Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:26 am


Good Morning..It's Tuesday and Yes a New Beginning.... First off the Buzz.. I want to say "Thank You" to Beth for putting this site to gether in a Minutes Notice...This was never a planned act but wow..when Beth is on the Move the rest is History !! That's all I have to say about that...End of topic and the Past..Now on to the Positive Future..

For me.. it's also a good feeling cause I know everyone is gonna feel relaxed and enjoy their mornings with my good Coffee and fun findings.. I almost feel like Hedda Hopper..uh oh that's dating me... LOL As we grow there'll be some great stories to tell and also I'm going to do my best to put up some great art work.. (Well I'd like to think so ) but in doing so I must tell you all this... This art work is merely for you pleasure to accent this column.. It must not be copied as it is not to be shared... It is copyright material..Some of which I bought and some of which I'm allowed to present too you..
You will see my license numbers on some..those are which I own the rights too.. and others will have the Artist name as well as their web address but they are not hyper links to click on.. but if these Artist to my knowledge do Nudes on their sites I have permission by them (the Artist) not to use their web saying all that.. there is no copying with out written permission ...... phew ok that part is over with..

Now on to what's on the Forum...

All the people ...:) Yes, all you gals joining... I'm so happy to be able to get to share my morning table with you..and get to gossip all the goodies.... So being this is new..I have to learn my way around too..but look out.. cause there is gonna be more that is coming your way..

Ecel... We want to say..."Can't wait for you to come back.". See you haven't left yet but know you are going on your trip. When you can keep us posted..and remember .. Pictures if ya can...cause we're gonna be one heck of a bunch of nosy Gals.

Liz..We are looking forward to you telling and showing us about your trip to Alaska.. most definitely is a breath taking site to see...Wow.. I hear a caravan is in the making..... buzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Pets..yeppers they haven't been left out... Beth, Cedar, Ava, Paulette and yours truly have posted some pictures of our fur babies.. and still more to come...can't wait to see all yours being added

Rigs.. Yes evn our rigs will get a spot like... Uhmmmm Paulette..witty bitty picture for a Big Name LOL check it out folks..

Ava.. withdrawls.. I think we've all been there.. isn't it awful... I mean to think..Life with out a computer.. LOL

Recipes...well you know we'll have some good ones.. I'll be posting them next week when I get back from the GT in Pa..
but it don't stop any of you... So be my guest...:)

OK.. now that's about all I can get too..but tomorrow is another day.. and you know as sure as shootin' more gossip on the way....So my table is set the cups are out and Coffee is perking..Gawd the aroma is haunting.. and I'm ready to hear them cups click.....

May your Adventures be Great Ones..Your Journey be Safe too....and always remember.. there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it doesn't have to be a Train !!!

God Bless You All....

Barbzeee and Crew.....

PS .. Spell check works here too :) Hey Echo... I'm waiting for ya !

Last edited by Barbzeee on Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Gentleladybear » Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:16 am

Just popped in to share my cuppa before heading out to work. Always like to see what is happening before my day begins. Now hand the jar of honey, need some on my waffle and get on with the gossip!!!!
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Echo » Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:26 am

Now my morning is the way it should be!!!
Yep I have my mug in my fist and have it raised in salute to all of you gals. But especially to Beth for creating this forum. Dang it was fast work. Remind me that when Beth gets busy on an idea or project to NOT get in her way! Whew! Probably get my slow, tired old butt run over. I'd never even know what it was that went flying over top of me, tumbling me butt over heels from the whirlwind.
Spent as much of the evening as I had reading the postings. Kinda feels like home! I think this is gonna be a great place. And I'm sure it will grow by leaps and bounds.
Actually got out of work at 5pm, seemed really good to get out like that. But instead of coming straight home Kelly and I went to WalMart and got our hair cut. We found a good beautician over there. Tell her what ya want and she actually give ya what ya want!! I've even had to tell her to cut more off and go shorter!!! Now how that for a shocker? I'm sure we've all went to get a trim or cut and had way more cut off than we wanted. I was very impressed with my first visit and cut. And Kelly was too so she decided to give the woman a try. LOL Now she has 2 customers and one of them feels comfortable enough that she closes her eyes and catches a mini doze! :o And of course we just had to wander thru WalMart to do a little shopping. That place and grocery stores are a menace to my pocket!
Ok I need to get my butt in gear and start getting it around for work. Blech!!
Ya'll have a great day and be safe!!!!
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:58 am

Clink, Clink,..... here's Cedar and her coffee mug arriving for the morning "catch up" session! And is sure is good to be greeted by Barbzeee and her cheery message! OK,... now my day can start! Zeee,.. I'll try to not give you anything toooooo juicy to gossip about,.. heeheee....... :lol:

Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby JanJer » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:40 am

YAWWWWWWWN....Good morning girls....I am here but not awake yet. Your coffe smells good, I love the smell but not the taste, I will crack open a Pepsi soon for my caffine fix. Hope all have a good day.

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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:40 am

I'm Micki & I just joined. I wanted to wish you all a "Good Morning" as I drink my 2nd cup. You don't want me on here before that, let me tell ya! :) I'm looking forward to getting to know you better & I love the morning coffee break! Something you know will be here in the AM. Just like my coffee. 2 things I don't run out off. Coffee & dogfood!!
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Paulette » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:55 am

Good morning Barb and crew! Great to be here. I'm a little late getting here this morning...overslept even! But, I'm raising my cuppa tea to toast our hostests (both Zeee and Bethers)! Salute.

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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Marslet » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:57 am

Good Morning to you too Barbz,
Glad to see you up and running this morning. Raising my cup of decaf to you and wishing you a great day. Raising my second cup up to Beth for getting this forum up and going. This is gonna be someplace we can feel that we are coming home to.


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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Liz » Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:24 am

Good morning everybody!

I can’t believe I just lost my whole post when I pushed the submit button. One of these days I’ll learn to copy what I wrote, so if that happens, I can just paste it in a new one. I’ll try to recreate what I wrote..

I make myself do a little work before I get on the computer, hence the lateness of this post. Today I worked in my RV to get it ready to go to the shop for some minor maintenance today. (At least I HOPE it’s minor maintenance; these things tend to grow.) I need to have the fresh water fill hose replaced, the one that goes from the rear door frame to the fresh water tank. I use it for a quick fill with the hose without having to hook up. I also need to find out why the black water tank valve is leaking a little. Hopefully it just needs a good flush and lube, but we’ll see. I don’t have any place to dump my tanks at home, so can’t really work on it here, but want to get the problem solved before I set out for New England in August. Anyway, puttering in the RV brought forth that yearning to get on the road again, yep.

Ok, my flying fingers just caused this post to disappear again before I finished, so this time I’m writing it in WORD and pasting to the forum when I’m done. Learned my lesson, I did.

Sometime today I’ll finish editing and post the next leg of my Alaska adventures: scenic cruising in College Fjord and Glacier Bay NP. So look for that.

Before I do that though, I’m gonna make myself work out for at least 30 minutes. I’m still trying to lose the pounds I gained from eating all that pretty gourmet food!

Now I too raise my cup in our mutual toast to Bethers for the fantastic job she did setting up this friendly forum. Don’t you just love the way she organized the topics? It’ll be so easy now to find and follow a thread. Thanks, Beth!
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:31 am

Its 9:30am here in Douglas. I've walked the dogs and am sitting down with my second cup of coffee. Its so good to start my day with Barbzeee's morning post. My thanks to Beth, too, for setting up this forum and so quickly. Get out of that woman's way when she's on a mission. I'm off work for the next four days and will get back to painting my cupboards. Am beginning to feel like I'm NEVER going to get it done. Tomorrow morning I'm going to take my bike down to the river and go riding (if it not too hot too early). There's a great paved riding path along the river that goes for miles and the most important thing is that its LEVEL! Again, good morning to all ya'll.
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Bethers » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:55 am

I guess Peaches is unhappy with me for the time workamping then on the computer to get this up - she actually peed on our BED yesterday and again this morning. This is new and cannot be accepted, but I now have both my sets of sheets to be laundered, I put a thick blanket down last night in place of the mattress pad - so oh my - I'll have all the washers full just with bedding tonight when I'm off work and can get to it.

I guess I have to figure out just what caused this, but the only two times she ever did it before was stress - when I had too many people in the rig she didn't know and remember, she is still quite nervous around strangers - I don't think she could control that one at all - she was in the corner of the bed trying to get away from everyone and it just came out. The other time was the night Tips left us. She kept looking for him - and I'm sure that was it. So, I will make sure she gets all the potty breaks she needs - that's for sure.

I was late to work this morning - what with the wet bed last night. My break is now longer than it should be with the wet break this morning - and I just had to come in here and see what's going on! No time to read all the posts, but will catch up on those when I'm off for the day.

Thank you - all of you - who are here and posting- and let's watch this place grow - as we continue to renew our friendships and welcome new people to the fold. Micki, I'm very happy to see you with us - and can't wait to learn more about you :)
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Excel » Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:43 pm

Good Morning all... :D Started packing the food in the RV frig & the last minute stuff...leaving in the AM tomorrow & don't know about wi-fi on the road. Anyhow, have my coffee in hand & sooooo glad to share in Barbzee's coffee time. Feels great to see things back the way they're supposed to be!!
Having trouble with this website & my computer & Beth is trying to find the glitch...sometimes I can get in & sometimes I can't, but I'm not giving up!! ;)
I gotta finish packing up the BF, so you ladies have a wonderful day, enjoy every minute!!!
And should I have trouble trying to get back on later...just want everyone to know...take care of this place while I'm gone...I'll be thinking good thoughts...

Safe & happy travels to all
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Re: Good Morning It's Tuesday and a New Beginning !

Postby Mtntophoundz » Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:16 pm

Here I am, better late than never! I have missed your morning posts so much Zeee, its my favorite way to start the morning. I don't know what I am going to do when school starts back in a couple of weeks. I may be up and out before you get here. I guess I will figure something out. lol Well, I have to run to town. Then its back home so I can catch up with the forum! Take care all!!!

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