In 1973 I was married with one child and expecting when my family in Wy was in an auto accident
so we took a trip out from Iowa...after the funeral my husband went back to Iowa this was in Nov early Dec..not sure
which that he left to go home...I was there to help in what ever way I could mom was in the hospital 2 brothers at home
and a sister in the hospital...stayed until the dr said that either I needed to plan on having the baby in Jackson or return home
soon!!! She was due in April...had a friend who was willing to take us home don't remember the circumstances but then it feel through
We my eldest dd who was all of 3 at the time and I took amtrac back to Iowa not sure what station but frankly with a 3 year old and being so very
pregnant I shut us up in a berth and didn't see a heck of a lot of anything!!!
I sure wish I had...
Something I think I'd the few times I've gotten to take a scenic ride I'd enjoyed it