible axe murderers that we might meet online. I also remember his campfires he built. Nice memories


Thanks Linda
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby bertk523 » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:54 pm

the most recent issue of Trailer Life had an article about hitting 9 of the national parks out west in 30 days. gave tips on where to enter/exit for most efficient travel and things "not to miss". I have never been out west, so I don't know how good the information is. Might be a starting point for planning.
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Re: Interested in East to West Trip.......

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:55 pm

I like your idea of loose caravan and hope to participate in one with you. Unfortunately the timing you mentioned here won't work for me as I plan to go to FL mid to late Jan and have to return by end of Mar to get my taxes done. However since you will be returning by early May I might be able to join you for a few nights on your way home.
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