So sorry to hear about this Kathleen.... Check out the dear Miss mermaid blog She just did a roof repair Inexpensively..... Covered the whole roof with interabond(sp) They make a size wider that fits on a roof... She couldn't could aford all the work they wanted to do either..... It is an older motor home Class C so go check it out and maybe speak with her about it... don't give up there's always a way
Kathleen, I sure don't like hearing this. Please don't take one estimate and from a dealer, no way !!!! don't you have a handyman in that town ?? I'm sure hoping something can be worked out . I'll be hoping !,
I have tried to contact DearMissMermaid on here and also by e-mail to talk to her about her roof... is anyone in contact with her? if so please tell her I would like her to call me if she can... thanks
Kathleen or Kathy
Use today wisely it's all you have; yesterday is a memory; tomorrow a dream... KLW[/b][/color]
I am so sorry to read this! I agree with all the others and urge you to get 2, 3 or more estimates and ideas for fixing. Try to find someone who can think outside the box - not a traditional repair, perhaps. Lots of encouragement here - take it to heart. Good luck!