IrishIroamed wrote:Hi Vicky ~ welcome from Illinois. I'm still working but hope to fulltime at retirement. Have fun, yes show pics, we love them.
Bethers wrote:Thanks for the clarification. I love tiny homes, and if I ever have a base somewhere, some type of tiny home/casita could be in my future.
I always said I'd never have bigger than 25 feet (I'm a Class C person also). My first RV that took me 9 years was 22 feet. When I purchased my current, I went a tad over. This one is 26.
avalen wrote:welcome from Arizona
JudyJB wrote:Hi, Vicky. I can hardly believe it, but I have been full-timing for over three years now. Time has flown by, and I still love this lifestyle. My motorhome is a bit bigger than many, but I wanted to be able to take my sons and their families camping. I have three grandkids in one family and two in another, and they are still mostly little, ages 6-10, and they ALL love to go camping with Grandma! My motorhome is a 32' Class C that I bought new because of allergies. It's funny, but I started looking at 22 footers, and then just kept going up in two foot increments until I said, "What the heck!" I am very happy with the choices I made in terms of my RV because it fits me very well.
I teach two online college classes for each of four condensed semesters per year, so am kept pretty busy. I've taught at the same small Michigan college for 26 years, and really enjoy it, especially being able to travel and teach. Working as I travel gives me an income to supplement SS and means I don't have to dig into my 401K yet. I am hoping it will also keep my brain alive longer and keep me feeling younger.
For my regular job, I was an instructional designer of web-based training before I retired, and I also keep a couple of semi-dressy outfits tucked away in case I get any chances to do some consulting. I doubt it will happen, however. It is hard and takes a lot of time to market yourself. The teaching on the road came easy because I was already working part-time for this college, and just changed my location! I do know from my days working for a consulting company that you really do need to work to build up a clientele, and this can best be done before you start traveling.
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