Good morning gals!
Getting ready for my next trip, this time I'm heading south a ways. Will meet up with another group and go to another Apple Festival! LOL. This time it's a Pork & Apple Fest so I'm thinking there will be lots of goodies to find to eat. My friend Daun will be going along with me.
Woke up extra early this morning, just couldn't sleep anymore I guess. So I'm up and going already. Will do some final shopping and get everything loaded up tonight. Plan is to pick up Daun, and take her & Angel to my last client's house, do my dogwalk then leave from there.
I seem to be having an extreme amount of spiders in and around my house this year. Anyone else notice an increase? I don't remember having so many spiders and their webs this early in the year. I don't want to spray because of the dogs but I may have no choice.
Well, better get on with things. Everyone take care,