Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

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Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:31 pm

Thursday Carole and I moved the rig to Rockport to meet up with Asirimarco (Carol and Bill). I DO NOT recommend this park to anyone with pets. Its clean but basically a parking lot. Beth and Sparkle came in the early evening and we all sat around Carol and Bill's rig getting advise on going to Mexico.

Since this is the first time I've met Carol I had to present her with the official Flaming wineglass. As you all can see I really, really need to go back to Flamingo rehab. Sparkle then put on the Flamingo headband so I could take her picture.

We left Friday morning and headed home a couple of days early but I have a lot to do before I can leave for Silver City, NM. Beth and Sparkle said they would visit me there a couple of days so we can go to the wolf sanctuary.

Until the next trip.

Okay, back to Flaming rehab.


Presenting Carole with her wineglass.


Sparkle with the Flamingo headgear. Gorgeous huh?

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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Mollysmom » Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:46 pm

Love the flamingo stuff ! Next time you have a picture taken while you're wearing all your flamingo stuff be sure to stand on one leg like a flamingo - it'd be perfect !!!
When are you going to be in NM ? I'll be driving through there in the next week or so.
thanks for the pics - fun stuff :D
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby asirimarco » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:34 pm

As Karen said we had a good gab fest last night. Here's another photo - that's the back of my head - Bill knows better than to take a picture of me - Karen is your camera still working?
will post the second picture taken too - even though it is almost the same. Notice how Beth is explaining something with gusto
Karen came over to say goodbye this a.m. then Bill and I went to see Jean and Beth again and went out for lunch.
Was great meeting everyone. So glad we came this way. Makes me want to look everyone else up now. Remember we'll be home in a week or so and we have parking at our place in Indiana - come visit!
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Bethers » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:52 pm

Sparkle has a picture of our lunch today- hopefully she'll add it to this thread. I can't tell anyone enough to take advantage to meet any of our forum members you can. You will not be sorry.

While I was sorry to get the phone call from Karen this morning that she and her friend Carole were heading out today instead of tomorrow, I was glad to see Carol and Bill again for a short time. Bill helped me tremendously with some ideas on how to add more battery power to my rig (now it's up to me to follow through) and Carol, I can't thank you enough for that beautiful necklace. You remembered that I loved it immediately when you posted the picture. And thank you both for allowing your brains to be picked about Mexico and all your travels.

If I didn't have my AK trip this summer, I would surely be taking up your offer of hookups for at least a short visit - alas, it'll have to be another year.
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby sharon » Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:11 pm

Sure looks like the Texas coast is the happenin' place this year! Yeah, I would have to agree with Beth, don't pass up a chance to meet the forum sisters, haven't found one yet I didn't like!

Speaking of meeting, Beth, when do you think you and Sparkle are gonna be in Silver City to see Karen? It's one of my favorite places on earth and if the timing is right wouldn't mind taking a quick trip out there.

And oh yeah, looks like there's a couple of people there that need flamingo rehab!
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby avalen » Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:23 pm

oh boy, how fun!!
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Orchid » Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:23 am

I loved the pictures. Thanks for posting them. I'm sure envious and can't wait to hit the road and meet all of you. Cheryl
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby dcricket » Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:27 am

Absolutley LOVE all the pictures. Especially the famingo garb- cute reeeeeeeeeeeeal cute :)
Looks like you all had such a fantastic visit. Loooooking good ladies. :)
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Cedar518 » Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:27 am

What great pics,.... love the smiles that always are present when forum sisters GTG,.....

Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Nasoosie » Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:13 am

You luckies!!! What a great meeting, as usual! Some day I really want to meet up with you all somewhere....sooner, rather than later, I hope.

Thanks for sharing the great pictures, once again. And I would say that Flamingo Rehab might be a MUST for most of that group!

Happy travels!!
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:34 am

What a wonderful gathering; looks like such fun. So glad you had opportunity to get together and shared some of it with the rest of us.
Did Sparkle have too much flamingo punch? Did everyone remember to count your flamingos when she left? Beth has more hair left than her avatar indicates. Thought she had chopped it all off.
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Sparkle » Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:15 am

Carol and Bill old fashined word I know, but applicable especially with Bill's old world manners. There was hand kissing, chair pulling out...oh yes!!! We had a really good conversation with lots of good advice on our proposed trip. As we get closer I'm sure we'll have more questions for them. As usual we were eating in this photo.

Karen and her lapdog.

Prissy, Carole's dog traveling with Karen, Buddy and Sassy.

Beth and I are going to spend the rest of the week gearing up for our trip to New Mexico.
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby carold » Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:54 am

You guys are having way too much fun meeting with all the Forum sisters and DH's, friends, etc. What! You can never have too much flamingo stuff and don't let any of those psycho psychiatrists try to tell you differently. Heck, they might event try hypnotism or electric shocks-hmmmm that might be interesting :lol: . Thanks for the pics. carold
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:20 am

My current avatar comes from the pic you took, Bill, of us ladies in your rig. Don't know how long I'll use it- but you can take credit :)

Sharon, Sparkle and I weren't figuring an exact day for Silver City - but as we want to go to the wolf sanctuary and we need reservations for that - we'll sit down this weekend with our itinerary and see if we can come up with a better date. So far, the only date we HAVE to be anywhere is for The Rally in Albuquerque - and we need to be there by the afternoon of 4/16 - so Silver City will be before that - maybe around the 11th or 12th for a couple days? But we will definitely firm up dates if you can come (I'm speaking for Sparkle now, too - ha - she hides her face behind her hand, or Elvis, and it gives us carte blanche to speak for her, dontcha think?) And even better if Evie could make it, also.
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Re: Meeting in Rockport with Asirimarco

Postby Carolinagal » Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:07 pm

I don't think any of you need to bother with rehab, you're having too much fun and besides, it didn't seem to do much for Karen the last time she supposedly went. She has the problem worse then ever!! :lol: I say forget rehab for anything and just have fun and post pics for us , who are stuck in our stick houses.

I bet there are a lot who are reading of your escapades out there, that will just try to be there next year!!!!!

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