Islandmomma, the group I ran with in Tucson, had two Nancy's - so cuz my hobby is birding, I got that, the other one is "Red" cuz she is redheaded. The backing up is tough but a no-brainer. Tough to do. No brainer cuz no backup = no utilities and people will run u ovr. i.e. ain't got no choice. Besides in my career I worked, for, with and thru men - I learned if they can do it...I can do it, and usually do! Joking aside, it was a situation if I wanted to do this (turtle travel), I had to learn how to herd the system down the road, park it, feed it, empty it and all the other 'it' stuff. And Echo, it is small, but it is less room to clean up....
Sparkle, I already love your style, girl! I have had makeup and good clothes on 3 times since I retired. And wonder if I don't get cleaned up Thursday for the Doctor will she not take me on as a patient? I have given away bunches of my 'good clothes' (suits and dresses) and kept the better ones (the jeans and t-shirts). I don't miss 'having" to get up at 4:30 to go slave. I love getting up at 5:00 and lounging on the beach with a cup of Joe. I will see about having a vet psych at the beach for 'thumper'!
I can boondock but prefer to not do that, so I'll look for at least elec and water. Expect to see yall down there on the edge and looks like it may be either Monday or Tuesday.
Birdie will be pulling Birdie's Egg