Snowy Thursday

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Snowy Thursday

Postby Colliemom » Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:49 am

Good Morning,

Been awhile since I've posted anything about snow on here. But winter is back and we have a couple two, three inches out there. Moving out though. Winds coming in later this afternoon, so will haul the blower ut and then snuggle up with my jigsaw puzzle later. The arctic blast Barbie mentioned is coming in.

Light breakfast here this morning too. Sausage, cottage cheese and muffin.

Sarah, glad to see you are finally making your escape. Safe travels and good weather to you.

BJ, I too was chuckling at your post. Yep, definitely gonna have to get that pup out. Molly in her short month and a half with me, has a trip to the U.P. For a week under her paws, trips to one pet supply place, Tractor Supply and John Deere dealer, friends house, two trips to vets for puppy shots, etc, trip to groomers, couple of rides to town with me and numerous dog walks plus meeting a lot of people. So she's'so gaining confidence in herself and is getting ready to tacle the big new world out there. Also starting to look like 6:15 is gonna be wake up call whether I like it or not :lol:

Been dealing with a sinus headache since yesterday, so hoping it will go away today. Hate feeling crappy.

Well, not going to keep rambling about nothing here and be gone. Hope you all have a nice day :)
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby grammynmaggie » Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:26 am

Good morning Sue and are right puppies need to be socialized...I did that with Maggie we could go for a walk when she was only 8 weeks old I would have to carry her most of the are off for a day trip first to Wal Mart get my monthly meds then
spending day at Wickham park...see ya later...
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:44 am

Not so good a morning here
I was so looking forward to getting on the road today but now I'm dreading the drive as I got very little sleep last night. According to FitBit I slept less than 4 hours, was awake 7 times and restless 16 times with sleep score of less than 60% and I do feel it.
Loading the van then transferring everything to Magic took a tole on my back yesterday. Plus I was cold and had bad leg cramps off and on all night. Not a good way to start out. Still have a few things to put away before leaving and walk Nicky in light rain which moved in sooner than was forecast.
Really need to make it as far as Ozark, AL tonight but depending on how I feel and what time I actually get out of here, may have to stop in Montgomery instead. Play that by ear. Will check back in when I stop for the night.
Have a good day.
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby gingerK » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:20 am

Morning Ladies,

Was snowing here too, Sue just a bit ago. The skies darkened and I thought oh boy looks like a rainstorm! But it was snow instead.

Very true about getting puppies socalized, they really benefit from it even if they don't think so at first like Mitzi! I took Buddy to puppy obedience from an early age and he loved it. But then, Buddy has always loved everyone and everything he meets, even my mean ol' mare Cody! One day I was working in the barn and didn't close her stall door all the way. Looked up from what I was doing and there was Buddy standing UNDER her belly and Cody looking at him as if to say, "hey, what the heck are you doing there?" It was very fortunate that she had taken a liking to him or he'd have been toast! Cody usually runs any dog she sees out of the pasture.

Changing beds and washing sheets, blankets and quilts today is my job for the morning.

Looking forward to Saturday and eagle watching with Cheryl. Sure hope we get to see some! But I bet we'll have a good time anyhow.

Something interesting happened on Tuesday; one of my least favorite dog walking clients put her house up for sale. There was a sign planted in the front yard when I arrived to walk her dogs. I'm wondering if one day I'll show up and the garage door code will be changed because she will be gone! Knowing this lady, she'll expect me to follow her wherever she eventually ends up, like I'm her "staff", ha ha, not gonna happen! This particular lady has been a real pita from the get go. Communication has never been her strong suit.

Sue, hope your headache is better.

Sarah, please be careful and don't push yourself.

Donna, so glad you have a warm sunny day!

Breakfast was blueberry muffins and coffee here, there's tons left so help yourselves!

Take care all,
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:22 am

Cool but sunny morning here at Ortona Locks. This campground has all my personal preferences--open with long vistas and something to look at, cement pads with asphalt roadway so no dust or mud, large spaces, and cheap since it is a COE facility. Also nice that someone has put up a bunch of birdhouses so there is a lot of tweeting going on !! I am right next to the dam and locks so can run over if a boat goes into the locks on the other side of the dam. You are allowed to walk on the dam, and there are nice viewing benches over there. Oh, and almost no bugs because of cool weather!

I went to the Audabon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary yesterday and posted some photos on my blog. It is one of my favorite bird, plant, and animal viewing places but not many birds around yesterday. Still always worth the trip.

Thumb is still hurting but more at times an than others. Going to try to see my cousin's orthopedic doc next week.

Yesterday was a fun day so got work to do today.
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:42 am

Sarah, sometimes I feel like if I would just get everything loaded for a trip and only go 50 miles and spend the night it would get me on the road the next day earlier. No matter how much I feel like I have everything loaded it seems like I have to make 50 trips from the house to the rv. I think the leg cramps are from going up and down the steps so many times. I get them sometimes. Hope you feel better and make the great escape.

My cataract surgery went well. It's amazing how pain free it is. The thing that is bothering me the most is a broken blood vessel in my hand where they were trying to start an IV. It must be healing because it itches a lot.

Trying to make myself go to town and see about moving my son's trailer. I want to make sure they will let us move it before we go to the trouble of getting a site ready. If we do move it I'm going to put electric and sewer connections for an rv while we are doing it. That would be a good place to evacuate my motorhome to if we have a hurricane.

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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby gingerK » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:17 am

Martha, glad to hear your surgery went well.
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby judi » Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:39 pm

I always read this thread each morning but I'm usually too busy to post - I admit to lurking! This morning my dog Koka woke me at 6am, barking at some imagined threat. She rarely barks so I got up to see what was going on. There was a cat sitting on my picnic table but as soon as I tapped on the window it ran off. This is the first time I have stayed in an RV park for a month, and I'm getting restless! But it's 15 minutes from my daughter's house so it's easy to get there to help with the new baby and the two-year old. Despite having many kids I never had a C-section, and I didn't realize how difficult the recovery is.

It's 40 degrees here but sunny, and I'm going skiing - my very favorite thing to do.

I hope all of you with aches and pains feel better soon. I also get leg cramps some nights and it sucks. Feel good everyone and have a wonderful day! Those of you in nasty weather - keep warm and safe.
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby dayspring39 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:05 pm

It is morning... wow I have been up for hours and took an un planned nap already! cool here but snow is almost gone... Oh Sue I enjoy knowing what the weather is doing else where... it either brightens my day or makes me wish I were some place else... Yes puppies have their own schedule... but one day they wake up and know it is really yours that is important....

I thought I slept about 2 hours at a time last night then just now looked at fit bit and saw I had slept 4 hours in a row and got a total of 6 1/2... I will do that... and a nap of about an hour... must be sleeping better now that the pain is reduced... still having some but that is expected...

I hope that thumb is ok Judy... we need our thumbs! Kathy do you have a copy of your new card someplace or did I miss it... I was out of it when reading and my mind ran your and Sarahs post together in my mind! Do hope you get a few miles behind you Sarah... glad for your treck south... I have a mattress pad warmer on my bed and that helps so much...

My daughter made me so much food for so many days... there are two or more dinners in freezer... she made broccoli soup that lasted two meals... 4 mini ham sandwiches... home made chocolate chip cookies she made them here... What a blessing she has been... at least she did not have to stay over night... that is what the surgery center said but I was fine so off she went to home in the evening...

Kelsie came yesterday... she went and got my poor Shadow a bag of food... he had enough for a couple of days left but I don't like it to get that low... I simply did not feel like going... she changed my bed and washed my sheets... have two loads to fold this morning... that is a breeze... she does a nice job... and I was glad she did not have a headache this week...

Oh Barbie I am also so very proud of you too... it is hard to dig out of a rut once we get there... but nothing feels as good as debt free... like a breath of fresh air!!

Have a great relaxing day everyone... or a busy driving day or skiing day or a baby rocking day or what ever you have in front of you...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:31 pm

Thanks for the good travel wishes. I did make it to Ozark around 5:00 PM. Had to turn A/C on last 35 miles to stay awake. Other than a strong wind all day, the weather turned out to be very nice. Rain stopped about the time I left this morning and sun was out most of the day.
Will not be quite as cold here tonight so maybe that will help my sleep. Hopefully no more night cramps tho my back is very stiff.

Glad to know your surgery went well, Martha and that you are feeling better, Kathleen.

Think I'm just going to play on computer a while and try going to bed early.
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:47 pm

Sarah, So glad you are stopped safely. And on your way to warm temps!

I'm the idiot who elected to head to a job today with cooler/cold temps lol
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Re: Snowy Thursday

Postby gingerK » Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:57 am

Sarah so glad to see you made it ok on your first leg of your journey south. Hope you had a good night last night. BTW, one more post from you and you'll reach 4000!
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