Question and more quetions

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Question and more quetions

Postby reanns » Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:47 pm

Don't you all just love us 'newbies' ? Well I made it from Tucson, via Florida and am now parked on Carolina Beach, NC where the rain refuses to stop! Had one day of sun since I arrived last week and I don't know what I would do without my girlfriends dragging me off the island to shop! At some point in time in the near future, I will buy a car and learn to tow, for thought I should learn to drive Winnie first.

So here are a few questions I know you guys will have the answers to....

First - Escapees - why should I join? I have friends who belong and just love it. But I have read their website several times and really can't find anything they offer that Good Sam doesn't. And the one thing I did pick up is that they are really 'couple' oriented. And as a fairly young widow, a lot of couples groups just aren't that welcoming. So...

Two - is there a singles RV forum, at least on the www, that you can join?

Three - Where to winter? I know, many of you are still experiencing the lovely, white fluffy stuff, but I like planning ahead. if will finish up my work/camp in Yellowstone in mid-September and would like to find something/someplace where the temps are temperate for the winter. Would like to work/camp but if not, a nice RV park that offers a lot of activities. I stayed with friends in Tucson while going through the buying process and they have a lovely patio home at Voyagers. This place has every activity and class imaginable but their RV space sucks - wide open, crowded and not a tree in site.

Four - National Parks. I've checked out their website and can't see to narrow my search for positions that include an RV site. any hints?

Five - and finally - what can I clean my toilet with? I know, really dumb question but I'm presuming I can use some cleaners and some I can't. Wouldn't want to interrupt in anyway the chemical process or destroy the tank. Like is Scrubbing Bubbles or Fantastic or Ajax okay?

God, it's raining again!!!! I love the sound on the roof but I am living 100 feet from a beautiful beach and it's too cold and too wet to walk on! ARGH - and a lovely goodnight to you all.

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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:18 pm question is silly here... ;) and as you can tell, we are a wealth of I'll try to answer what I can...and what I can't, I'm sure the other sistahs will chime in.... ;)

Question#1: As Ernie is retired from the Army, we take advantage of the benefit of using the military campgrounds nation wide....we have looked at Escapees for their mail forwarding service...which I understand is very good....we do know others who belong, who rave about the I would give it a second look....also the Good Sam Club comes well recommended....we just haven't had a reason to take advantage of these services...maybe at a later date...

Question#2: Beth will probably jump in on this one....she belongs to a singles forum...and so do a few others here...
Question#3: We stay mostly in FL, GA, MS, and TX.....we're camphosting in GA next fall....there are some good suggestions in the Workamping Section on the Board Index here.

Question#4: Have no experience with the National Parks....
Question#5: Scrubbing Bubbles works for me.... ;)

I can relate with your being stuck in the rain....flood warnings here in GA tonight....but we adapt.... :roll: :lol: Ernie's out building an ark, just in case... :lol:

Hope some of this helps....and if you are in the area, let us are always welcome. ;)
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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby dpf » Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:44 pm

#5...some type of all purpose cleaner such as 409, Fantastic, Scrubbing Bubbles...nothing abrasive like Comet or Ajax and certainly not Sani-Flush
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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:36 pm

I was told not to use any of those cleaners - and not to use bleach - in my toilet. I use regular dish soap. Since I never let it get dirty, it's not been a problem. The reason to be so careful on the cleaners isn't so much the toilet - but the tanks.

Going out of order - the singles group (forum will look identical to this one LOL) that many of us belong to is - It's not a dating group - but is a group of singles who help each other much like we ladies do. I'll be joining with Liz and Carol from this forum and a couple of people from that forum for my Alaska trip.

I'm 4 years full-timing and still haven't found a good enough reason to join the Escapees. They are a good group and it's my understanding some of their chapters have singles groups - and someday maybe they will be for me - but so far no. Only you really can judge it they're for you.

I had a great time workamping where I am i Texas - and I love being on the beach - and you can't beat all the activities at this park (and there were several other singles - and the couples never made me feel out of place. It's harder to get winter jobs than summer ones - and some of the places like here probably already have next winter filled. However, when it gets closer to the time, some people cancel and they get openings. They also fill up quickly here for sites in the winter. Several of the members here came to visit me this winter. I love it in Port Aransas - but all of southern TX is nice if you can deal with wind.

I'd have to head to the np website and don't have time at this moment, so hopefully someone else will chime in on that one.

And, as said, there are no dumb questions - but you'll probably have to put up with some dumb answers :)
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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:26 am

I use dishwashing fluid in the toilet - nothing caustic. Just before I get ready to leave and drive somewhere I put Dawn down the toilet and about a 1/4 tank of water and let it swish while I'm driving. I also use Rid-X in my tank.

In the winter I stay at Guadalupe River Resort in Kerrville Texas. ( ). They have been advertising for workcampers so you might contact Don, the manager. They charge $395 a month plus electric. This includes free WiFi, free local phone. Cable is extra (I have satellite). In the winter they have a heated indoor pool with jacuzzi, sauna, steam room and workout equipment. There are three laundries, one of which is in the bldg with the pool. They have a lilttle pub on the grounds and lots of activities. They get a lot of winter texans so I would suggest a reservation if you should decide to come. I only workamp in the summers and just loaf in the winter.

I highly recommend towing even tho its a pain (you just can't back up at all). It makes sightseeing so much easier. Even if you have a small Class B you still need to unhook every day to go anywhere. My first tow vehicle was a 1974 yellow VW bug with hippy flowers painted all over it. Fun, fun, fun but no AC.

I, too, found Escapees to be couple oriented. I've been lucky to meet other solo women RVers at some of the campgrounds I've been at - I ask the desk if there are any other solo women around. I've never checked out Beth's singles forum cause I'm really not interested in meeting a man at my age. I do enjoy the independent women I've met on this forum.

Should you decide to come to Kerrville be sure to PM me.
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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby islandmomma » Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:59 am

When we purchased our first TT, we were told to use only baking soda to clean everything like toilet, shower and sinks and this has still been working just fine .... Sometimes I cheat and use windex on the chrome parts but vinegar also works and is acceptable.

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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby Getupngo » Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:23 am

Reann ... first things first. No stupid questions. Second ... use a nonabrasive cleanser, like "soft-scrub" on your toilet ... with a very soft scrubber. Unless you have a porcelain loo ... be gentle with it.

For volunteer opportunities (trade for site) nationwide go to Lots of positions open.

I'll let the other ladies answer the bulk of the questions.
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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby OutandAbout » Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:17 pm

Reanns, I'll also try to answer your questions,

cleaning toilet - Never put bleach in toilet. Bleach & ammonia DO NOT MIX. Baking soda & water mixed works very well. Dawn also is good. calgon bouquet bath soap is good as well, especially when driving . I have used this alot. I just put a generous amount down the toilet and fill the tank about 1/4 and drive. At destination when it's time to dump, all will be clean.

Workcamping = will have to leave to others, I'm still in a stix and brick.

Other single forums - I'm new to the open road singles forum, and find the members just as friendly and helpful as the ladies are here. I did not get the impression that it is a "singles" forum at all. There are other singles clubs, like Loners on Wheels (LOW) and WIN (can't remember what it stands for) that appear to be more date like. To me anyway. Escapees has separate groups call Birds of a Feather BOF that has a singles group. It's worth it to check out. I found it was not for me.

Thats all I ca add. Linda
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Re: Question and more quetions

Postby Liz » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:07 pm

Sorry I'm reading this so late. Here's a link for finding workcamping/volunteer opportunities at National Parks. Some offer campsites in exchange. ... htm?state=

Here's a link for cg host positions in National Forest cgs:
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