Curiosity questions for full timing

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Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Echo » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:36 am

Doing that sorting thing.

How many of you carry winter boots with them?
I have both heavy winter boots and short ankle high insulated boots.
Should I get rid of the bigger boots and just keep the short boots?
Have any of you ever wished you had high winter boots???

How many of you carry heavy winter coats?
I have both a heavy winter coat and a lighter weight winter coat.
The heavy one has got to be the warmest thing I've ever had but bulky.
The lighter weight one I can layer under.
Which one should I keep and which one should I get rid of??

I'm asking because of course I know it can and does get cold at night no matter where you are. And sometimes the season doesn't have much to do with it.

And of course I remember Sparkle getting caught in the snow.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Sparkle » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:41 am

Where you are going...short winter boots and light winter coat. Hat and gloves. When it does snow there at that time of year it doesn't last.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Echo » Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:53 pm

Ok I went thru the 2 box of shoes and boots. I am now down to 1 box.

And I will only keep the lighter weight coat that I can layer under.

WHEW!!!! I am getting freaking pooped.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:44 pm

Since we mainly stay south in the winter, we take fleese jackets, hoody sweatshirts, and good sneakers (telling my age now...)...but have a light winter coat for me and a winter coat for Ernie packed away, just in case....we have stuff that we layer....sweaters, long sleeved pull overs, etc....and of course, jeans.....

Hope this helps...
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Mollysmom » Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:53 pm

I agree that the short boots and lighter coat would be the way to go -
I brought too many wintery clothes with me, they take up allot of room and I was fine with layering.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby carold » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:22 pm

Don't get too bogged down with what to take or not-remember, there are Goodwills, etc. all over the place. I've left a piece of me all over the US. :lol: -but I tend to layer and where the same things over and over. Now, if I remember correctly, we do have some shoe fetishers in this bunch :roll: and it's amazing how you can come up with storage ideas when the need??? arises. carold
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby mtngal » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:26 pm

Hi Echo, I'm just the opposite of the gals on this one. Having worked in the mountains for many years, I learned never travel without a "emergency" stash of warm clothes in my truck. That means, wool socks and hat, and an old rolled up down coat. When I stock my 'new' rig, I will do the same, even if I never have to pull them out. At 8000 feet elevation I would also want a rain coat handy to slip on over my every day light weight jacket. But that's just me, probably being a worry wort!
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby avalen » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:35 pm

I've had two pairs of boots stashed away and just threw them out a couple weeks ago.
Haven't wore them since I moved here and they didn't fit me anymore anyway. I do
have a really nice heavy coat for snowy mountain climate and a light jacket as well.
Two sets of sweats, which I hardly ever wear but am thankful when I did need them.
The storage under my bed holds alot of stuff as well as the under storage outside.
Seasonally, my stuff gets packed in tubs and put out in the shed until next season.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:49 pm

Since heading south for the winter the winter boots have gone into the shed but still keep my hikeing boots in the motorhome. Now I do have a heavy coat, med one and light weight one only because I know I have the room and I chill easy. I pitched all my shoes I don't wear and sold them for 50 cents a pair at my yard sale. Because temps can go one way or the other I keep all seasons of clothes but trying to limit them. Hard thing to do when I love the Yuma Marketplace T-shirts!
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby soisew » Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:36 pm

We carry a full season of clothes. If you choose short boots then hit deep snow/drifts you might wish you had the taller ones -- personally I'd go for the big dudes. As far as coats go...again you'll want a heavy coat than can block winter winds should you get into that situation. Layered wtih vest, sweats, a rain'll be fine. One of those coats that is multi layer are wonderful for that. Don't forget a warm winter cap that covers you ears and heavy insulated gloves. I have a bomber hat and really love that thing! We even travel with our insulated coveralls! Once you have some of those you will want to wear them everyday should the weather turn stormy.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Bethers » Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:39 pm

I layer - layer - layer. I do have a leather jacket (actually 2, since I got one specifically for the scooter that I wear no other time.) No full boots here - and I've spent summers in the mountains on both coasts. We'll see how it bodes in AK.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Sparkle » Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:59 pm,Echo,
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:42 am

You all know where i live and the amounts of snow we get here. I don't use tall boots. In fact 99% of the time i dont wear any boots at all. Just regular shoes/sneakers. Walkways and parking lots are plowed. The only reason you would need tall boots would be if you are going into back country with no snowshoes and really, nobody should ever do that. So from many years of experience i would go with the lower ones.

Re: coats,... depends on your plans. if you will be staying in southern states for workkamping, then the layer trick with a lighter coat and a fleece over a t-neck top would be plenty. You would only need a heavy coat if you are going to winter this far north.

Soos,.... wanna chime in here with another northern perspective?

Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby Liz » Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:52 am

I will be carrying the winter hooded jacket w/ hat & gloves I had to buy in AK last summer. Layering just wasn't cutting it there. The only boots I have are hiking boots, and with warm hiking socks, they are fine. I may take an extra pair if I have room, in case they get wet. There wasn't a lot of snow where we traveled in AK last year, but it was cold most of the time. And, when touring up close to glaciers, it was freezing! I remember wearing a hat & gloves with a lighter jacket at Glacier NP and buying a heavy hooded sweatshirt while I was there in 07. So, I'll be prepared for all eventualities, I hope.
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Re: Curiosity questions for full timing

Postby carold » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:57 am

I layer mostly, but since I have room I do have a heavier winter coat that I used in AK and mountain areas-but I also chill easily. As usual, we all have a different perspective. I say, keep your options open. carold
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