I met a fellow today who was telling me about wintering at Imperial Dam. He made it sound like fun. Does anyone here know anything about it?
On Edit: Would ya look at me. I'm picking up the lingo! I typed BLM LTVA without a second thought.
sharon wrote:I've never been there but I know 2 ladies that have wintered there and they loved it. That's the extent of my knowledge, but if you want to learn more I'll be happy to ask Donna if I can send you her phone number. She's a sweet lady and would be more than happy to pass on info.
sharon wrote:Just let me know. If you're planning on going there for the winter make sure you come to Quartszite and camp with us the last 2 weeks in January for the rv show. I'll be there and possibly Lyn...if I didn't scare her to bad in the RZR last year! Loads of fun.
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