Good morning ladies
And here I thought I'd be the first one to post in MC! You gals are sure early risers !
Couldn't sleep last night for anything, guess I just had too much on my mind to relax. Finally ended up on the couch downstairs and fell asleep there. Then when I heard DH and the pups get up I went back upstairs to bed for a little while.
Ava, I understand what you mean; as I get older I sometimes worry about things more than I probably should and it bothers me a lot. Sorry to hear they found another SC but good that it's very small and you caught it early on.
Donna, I'm also sorry to hear your FL time is starting out with a health problem. Hope it is something that can be addressed quickly and with little fuss. Enjoy your visit with Liz.
Carolb, gutter cleaning is NOT my favorite chore! Every year I have to clean out the gutter on the horse barn and you know that commercial where the guy says the stuff in the gutters is evil? Well, mine's even worse than evil. And of course the gutter guards don't stay on so it also gets full of leaves and acorns. I end up with more mess on me than on the ground.
On a different note, if you bring that beignet mix up here, I have gallons of oil in which to fry it up! Remember, DH is the fish frying King!
My Molly did a very odd thing last night after everyone was in bed-she barked twice. Since she usually barks to be let in the house I got up to see if maybe she wanted out? But no, she was laying on her sleeping bag and just looked at me and wagged her tail. Now I'm thinking maybe it was her telling Buddy to get his butt out of the dog kennel and let her have it! We have a large plastic kennel in the laundry room and everyone tries to be the one who gets to sleep in it (except Shooter; he wants to sleep in bed upstairs!) and lately it's usually Buddy who gets it. At least I'm hoping that was what she wanted and not some form of doggie dementia starting where she barks all night. Her Grandfather Gunner had that right before he passed away. Sad to be considering these thoughts.
I need to call a chimney sweep for my house as this is something that hasn't been done and I know it needs it. We cut down a lot of trees in the front yard when the storm knocked them every which way and I plan on using the wood to help heat the house. I also need to reschedule the recalls for my Jeep because there's no way I'll get to that dealer by the time I have to be there.
Looks like the clouds are breaking up, might turn out to be a nice day after all.
Everyone take care,
Any day spent in the company of my animals is a good day.