Hey Ladies!
Well it's been a long few weeks since I posted. Thanks to all for the great responses we got earlier.
We lost another part of the family a couple weeks ago, our beautiful "Big" dog. He was a thirteen year old Lab. Losing two in as many months has been very difficult. But the circle of life goes on.
Well, we did it. Susan and I found the perfect TH! (we think) We found a 2014 Keystone Fuzion in MI for a price we could not pass up. You know, closing out 2014s for 15s. Its now taking up my driveway. We are going to read, read, read, about weights, trucks and so on. The house is going on the market in about three weeks and after it sells, we get the perfect truck. Since it will be late in the year by the time we sell the house and get the truck, we may stay close to home base through the holidays and learn how to drive, park and STOP this 37.7 ' TH.
Then the plan is to take off to a beach to begin with, then go where the wind takes us.
We love this TH. The garage will provide lots of room for crafting and bed space for visitors and our four legged family members. We have a very cute and very spoiled " Little" dog and a terrier that needs constant attention now that she has lost her brother and sister. The other four legs belong to "Boss" the cat. He is a cranky 17 year old gray cat and lives to eat and sleep.
Just thought I would give you an update. We will hopefully post pretty regular as we make further progress. Happy Rving!