A Busy Couple of Weeks...

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A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:04 pm

Okay.....now that I've uploaded the photos to photobucket ........got to have my visual aids ;) ......I can show you, along with tell you, what we've been up to...

After our visit to Disney and Universal in Orlando, we went to spend a couple days with our friends, Tom & Angie....I have been complaining about our ceiling in the 5er for awhile, as some of you know.....so Tom, who paints houses for a living, offered to paint it for us... :o All I had to do was to take down my vines and pictures, and he got right to work....(BTW, he checked the ceiling for original paint....none...just putty & primer. :x )

The before photos...
Tom did all the taping off and hanging of the plastic and laying of the tarps...

Then he got his airless paint sprayer out and going...

Then after about 2 hours...to include time for it to dry...Wa La.....newly painted ceiling :D
We are really happy with it....Didn't he do a great job?!

Then we hit the road and stopped at Holbrook Pond Campground, Ft. Stewart, GA, where we camp hosted last year.....Got site #3 where Beth had parked her rig when she visited with us..
Beth, note the hookup pedistal, new 30/50amp service and new water hookups...but still no sewage.... :(

Since it has been raining alot, keeping me indoors, I've been working on a counted cross-stitch project for my DIL for Mother's Day....As I've mentioned here before, I have a PC program that converts photos to counted cross-stitch grids and floss guide, so have been stitching my little fingers to the bone to finish it. It's not finished, yet, but wanted to show you the project in progress... ;) The photo is of our grandson looking at his new sister right after she came home from the hospital....2 years ago....

So now I have ya' all up to date on us.....still raining today and there are tornado watches posted....I'll keep ya' posted, if we go visit the "Wizard of Oz"... :roll: :lol:

PS: Okay, I had changed my sizing on the photobucket, noticed that the photos were a little small, so took the photos completely out of the post, deleted the photos from the photobucket, re-uploaded them, re-pasted them to this...and they are still small to view..... :x ....but you still get the idea....Oh, well, live and learn....my photobucket is now back on large.... :roll: ;)
Last edited by rvgrammy1953 on Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby Sparkle » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:17 pm

Your DIL is going to be so pleased with that. What a clever idea. Get going and finish it, we want to see it completed. I know you have nothing else to do. :lol: Ceiling looks good! Now when you can't sleep you can stare up at a nice ceiling. I can't believe they didn't paint it when they were building it.
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby PeggyinCT » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:42 pm

What a great cross stitch idea. I, too, cross stitch, but havn't kept up with the latest technology. Right now I'm finishing an afghan with botanical flowers that I started in 1992!
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:58 pm

Your ceiling looks great. He did a nice job, including all the taping and plastic! Ah, the patience required...

And your cross-stich it awesome! Do you know the name of the software you use to do that? I have a neighbor who loves counted cross stich and would really like that program.

Your photos are a perfect size for my laptop. So, whatever you've done, you've done it right!

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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby sharon » Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:05 pm

Every thing looks good from here, Lori....no patience to sit and do needlework, but you do an awesome job!
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby Carolinagal » Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:19 pm

Lori, your ceiling does look very nice. Its really great to get something finally done, when its bugged you so long isn't it?

The idea for the cross stitch is a great idea, will be a treasure for many years to come. You're such a busy person with
all of your crafts. What wonderful gifts you've made past couple of months for your family.

Our weather here is supposed to be wicked too, about dark. Tornados I have always dreaded.

I'm so glad for you, that you have gotten so much accomplished. Enjoy your stay there, hope the weather gets nicer for you.

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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:34 pm

Wow, the ceiling looks great. Wonder why it was never done before, I think I understand that it was left with just primer on it?

Also, I absolutely LOVE the idea of the cross stitch of the grandkids. What is the name of that program that does that?

Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:37 pm

Thanks, everyone.... :) The program is PC Stitch by M & R Technologies, Inc....you can get it thru the catalog "The Stitchery" or online....this one runs about $45, but the pro edition is around $80....got it about 2 years ago...but need to get the lastest edition as we now have Vista....the one I have is downloaded on the old laptop, which is out of order right now....

Yes, it's so nice to have nicely painted ceilings..........always thought they looked unpainted.....duh!!! Now we know!!! :roll:
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:37 pm

Thanks Lori for the name of that program. I'll be on the hunt for it. That's enough to get me back into crossstich. I've got lots of suppies here yet.

Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:18 pm

Ceiling looks great; so does the cross stitch. I did look on line and and they have a web site http://www.pcstitch.com Looks very interesting.
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:25 pm

Thanks for the update. I knew you must be busy with something. And you show us more of your talents. That is so kewl. Like Sharon, I don't think I'd have the patience to do one - but I'm so much more laid back than I used to be - if I keep goingin this direction, maybe I'll get there LOL
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby mtngal » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:40 pm

Wow Lori! Your cross stitch is beautiful!!!!
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Re: A Busy Couple of Weeks...

Postby Birdie » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:58 pm

Gorgeous Cross-Stitch. I, too, don't have the patience for that kind of work. That will be a thing of great joy to your DIL forever. The ceiling is another masterpiece. Glad you made that goal. We are sending you more storms...Had the wind and rain early, early this a.m. not too much rain, but 'wind advisories...get ready.
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