Sunday rest up day

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Sunday rest up day

Postby gingerK » Sun May 03, 2015 6:53 am

Good morning all,
Since I'm up early I'll put on the coffee. It's apple strusel bread toast and coffee here, also oj if you want some!

What a successful day yesterday! Carrie and I hit about 20 or more garage sales between Friday afternoon and Saturday; I got more stuff than I can shake a stick at! Not just for AG, also some things I needed for the house and some just for me. Found a like new cosole humidifier for $5 (the seller practically gave it to me) all it needed was a good cleaning up and it works. Mine quit last year after a good 15 yrs. of working. Got a free portable washing machine! It looks like a regular machine only about 2/3 the size. Seller said one of the hoses leaks so I'll have to take it apart and see what needs fixing but for free I couldn't walk away. Got lots of camping gear for AG from a friend's parents garage sale as they sold their camper and quit camping; got a new(er) mountain bike for $40 (you would have had a good laugh at Carrie and me trying to figure out how to get it up on the roof of my Jeep and bungee it down tight! Good thing I had picked up a brand new container of bungees from my friend's parents!), and a free bath rug for my house bathroom and free zip-front hooded sweatshirt! Whew, was I tired when I got home!

Today I am taking it easier than yesterday, will probably do a bit of house cleaning and maybe some laundry. I'm so very bad--all I want to do is go sit in AG and dream about camping!!! LOL

Take care all,
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun May 03, 2015 7:21 am

Oh Kathy, I would love to go "hunting" with you anytime. Thrift stores and yard sales - you never know what gems might be there... :) Enjoy your new to you treasures and hold on to those dreams. Anticipation is part of the fun.
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby JRKERMIT » Sun May 03, 2015 7:25 am

Good Morning
I will join you for coffee. Have some chores to do today because yesterday we spent a at garage sale, a craft fair , and shopping at a mall. The garages sale was a bust it was in a very high dollar neighborhood and either we got there late or folks just did not have anything we wanted . The crafts fair our daughters bought some stuff and the mall we all purchased something. A very nice day all in all .
We all are getting excited about our trip in Windy the rv in a couple of weeks starting to plan what to pack and what not to pack.
Have a nice day all
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby asirimarco » Sun May 03, 2015 7:31 am

Good morning to all. Coffee (Mexican Mocha) is on but there is nothing in the house - yes house - to eat. It is still all in the Alfa. We got home yesterday afternoon. 5 and 1/2 long days of driving. The Driver is exhausted. Un loaded the refrig and freezer then went out to eat yesterday. Very glad to be home after 7 months gone.
Our friend who was staying here left the house cleaner than I left it. The gardener has been here to start clean up already. So the yard looks good. Have a few minor and 1 major repair to take care of then we'll list the house for sale. Just too big for us anymore.
Wondering how Bill's allergies will be this year. So far he's fine.
We have to go into town [25 miles away] sometime today to pick up a few things. I don't even want to get in the car! I"d best get going and drag some of the food from the cupboards in...
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby carolb » Sun May 03, 2015 7:35 am

gmorning Kathy and all to follow :)

AWOL again for too long! Have been reading, just not writing :oops: Long story short, broke my right wrist, been doing everything lefthanded for the past two weeks, and my left hand/arm gets very tired! Have had my droid phone for three years, and just recently found I can speak messages--doesn't work for forum for some reason? Already my arm getting tired from this little bit of typing on laptop :roll:

Anyway, good news for many, starting with you, Kathy, finding the MH! and many others planning for trips :) I
'm still on the road, but will head home in the next week or two. I hear the garden calling me--actually it's my bro calling, telling me it''s time to till and plan. Cast stays on for 4 more weeks, so I won't be much help for tilling :lol:

Anyway, that's my story, but as always, I'm so glad to read all about my form family's adventures! Y'all have a great day and safe travels 8-)
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby Othersharon » Sun May 03, 2015 7:41 am

Good morning all! Wow, Kathy, you really did have a day yesterday! You need to come to my house and carry away some stuff! I'm slowly getting rid of years of accumulated stuff! Slowly is the operative word!! A friend and I took a road trip to Camping World in Harrisburg and to Lancaster for my phone yesterday. Too successful at CW getting some things I wanted or think I need! Glad it's so far from me so I don't do it very often! Barbie, my phone was definatly dead! Luckily, it was still under warrenty so they changed it out for a new one. Hope this one is okay and I don't ever see the blue screen again! Guess I've been lucky to never have that happen to me before! It was a fun drive, went right through downtown Hershey and saw things I've never seen before. The flowers and trees were in bloom and it was beautiful. They are usually ahead of us by a couple of weeks, amazing what a hundred miles will do climate wise! And the mall where the phone store was is huge! Haven't been in a big mall in a long time. A great place to people watch.

Today is supposed to be warm and sunny so excited to have my rv guy here to go over Lola. He has 2 of us to do so hope he can get us both done today! And my yard needs mowed again so that will get done today or tomorrow. Plus I got some reflectix the other day to try to make some sun shields for Lola's windows. Not sure how I'm going to do it but will figure out something! I got velcro so shouldn't be to difficult! So a busy couple of days, I think!

time to finish my coffee and get my day started! Have a good day and stay safe if you are on the road! (Wow, see several of you are up early and posting before I got this done!)
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby gingerK » Sun May 03, 2015 8:04 am

O'sharon, AG came with some home-made sun screens for the front (she also has one of those vinyl windshield covers). The previous owners stuck them up with velcro tabs and after putting them up I was surprised at how well they worked. If I can get some pics of the arrangement I will post them for you to see. Maybe it will help you with Lola.

Carolb, ye gads woman, what the heck did you do to break your wrist? Do I have to come and wrap you up in bubble wrap? LOL
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby JRKERMIT » Sun May 03, 2015 8:25 am

gingerK wrote:O'sharon, AG came with some home-made sun screens for the front (she also has one of those vinyl windshield covers). The previous owners stuck them up with velcro tabs and after putting them up I was surprised at how well they worked. If I can get some pics of the arrangement I will post them for you to see. Maybe it will help you with Lola.

Carolb, ye gads woman, what the heck did you do to break your wrist? Do I have to come and wrap you up in bubble wrap? LOL

On those vinyl windshield things the previous owner of our rv had one two but I am not exactly sure how it goes on nothing to hook it on on the outside does it just lay on the windshi6. We have a sunscreen for the inside winds and then a cutain that does Hu around the cab with velcro that seems to work ok..
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby avalen » Sun May 03, 2015 8:47 am

good morning ladies
got a little bit accomplished yesterday on my privacy fence project, at least I've gotten far enough along to actually
see what I'm doing, and know what the next step will be. Went to Home Depot to get the items I needed to secure
the new wheels on the barbecue but forgot to buy the wire barbecue brush to give it a good cleaning. I'll stop at
walmart today on my way to Harbor Freight to get the freon stuff for my car. Stop by sons and have him do the ac.
If all goes well my ac will blow cold and I can use my own car for my trip to Las Vegas. Other minor stuff to get
done today, laundry of course and dishes. Sure seems to be alot of dishes for someone that doesn't cook ;) :lol:
Wondering how Beths opening day went.
Time for more coffee and a cereal bar. Ya'll have a great day, enjoy your weather and be safe.
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby cnq50b » Sun May 03, 2015 9:17 am

Good morning everyone!
I'll have a cup of that coffee. :D

Kathy, so very happy for you & I can totally understand wanting to just go & sit in AG. I drive mine to work occassiionally & it feels like a mini-trip.:lol: Sounds like you've got a lot of new treasures to play with as you plan your adventures.

Carolb, what the heck! So you're not home yet & have a broken wrist to boot. After taking care of so many others, I hope someone is taking care of you. Let us know if we can do anything. All this time I've been thinking that you're probably home & already gardening. :(

Beth, hope your workcampers settle down & work! or leave - whatever will make your life/job easier.

I've been busy around here but I love following everyone's adventures and or mis-adventures (what a day you had, Linda) here.

We have a great response for my position - over 40 resumes, 10-15 of which are well-qualified. We even have a consultant who is helping us pro-bono to make sure we gt the right person. It's quite the experience interviewing & choosing my own new boss! :lol: I've been so blessed working in this environment as I hear what the corporate world is like at this level. :evil: Of course, the consultant advised mgmt that no one will work for what I'm being paid so the new person will have the benefit of a more appropriate salary.

I've got my deck prepped & just waiting for a dry spell to re-stain it. And of course, continuing with my de-cluttering. Time is slipping away & I'm not making the progress I need to. :( Carolb, I think of you every time I empty & recycle boxes from downstairs. :D

Guess I'd better get busy.
Take care & enjoy the day.
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby JudyJB » Sun May 03, 2015 11:31 am

Everybody certainly sounds busy! I have been very lazy lately, but I did manage to change my water filter by myself yesterday. It is tucked in an underneath bay and very hard to reach or to twist off. I was hoping the new water filter cartridge would help my water pump work so I don't have to cart jugs of water for flushing and hand washing as I drive between campsites--but no such luck! SO I have an appointment to get my third water pump in three years fixed or replaced when I get to Ohio in about two weeks. Also will be getting an oil change and maybe someone to check my one slide motor which is working OK, but just sounds a bit funny.

It's Sunday, which as you all know, is when the weekend campers go home!! Yea! :P In a couple of hours I will mostly have this place to myself and it will get quieter. I've been having to close windows at night to keep the campfire and cooking smoke out and irritating my asthma. Got an appointment in three weeks in Detroit with my allergist and dentist, and need to make an appointment tomorrow with a new hand surgeon in Ohio because my trigger finger on my left hand is starting to act up again. Why am I having all these hand problems????

Hope everyone has a restful and productive day!
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby Acadianmom » Sun May 03, 2015 11:45 am

Carolb, I thought we were going to have to send a search party to look for you. I can send Harold to drive you around. He just about drove me crazy the month he drove me around when I broke my shoulder. :roll: Not easy to drive with just your left hand. I couldn't even turn the key on. That's a hard way to get out of tilling.

Years ago I had one of the windshield covers for my motorhome. It was a really good fit and when I tried to order one for my current motorhome I found that the company was no longer in business. I ordered one from another company and it was suppose to be made for my year and make. It is not near as good as the first one. It goes over the top of the side doors and you close the door on it. It has magnets along the bottom but when it's really windy I have to take it off because the wind slaps the magnets against the motorhome. It's ok if the weather isn't bad.

I don't get moving early enough to go to garage sales. Probably a good thing. I need to have one, not go to any. I use to stop at garage sales and flea markets for my sister but not any more. She goes to a junk auction every week and gets way too much junk. The bad thing is she gives me some of it.

Harold is firing up the pit so I better go get my part of lunch fixed.

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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby Othersharon » Sun May 03, 2015 6:14 pm

Well, Ladies, I'm officially a dumbie and probably should hang up my keys! My great rv guy came today to go over Lola and check out the generator for me. Does it have enough gas? Yep, 1/2 to 3/4 tank. He looked it over and tried to start it and then decided to check the gas know where this is going, right? So he looked at it and then looked again and said it's only at 1/4! Apparently the gauge is set up opposite to most vehicles for the levels and I completely missed it! :oops: We took it and filled the tank and surprise, the generator started right up! This is the part where I should hang up my keys!! But nope, not gonna do it! Gonna learn from my mistakes! :roll: But I bet I don't make that mistake again! Then I let him drive her home since he said he'd even back her into the backyard for me. What took me 15 minutes he did in a couple of minutes and he didn't even put the mirrors in going through the gate! Wonder if I will ever get that good?! So there you go, my true confession! Have a good evening, I'm heading for the wine bottle! I'll even share if you want some!!
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Re: Sunday rest up day

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun May 03, 2015 7:10 pm

Worked all day. We are having a haircut sale so it was very busy and my feet hurt now. No time to sit for 7 hours! I hate when we have a sale because tips are really crappy! I wish I could tell people that my rent doesn't go down when we have a sale. I still give them a quality haircut and still need my tips to pay my bills.

A storm was brewing just when we were closing so got home quick and went down to the beach to check on my kayak since the wind was blowing fierce! It had flipped over so I put it in a better spot and put some large rocks on it to keep it from blowing away.
Well, the severe storms completely went around us to the north and south so, other than wind, we got nothing (but better that than the large hail others got). We really need rain here since the lake is really low this year.
Tomorrow is supposed to be nice which is good for our first night of our golf league. Then storms the rest of the week.

Gonna go soak my feet now and give myself a pedicure!

Carol, I hope your wrist heals quickly! No fun dealing with that!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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