Another Chilly Wednesday

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby MelissaD » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:32 pm

Looking at picture of warm places is how we cope :lol: They are the light at the end of the tunnel. Proof that warmth still exists :D
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby Irmi » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:36 pm

Sandi, like you, I prefer not going to Facebook. Too many friends of mine have had their accounts hacked there, so due to that, I only go to message boards now. Personally, I find them (message boards) much easier to navigate than FB. Please tell us about your travels, post pictures and I'm going to try better to do the same.

Melissa, you just snuck in and I agree with you!
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby monik7 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:55 pm

OK, Melissa has convinced me to post some pics of California spring. I hope they will encourage all those stuck in the snow and cold weather.

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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby Redetotry » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:00 pm

Thank you Sandi for the trees in blossom. makes me feel so much better reminding myself that this too shall pass!
I drove my Subaru in the snow for the first time today and wow nothing stops it. I didn't even use those little paddle things that you can switch to sort of a manual shift. Still want to trade though but will wait until spring. :)
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby avalen » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:06 pm

oh Sandi, the blossoms are just lovely :D
I too prefer posting on the forum, the stuff I say on here I won't say on FB, it seems to be the mode to keep in touch with family and I
share a few uplifting posts for whoever might need them. But WRV forum is the most special place for me to vent, whine or brag. You
all are the best.
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby Carolinagal » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:10 pm

Oh Sandi, those are gorgeous, I am so glad you posted those pics Doubt I have ever seen trees so full of blooms. Just beautiful. As the sun is setting and its getting cooler here in good ole warm Fl, I loved seeing those pictues.

I've often wished those who have joined would join in more, we have a long list of new people I have never seen a post from. This is such a good way to meet people and when you finally see them in person, you have some idea of what kind of person they are and the meeting is so comfortable , like meeting an old friend. Visiting here has been a life saver for me, many times, since I joined. Lonesome up there in NC. Hoping it picks up when the weird cold weather is gone and there is more to chat about.

Had a great time in this area with Diana (mtgal) and Carolyn, the newly retired. Visited the older towns, and old post office that is still in use. Walked through and old cemetery, some really old stones there, some totally unreadable. Had a great afternoon, so good to see Diana, met her in 2007, and this was our first meeting since then, so it was great. Carolyn, I saw last at GTG in Ark. in 2011. Great afternoon!!

Have a nice evening, stay warm,
CArol :) I agree with Ava, I don't put personal stuff on FB, I just read it for family items, I feel this forum is a more personal place if I have to vent, or whine about something, I got good at that this past year, ;) but if you need someone to understand whats happening in your world this is the place, because there are people who do care here. And Sandi, you did good posting those pictures, they are beautiful !!!
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:16 pm

I also hope this forum continues. We have a lot of experience to share with those women who are new to RVing. I know it was an invaluable resource for me when I first got started, and there is just nothing else quite like it.

And I also do not want to participate with forum members on Facebook. I am active on Facebook, but I limit it to a very small number of family and close friends, and really prefer to keep my family postings separate from my forum postings. Facebook is how I keep up with my kids, my cousins, my niece and nephews, and my close friends. (What my kids don't know, I'd like to keep that way!) I also keep strict privacy settings for stuff on Facebook because I do not want students looking me up. Those of you who are and were teachers, know what I am talking about.

I'm happy to see newcomers and old-timers coming back to post. For a while, I felt as if I was only participating with half the forum and missing the stuff that everyone else knew because it had been posted on Facebook.

I made up some "business" cards with my name, blog name and URL, and the link to this forum. I pass these cards out whenever I bump into a woman who hears what I am doing and says she wants to do that too some day. So many of them think they can't do this because of all the reasons (safety, too hard to hook up, can't drive big vehicle, too old) we have all heard. I think we need to be ambassadors to let women know what they CAN do. So, I will continue to participate and hope the rest of you continue as well.
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:12 pm

The trees in bloom are beautiful. Gives us hope that spring will be here soon. I need to prune my roses but keep forgetting when I could do it. Guess I need to put the shears out where I can't miss them.

I'm not a big fan of Facebook. I'm not going to post the things I will post on here. I feel like we get to know each other more on the forum. When you finally meet someone it feels like you have know them for a long time. I bought some forms to make business cards and I am going to put the forum information on them. I need to get my son to help me set them up.

I sure wanted to follow Diana and Carolyn to Florida but I need to get through with my eye business. I camp a few time a year with Carolyn because she only lives about 60 miles from me and I usually see Diana every year in Texas.

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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:59 pm

Martha, I thought of you....... :) Get everything done so you can keep up with that new retired lady......
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby judi » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:11 pm

I just listened to the weather report and wow it is so very cold in many areas. I feel badly for those of you who are freezing. Yes, spring will come and just imagine how happy you will be!

I have a FB account but I don't like posting where I am or where I will be, or too many details. And I love this forum.
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:16 pm

Sandi, those are beautiful pictures.

As to FB, I post all kinds of "junk" there that I would never bore you all with here lol
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby chalet05 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:59 pm

Yes, Beth, you and a lot of others post a lot of junk on FB! :lol: Quite frankly, that's one reason I think about quitting FB, but that is the way I keep up with so many family members and friends of days gone by. People have the right, obviously, to share whatever on FB, but sometimes I can't find the important personal posts amid all the junk. I have managed to stop 'shares' from many sites.

Sandi, the trees are beautiful! I'm so excited for the desert to start blooming.

BJ, I failed to mention how much I enjoyed seeing the Valentine your hubby made for you. Thank you for sharing!

Guess some of you in the cold could send some cold and snow to Washington State where the mountains have been pretty bare this year! Water rationing coming I'm sure and skiers are sure unhappy.

Today I went to a picnic in Yuma attended by people from my home county in Washington. 3 others from my high school class were there along with some 'upper' classmen. We laughed a lot!! Yes, I drove the SS to it. :) The guys had to look under the hood! I found it interesting when the one male classmate there, who I am friends with on FB but he never posts, started asking about my travels, etc. Obviously he follows!

Day is over. Have to place one Amazon order and then I think some TV is in order!
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:26 pm

Love the beautiful photos Sandi! Makes me feel like there is still hope for spring yet! (-5 below with -25 windchill).

I recently started posting on FB but avoid any personal information. Have reconnected with some old friends and coworkers on there, so that is fun! But I can get more personal on here and feel more comfortable sharing things. If it wasn't for this forum and the support I got, (and meeting Linda aka Bikerchic on here who I traveled with) I probably never would have made my 'dream move' to California.
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby longdog2 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:34 pm

I like both the forum and Facebook because they each have their own benefits. The forum is great because we can set up specific threads that are easy to follow. And some threads become like conversations between friends. It's also great to have a group where comments are limited to women. On the other hand, Facebook allows you to choose exactly who can see your posts. I think that newcomers and even those who have been on the forum for years tend to forget that ANYONE in the world can read whatever is posted on here. So when someone says they would say things on here that they would never say on Facebook, they need to really need to remember that. Newcomers tend to come in all excited and then drift off if they don't feel like they become part of the in group right away. And many women feel uncomfortable when friction hits the fan so posts drop off for a while. The same thing can happen on Facebook but there are so many more people and groups that you don't notice it as much. I guess it's all part of the cycle. One of the great things is that we can be part of both groups.
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Re: Another Chilly Wednesday

Postby MelissaD » Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:33 am

Thank you Sandi. Just got off work it's 3 degrees with a -17 wind chill. Drifting and blowing snow and an empty trailer one way. I swear, an empty trailer is like a sail that does not know where it wants to go. Pictures make me feel warmer. :lol:

Maybe I'm not alone but I always enjoy looking at the pictures. I may not always post a thank you unless something special catches my eye but I do appreciate someone sharing their adventures. So, while I'm not a bird person, I enjoy the scenery :D

FB is how I share pictures with family and I only add people I've meet in person. I also limit who can see what I post on FB. Lawyers also like that people post so much personal stuff on the internet.
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