Wet Monday Morning

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Wet Monday Morning

Postby Colliemom » Mon May 04, 2015 6:30 am


Finally getting some much needed rain here this morning. Not enough, but better than none. We were under a Fire Weather Warning yesterday. It will be moving before long and once it quits, will drop trailer off at dealers on way to town.

Wow, lots going on yesterday. Kathy, good haul at garage sales. Am hoping maybe a few will pop up around here, as looking for some pot and pans for my TT. My goodness Carolb, how the heck did you manage to break your wrist. Probably too much mountain climbing in those mountains on the Ble Ridge :lol: take care of yourself lady! Carol, glad you and Bill made it home safely. You going to full time it or find a smaller place after yourself your current S&B. O'Sharon, no need to hang up keys. We've all been there, done that :lol: JR, doing same thing here, deciding on the clothes. Also doing little trip related things too.

Time to move along here. Few things to do before getting ready to leave. First hitching lesson with new iBall camera today. At least won't be messing with WD bars as only couple miles to dealer. Have a nice day all.
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Re: Wet Monday Morning

Postby IrishIroamed » Mon May 04, 2015 7:04 am

Mornin' Sue & all that follow ~~~
Woke at the sounds of thunder at 3 AM today. Got up & shut the windows, but no rain came. So when is Kathy & Carrie's thrift store going to open? :P

Did some backing up practice yesterday. I get worried thinking it is going to jack-knife so BIL came and helped and showed at about what point it would jack-knife, but he said with the TT's, they can correct by just pulling forward a bit and won't actually get stuck like a semi. Seems I'm a bit off. I do much better trying from the blind side ~ first time every time so far ~ so no clue why the supposedly easy side is harder for me (yeah I'm different).

Having fun watching the trip Liz & Nan are on. 1/2 day off today, need to get to it to plan vacation in 2 weeks. Hopefully, I can figure something out that still has openings. Wondering how some how a couple of the COE's campgrounds are downstate, so I'll look into those. If not, maybe lower Wisconsin some where.

Have a good day everyone & stay safe on the roads.
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Re: Wet Monday Morning

Postby grammynmaggie » Mon May 04, 2015 7:07 am

Good morning Sue and all....what a beautiful morning here on the Space Coast of Florida...it just cant get any better...one little rain cloud before day brake but now ...sun up ...great breeze...with a temp of 73 ...I will work out side re-doing the big bay in back of the rig...it might take me awhile but it will be ready when it is time...Sat. Maggie and I went over to Wickham day use are...spent the whole day there...except at noon went out to get some lunch and stopped at Auto Zone to check on a new house battery...mine sort of died...no shame for it tho...it was at least 7 years old and not a deep cell...I took my cue from Nan..she had to get a new one ...got Altima Blue Top..a sealed deep cell marine battery..it was a little pricey but worth it to me...now I wont have to worry about it all the time if it has enough water in it...then we went back over to the park...did some walking and people and dog watching...was going out again yesterday but dad want to hit WM so that took up most of the morning...and I did not do much the rest of the day...except trying to figure out how I can thread a needle easily...big problem for me as I cant see it very well...I am really like the applique I am doing on the quilted wall hanging ...taking classes at Jo-Anne's...good luck Sue with you new eye for backing up...all for now ..have a fun filled day & B safe...donna ;)
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Re: Wet Monday Morning

Postby gingerK » Mon May 04, 2015 7:41 am

G'morning gals,

Rainy here too, as Cheryl reported. This morning is paperwork day, paying bills, check book and finally writing a letter to my attorney regarding what I want from what little is left of my Mom's estate. There are some things in her house that are mine and I want them back and they should NOT be regarded as part of her estate. So will make that clear to my Atty. and he can communicate with the other atty. Funny, but last week I received a large envelope containing paperwork and a death certificate to claim my portion of one of Mom's insurance policies. Had no return addy, but the handwriting was "that relative's". There is still the matter of her two IRAs that I have to be present with "the relative" in order to cash it out. I'm thinking that can wait a bit longer, so he can't get the money.

Barbie, I hear you about working longer hours; some people just want to pay as little as possible. I don't know how many times I've been asked to "discount" my sitting rates. Like you, I just want to tell them it doesn't get any cheaper for me to drive to your house whether it's one time or 10 times!

Cheryl, the store is open on ebay but Carrie and I haven't gone over my taking it over yet; she's currently doing all the work.

Donna, I saw a tip on how to thread a needle if you can't see, stick the needle in a piece of paper so the eye shows up better. I've never tried it so don't know if it works or not.

Sue, let me know how you like the camera. Now that I might have to hook up the horse trailer with AG I will probably need one and I know Cheryl likes hers very much.

Off to turn out and clean stalls!
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Re: Wet Monday Morning

Postby MelissaD » Mon May 04, 2015 12:54 pm

Happy Star Wars day :lol:

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Re: Wet Monday Morning

Postby dayspring39 » Mon May 04, 2015 2:23 pm

Wow I go away from the forum for a day and so much is happening! Carol oh so sorry about the wrist... hope the healing goes well...
The 'bra' for the front of the motor home usually goes around and hooks on the upper part of each door... at least that is what mine does... it also makes more privacy when camping...
Barbie hope you soaked your tired feet... I tip about 45% because the hair cut is so reasonable... Kathy I would have to be drug away from those sales!! what great finds you got! Cheryl once you master the backing up it will come second nature... good job!
We also had a bit of a shower this morning... it is cloudy and threatening to give us more... glad I went to the store yesterday after church... paid big time with pain but took a Vicodin and rested the rest of the day... in fact did not go to bed until 2:30...
Have country ribs in the crock pot with a bit of baby back sauce... sure smells good in here!
Have a great day everyone!
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