Monday snowday?

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Monday snowday?

Postby carolb » Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:57 am

G'morning all :)

According to news, it's hit! Hope all our northern family is keeping warm & safe! We're still to have a couple nice days here in central NY before it hits us, so I will definitely enjoy them. Maybe get the last of the leaves off the grass! Tomorrow to be 60deg!

Guess I haven't had enough coffee this a.m.--my mind is blank :? Just wishing y'all a great day & be safe & HEALTHY wherever you are 8-)
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby Carolinagal » Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:03 am

Good Morning !!! Its the Marine Corp birthday today, 239 years !! Tomorrow we celebrate Veterans day !!! my DD and one son Marines, another son air force and now a grandson Army, in case you're wondering why I mention and celebrate these days. To all Military and I know we have lots in our group "Thank you for your Service " !!!

Cooler here today, Fl doesn't expect a real artic blast but we will have much cooler weather here then is usual. Its Monday, so same ole same ole, but it is the last week of drops, which I am so sick of :D

Its so hard to believe Thanksgiving is almost here, anymore it seems, I celebrate New Years and then here's Thanksgiving :lol: :lol: My mother always said the older she got the faster the years went. I didn't see how they could at that time, but I have proof now :lol:

Stay warm, safe, and all take care in this expected weather . Those in hard hit areas, check in when you can, we will all be wondering about you,

Wishing you all a good day,
CArol :)
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:47 am

Good morning gals!
Windy, snowy, icy here. The storm shifted slightly north so we won't get the foot of snow here, but just north of here they will. However, we got ice first and then about 2 inches of snow on top so far. I can't understand why they didn't put down any chemicals on the roads! The roads are all ice covered now with snow on top. Tons of accidents all over. The chemicals would melt that ice and keep the roads just wet.
Glad I am home for the day!

Hope others in the path of this storm stay safe too.

Otherwise, nothing else new here. Think I will go back to bed for awhile...

PS> Velda, looks like your son will be getting the brunt of this storm instead of here. He will get good use of that John Deere!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby Othersharon » Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:54 am

Good morning! Carolb, today may be the day to get the last of those pesky leaves off the yard! My friend and I went out yesterday and cleared the leaves off the porch and the front part of mine driveway. So now I have 6 more bags of leaves to get rid of! That's on top of the 9 or 10 bags in back! I may need to borrow SiL's pick up to haul them to the project. That or put as many as I can in the back of the car and make several trips! Part of the problem is having someone here and I'd rather "run" then stay home and work! They are saying our weather will be changing by about mid week and we will probably need to stay closer to home! CArol, I know what you mean about how fast time goes as we get older! It seems to be a fact! :lol: I have the weather on now and they showed pictures of Mt Rushmore and I had to wonder how Beth is and what she's dealing with! Not to mention the MN and MI gals! Not wanting to brag about the nice day here today cause it'll come back to bite me in a few days!

Need to get another cup of coffee, there's plenty if you want a cup and decide what we are going to do today. Still hating this time change when it gets dark so early, makes a difference of where and how far to roam for sightseeing! Take care, stay warm and travel safe.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby Irmi » Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:10 am

Good morning everyone!

Carolb, so glad you're still having some decent weather before you leave for you trip. CArol, how exciting that this is the last week of the drops! Will you, Donna & the Maggie's be having a GTG at some point? I hope so! Barbie, I've heard that if the temperatures are too cold, treating the roads before a storm won't help. Not sure if that could be the case in your area. Enjoy the day off. I neglected to mention yesterday that I think it's great that Kathleen will be having an early Thanksgiving with visitors stopping by. Beth, I'm hoping you're on the mend and that the roads will be clear for your trip to warmer weather. Anita, your travels always sound so exciting. To others on the road or still at work, take care.

We're going to try a barbecue restaurant today for a late lunch. The weather will be nice here in NC for a few more days before the cold temperatures hit us later in the week. The campground is emptying out this morning as others are continuing their trip south. This is a Passport park on 301 and is very convenient for those traveling north or south on 95. Have a good day everyone!
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby Bethers » Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:18 am

Snowing here but the amount we're to get seems to be lowered. I'll let you know when it ends lol. That said, I don't mind the snow as much as the continually dropping temps. It was 28 degrees around 10 pm. 19 at 8 this morning with "real feel" considerably less and temps will continue dropping all day. Should hit zero or below for tomorrow morning.

I'm feeling better but took today off anyway. Tomorrow I'm scheduled off. Hopefully I'll get this whole thing out of my system. Back to work Wednesday for 5 days and out of here.

Stay safe and warm wherever you are. Time for me to bundle up and take Peaches out. Way past time according to the looks she's giving me.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby ryegal » Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:15 am

Good morning all , OK I will not complain about our weather as 60 above is better than 9 degrees Beth are you going south? I hope it is a good day for all. I'm trying to post more often.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby avalen » Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:46 am

good morning ladies
61 right now and suppose to get up to 81, I'll take that over snow any day. My poor old bones don't handle the cold anymore.
I was up an hour early this morning, did a few little tidy chores and then it was off to work. Home on break now, will get a
nap and then do a few more tidy up chores and call it good. Filled up one of the propane bottles over the weekend and I
plan on using my oven more this year, trying to see if I can get back in the swing of cooking. Microwave is just too easy but
think I'm also spending too much money on the frozen dinners. Took Scout in to get his toenails trimmed the other day, will take Maggie next weekend. She's the one that needs it bad but I wasn't in the mood to take them both. She will enjoy a little
one on one time with me.
Nothing else on my mind right now, breakfast was a blueberry bagel, and of course the coffee...always. Ya'll have a great
day, be safe and hope you don't get snowed in.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:01 pm

Good Morning busy ladies! will be 60 or so here today... it has to be the last warm up before the arctic blast... Need to move around today as yesterday was a complete loss...
I made such a mess fixing dinner on Sat... finally unloaded the dish washer and put more in for another day... Oatmeal is in my stomach and yes I took another cup of that coffee you offered oSharon... leaves are all over my yard... the young people from Eastview Christian Church should come and rake for me... they offered so I am on their list...
Have not heard from Tim so he must be doing fine...
Oh CArol I know how pleased you are to stop the med drops... my doctor said use tears twice or more times a day as my eyes get very dry...
Hope you are on top of this bug soon Beth... also thinking of Sue... she should be on top of the world by now... blowing snow out of her driveway... burrrrr to the north...
My friend that is for lack of a better word dying from cancer has donated his home to be sold and used for the Northcountry Trail organization... that is awesome... if he is still here he wants me to take him to the UP so he can walk a bit of the trail that he loves so much... they are using his dog Trail's picture on their requests for donations... he is so pleased... I hope he is finding peace in these last days... we chat several hours a day on Facebook...
Beth how are your two friends doing... it is so hard to be far away from those we care about...
and a bright note... have a super super super day everyone within the sound of my voice...hugs to all
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby JudyJB » Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:33 pm

Taking a break from a rough drive through Texas. Strong winds from the south so keeping speed lower than usual. Warm and sunny at least. Tonight in Dallas and then Vicksburg MS by Wednesday.

Think I am getting sore throat so I took some Zycam. Hate the taste but it usually helps.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby dpf » Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:02 pm

Bethers wrote:I'm feeling better but took today off anyway. Tomorrow I'm scheduled off. Hopefully I'll get this whole thing out of my system. Back to work Wednesday for 5 days and out of here.

Morning! 27* very misty and windy. Roads are probably going to start getting slick. But we're in better shape than the northern part of the state. I took the day off to give myself a four-day weekend....crappy day to have off but I already have a 12 qt pot of vegetable beef soup brewing on the stove and bread machine is mixing up some dough for buns. Made a big batch of refried beans yesterday and have to get those sacked up and in the freezer. Going to get some bean soup started later. Time to start getting some quick meals in the freezer since we eat supper earlier now that Dennis is done with field work and it gets dark at 5:30.

Beth...Head South young woman...Head South! As much as I would love to have you stop for a night I understand that you need to get your hinder on the move. :( The forecast for next week is in the 20's too. Stopping here would mean you'd only been on the road for about three hours. I'm just happy you're in the building and not toughing this weather out in the campground.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby dpf » Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:04 pm

WTH....sorry about the three posts. Don't know how that happened.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby Bethers » Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:18 pm

I deleted two of your posts, Pat :) ... and much as I'd like to stop by you - well, unfortunately, we'll have to wait till next year to get together again.

It was 19 degrees when I got up - it's 18 now - real feel is -3. brrrr. The wind is blowing the snow, so there are some pretty big drifts, then areas almost clear.

Do you think Peaches likes it?



So those of you out east, enjoy the balmy weather while you have it!

After coming in from taking her out this morning, I've spent the last couple hours re-routing myself when I leave next week. Boondocking will be out as they aren't showing temps even to get back to freezing - for 500 miles south! So, I'll be laying out some money and still traveling about 400 miles the first day! Not my preferred method, but necessary this time around.
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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:21 pm

Got called in to work a couple hours ago since one of the girls didn't think she could make it in. Of course, when I got there, no more customers. Shoveled the sidewalk, which turned out not to be a good idea since I shoveled the snow and left the ice underneath :roll: . No salt to put down. Then the other stylist showed up so I was sent home, after only 25 minutes there. The manager gave me $10 cash for coming in anyways (plus my hourly salary which won't amount to much).
Stopped at the library on the way home, so now have plenty of books to keep me busy for awhile.

The temps here are in the upper 20's/low 30's so no reason not to use salt/chemicals on the roads. They only stop working if it gets below 10 degrees or so. Looks like they did put some sand down just recently. It was sleeting on the way to work and snowing on the way back. Gonna keep snowing until tomorrow sometime but not nearly as much as was predicted. So far, only a couple inches here, but the winds are blowing it around pretty good.

Will just hunker down here for the rest of the day.

Beth, looks like Peaches is loving the snow! :lol:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Monday snowday?

Postby chalet05 » Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:14 pm

Good Afternoon from Salome, Arizona!

First, I have to say to Irmi how jealous I am that you are having barbecue in N.C. That's my favorite - particularly Lexington style!

You ladies in the cold and snow, be careful and stay safe! Glad Peaches is happy!! Kathleen, I read your post wrong this morning - thought you ruined the dinner instead of just making a mess cooking it! oops.

On my first run at the casino yesterday, I made enough to pay for the lunch buffet! I have been tired of oatmeal the past few mornings, so I was so happy to see they still had some breakfast items out - yum! How nice to be able to just get 1/2 slice of french toast! Then I went back to the slots and made a very small donation since I was spending the night in their parking lot. :)

Had a lovely drive here and stopped at storage on the way. That is such an ugly job - dirt, bugs, etc., but things were well covered with a tarp. So far I can't find my long johns!!

Okay, tablet keeps quitting on me as I type!
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