Anyone else procrastinated

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Anyone else procrastinated

Postby Redetotry » Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:24 pm

Well hate to even bring it up but since the deadline is rapidly approaching ...I am attempting to do our taxes using Turbo Tax. My brother called and said it was so much fun he enjoyed doing his! HA I should known better. We've been paying a CPS to do our taxes to the tune of $400-$500 each year. I thought well if Turbo works, that would be quite a savings, but it could take spending that much for liquid supplement to keep me sane through the process and my DH calm while listening to me beating the desk and yelling I DON"T KNOW WHAT NUMBER YOU WANT. :!:
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:38 pm

George (my honey) uses TurboTax every year. Do you have really complicated financials? After hearing what you pay, I'm never going to bitc, er, I mean, complain, again about what he pays for TurboTax! If you have any specific questions, maybe some here can help???

Good luck!


PS: In our working days, George used to say, "If ya don't get audited, ya paid too much tax." (I HATED July...that's when the audit notices came...)
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby avalen » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:17 pm

ohhhhhhhhh, I did do mine, but I have to pay so I'm waiting til the last minute, not
exactly the last minute but close to it. They will have to put me on a payment plan,
otherwise I'll be in tax prison with no bail :lol:
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby carold » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:46 pm

My DH does ours with Turbo-it's done and mailed. I think I'll keep him. :D carold
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby Bethers » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:59 pm

I use an acct - but even with having my business, don't pay nearly what you do. If I didn't have the biz, I'd do it myself - but my acct is good and not expensive, so will continue using them. This year, for the first time in ages, I overpaid on my estimates (I think I just had more deductions LOL) so I not only don't have to pay, the overpayment made my first quarter estimates. I'm very happy about that (normally don't want the government to have my money, but this year, it's a good thing - with the AK expenses coming up :) ) That said, just getting my tax stuff ready for my acct is a pain in the you-know-what.

Good luck!
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby WickedLady » Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:32 pm

I don't pay taxes anymore. Not sure if that is a good thing or not as it means I am poor. :shock:
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby asirimarco » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:20 am

DH uses Turbo Tax to do our taxes - I just sort eveything out and give it to him.
This year I am holding my breath waiting for our son to send us all our mail - its been going to his house since December - sure hope he kept it all together and that it gets here pretty soon. Called him last night and he said he mailed it Monday. Don't look forward to sorting it and hoping everything we need is there. UGH...
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:00 am

Another Turbo Tax user here... I do them myself. I like that program as it walks me through everything. Got a $263 fed refund, and only $20 refund from NY on my state return. I like coming out nearly even. I make myself do them when i'm on winter break from school in February.

Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:27 am

My days of using Turbo Tax is over!! With living off investments and having to move them around to "save myself financially", there was no way I could have done taxes myself this year!! The IRS got real sticky about listing some things separately instead in one lump. A new rule this year. It cost me $138 to get my taxes done, and I got almost $400 federal refund. (no state tax here).
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby pattyk » Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:14 pm

I did my taxes on Turbo Tax. It was my first time to use it. As I have done taxes for 30 years on more sophisticated programs I got very frustrated when I had to answer all their quetions. I did finally figure out how to skip over them. It is a very good program. I efiled my return yesterday and it was accepted by the IRS today. I will mail my CA return as I don't care to spend additional to efile.
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:09 pm

We still use the accountant we had when we had a small business 15 yrs. ago....just easier for us to e-mail him all the stuff, he does the work, and e-files it for us.....since all our income is federal and state pensions, it's pretty cut and dry.....cost us $75 this year...our son does theirs with Turbo-Tax....they are happy with it.....maybe we'll try it next year as our taxes were filed the end of Feb...... ;)
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby Lotus » Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:23 pm

I didn't consider myself procrastinating, but since they just went in maybe I did! The last time I used Turbo Tax I made a major error on some investments and the next year got my nice little letter from IRS that we owed them $1,000+. And it was a true error on my part. My last year to use TT. Didn't know how my job buyout/retirement last year would impact us, but it all worked out ok! Whew!!

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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby Redetotry » Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:27 pm

Turbo and I are having words but I haven't given up yet. If I do will be looking for a new tax person since sounds like he is way over priced. We don't have a business so can't understand why it cost so much unless he is just slow!
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Re: Anyone else procrastinated

Postby kelpie » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:47 pm

I use Tax Cut but have also used Turbo Tax in the past. My problem with all of them is this - I worked for the state of Ohio and do not pay Soc Security or Medicaid - never have. These programs just about go into conniptions when you don't enter anything in soc security wages. I am not the only person in American in this situation so why do these programs have such a problem with it? This year's problem (besides that) wasthat i get to use head of household but it's not my year to claim my son as dependent ( per divorce we alternate years) Tax Cut agreed that i met criteria for this but kept asking for dependent info over and over. Did finally take it though and I e-filed and got refund in like 8 days. I haven't filed state yet because I refuse to pay another $30 to do so when Ohio lets you do it online for free. Had a problem with their site so will try again soon. Getting a smaller refund from them,
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