Good Morning from the Chilly, Frosty 45th,
Another good freeze out there last night. Ground is white with frost. Time to cover shrubs for the winter today. Frost won't hurt them but snow weight can. But then we have an El Nino forecast for a mild winter, so we won't have snow, right?
So you can see what today's project will be. Also planning to install the newly repaired and painted birdfeeder. Birds will like this one as it's bigger and has a bigger roof for them to get under in lousy weather. Be interesting to see how the squirrels figure this one out Being it's mounted on a PVC pipe, they have no grip once they get up the pole, even if they do, to grab a hold of it as it will be wider than the current one. But it's fun watching them try and I'm sure one will figure something out
Carolb, you are making good progress heading south. So is JudyJB. Anita, where are you are present?
Nothing else to report from this location, so hope you all have ea nice, safe, productive day today