Hello, I've had error issues too, wanted to let you all know all surgeries are over and successful. Have a pressure issue but cleared up on first eye and will this one too in time. Have meds for it. Two more visits and finish the drops I see the end !!! Oh happy day. Like my daughter said you're almost to your independence again , Mom !!
As the day goes on my sight seems better, if I could have gotten on the forum first thing this morning, I really couldn't see to read, so couldnt have written a thing anyway. That was scary but by the time I saw Dr this morning, it had cleared a lot and he said everything was good. It's amazing what your mind can do over certain situations isn't it ??
my big news and these days that's about all the news I have. Have several days of news here to try to catch up on as I have not been able to read .
I shall be back , and one day I might really have something to write about