I hope to be heading out on a trip later this fall, and am looking for a WiFi Range extender that will work with Windows 8.1.
I bought this one from Amazon (not Walmart):
http://www.walmart.com/ip/Ideaworks-Lon ... a/23988747
But after 5 (yes, five) hours of trying to get it to work I gave up and sent it back. I am fairly computer literate, and although the advertising suggested it would work with Windows 8 and 8.1, the manual only had instructions for Windows 7. And, one assumes, only drivers for 7 - although the CD-Rom didn't state what drivers were on the CD-Rom. I could never get my computer to recognize it.
I would really like to get something before I head out so that I can bring in RV Park WiFi. I know that some of you have used the BearExtender - how do you like it? Has it continued to work for you long-time, or has it crapped out?
Any other recommendations?
Input: good, bad, indifferent - greatly appreciated.
Thank you.