Busy Thursday

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Busy Thursday

Postby Colliemom » Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:56 am

Good Morning everyone,

Must be sleep in day today. It's almost 8 a.m. here in MI and nobody's up yet it seems. Well, I had my cereal and strawberries, so you are on your own for breakfast. I have things to do this morning, so will be heading outside shortly.

Taking my TT over to dealers to get a new fix on my awning arm that I kind of just bumped against a tree backing into a campsite. Just enough to break off the bracket that holds it to the trailer. So they are going to do a repair for me this afternoon. Oh the joys of RVing :lol: So am going to go clean the inside after the trip and get it ready for another one while the weather is still cool. Warm up headed this way with some humid weather it seems, for first part of next week, yuck. Other than that, nothing new here. Grass is cut, house will get cleaned later on here, friend Brenda is leaving for home on Saturday from her week long camping trip over to Otsego State Park here. Same old, same old.

So, wishing you all a wonderful day and if you are heading out on the road, drive safe. Liz, have a good trip heading east. Sorry to read about your sister's mishap.
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby grammynmaggie » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:06 am

Good morning sue and all... Posting from my phone please excuse typos and auto checks..
The rain has finally stopped for a few days after many days of much rain and flooding
Doing laundry to hang out as I don't have a dryer here in PA... Going to work on
More painting in the kitchen this morning.. Later we'll walk downtown and pay my taxes ...
oh yay.... Planning a yard sale not this Saturday but the following Saturday... Slowly but surely
Getting things accomplished.... Well I better get busy..
Have a fun day and stay safe..donna
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby BayouLady » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:20 am

Good morning Sue, Sassy, Donna and all to yet wipe the sleep off their eyes!
Did managed together most of the back cut yesterday, but more rain expected today.

Sue, you gotta be careful around bad trees, they will reach out and get you, haven't you seen Wizard of Oz? Hope they get it all fixed up fairly quickly so you can get everything done.

Donna, yard sales are a lot of work, hope it's worth it after it's done. My experience, I would rather donate then deal with the squabble.

It's approaching end of the month and work is a little crazy trying to make numbers, I don't envy the salespeople. My place is running the reports and I'm not responsible for the numbers.

Have a productive day and hopefully enjoy some sunshine.
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:03 am

Good Morning
Finishing coffee before packing up to head home.
It was great to see Mitch again. I actually got another picture of her yesterday (posted in gtg section last night).
Now that I've seen the Vegas RV, have some homework to do. Work up a pro/con list and see if I can figure out what I might be able to get for Magic should I decide to get another RV. Funny, when I bought Magic, figured she would be my one and only RV. Can't believe I'm even considering another one after just two years.
Have been pleased with new hearing aids so far. Think they may only need some minor adjustments when I go in for follow-up appointment.
I have also been happy with the Fitbit One device that I got about 3 weeks ago. It is more than just a pedometer but that function alone is helping keep me motivated to move more as it presents statistics on movement. Having the data where you can see it on computer screen daily seems to be helping with encouragement to get numbers up.
Need to get moving I guess. Things are not going to pack themselves up and Nicky nor I have eaten yet.
Have a great day.
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby grammynmaggie » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:22 am

Second post today.. just wanted to tell Bonnie... I've had more yard sales
in the last 6 years than any 100 people should have in a lifetime... that is how I have gotten rid of all my stuff from my store. and my home... that and doing the flea market... and let me tell you I've had it.... this is the last summer of yard sales for me....
And Sara don't feel bad I've only had my RV two years and I would like a different one...
Lol Are we ever happy That's what we have...lol... makes me wonder!!
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby avalen » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:32 am

Good morning :D
thats all I got
Ya'll have a great day, be safe and enjoy your travels
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:42 am

I traded my first RV after only two years also. I took a money hit but shook off the $ pain and the Short Bus satisfied me for 7 years and 80,000 miles so I must have made a good upgrade at that time. I think it is very difficult, no matter how much research you do, to figure out what the best unit is to meet individual needs until you have been traveling and out and about for awhile. A good imagination is a wonderful tool to try and figure out what you want/need (can afford :? ) but experience is the test. No matter how carefully you go through check list there are usually something that gets your attention that you hadn't thought about until you did! Another discovery is how our wants/needs change over time. Listen to the stories. Folks trade to larger units, some trade for smaller units....MH to TT to 5th wheels.....us humans are an interesting lot! :lol: There is no right answer to these questions, we just do it!
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:55 am

Forgot to tell my friend's story. Her mother moved into assisted living but after wandering away in one of this past winter's icy snow storms she found her way into the memory unit and my friend and her family set about getting the house ready to sell. A couple of weeks ago they held an estate sale (giant yard sale.) Both her kids came into town to help. The house and all three bedrooms was full of stuff that the family had no reason to keep. The sale started at 9 am and at 9:15 a gentleman stopped by, walked through the house and made an offer for everything. She accepted and he came back at 3 pm with his truck and loaded everything up and it was done. The house had already sold the week before and the closing was the next week. We both admitted that that was the way to do it! :)
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby dayspring39 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:07 am

Good Morning from very warm humid Normal!! Oatmeal and raisins and coffee finished here... Carolb had to go back to the make shift coffee maker again!! Keurig is not working again... will try vinegar again...
Kelsie came and cleaned yesterday and we got the storage bins from under my bed... I wanted to take the 5" boosts from the legs of the bed but she suggested that maybe if one of the bins was left out a ways maybe Shadow could get down easier... he seems to hesitate when getting down from the bed so I am wondering if it is hard on him... so far he is avoiding the solution!! She had an hour left so we went to Krogers to get a few things like fresh fruit, corn which turned out to be a bit tough, lettuce tomatoes milk bread a small water melon and a greek yogurt... have never liked yogurt but am going to try a little at a time... all in all it was very good to get things I could eat... I slept much better last night...
Oh Sarah what a surprise that you are thinking about a new MH... very excited for you!! oh my pull for the black water is under the MH on the opposite side and ever so hard to reach... have to stand on your head to get to it...
I wrote a note to my daughter in law and told her all I could do was pray for them... end of story!!
Carol sure hope the water is on again... it must have been an emergency for them to not notify people... good that there is a pool for cooling off and keeping the kids busy... they have so much energy!
Sue hope the fix is easy on the tt...
Everyone have a great day...
Me and My Shadow

WOW Tina that was a once in a life time happening with that sale!
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby Carolinagal » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:29 am

Good Morning !!! And hopefully this one will be. Let me tell you a good one, they were NOT working on water yesterday, a guy messed up and turned water off by MISTAKE. It was turned back on about an hour ago, been fun , you know it, RIGHT ??? By late evening I was wondering, and was to late for DD to even call by the time she heard about it. ( She was in court all day, can't talk to her on those days ). So, all the stuff and more that I should and would have done yesterday is waiting this morning. And I am so out of the mood to do anything.

Beautiful day outside, great morning to be on the road sightseeing and movin' on to somewhere !!

Wishing you all a Super day, if possible take a few minutes just for yourself and enjoy,

Stay Safe All,
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:36 am

Slept in this morning and then went out and finally unloaded my Jeep of all my camping stuff. :roll: Heading off to work later on. Still have a few things to get at my old apartment. Some stuff I am giving to Steve, and Coco's cage is there yet that his owner still needs to pick up. My bike and car top carrier are there yet too. May have to bring those to my dad's for now until I get a garage stall here. Also have to clean the bathroom and kitchen yet before Monday (end of month). Will be glad to finally be done with that place! Haven't had time to unpack here yet! :shock:

I had a garage sale back in California. My neighbor joined me and put some of her stuff in there. Nothing much happened all day, so she took her stuff home. About 1/2 hour later, a guy shows up and offers to buy everything in the garage because his wife was opening a new thrift store and needed stuff to get started. Sold the whole thing for a decent price! My neighbor was so bummed when she found out!

They are still predicting storms around here but so far sunshine, altho getting hot and humid now which could trigger storms later on.

Hope you all have a great day! :D
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby chalet05 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:02 pm

Good Morning!
So far we have clouds in Fairbanks and the forecast is looking better! I'm enjoying a slow morning of not having to be up and ready to roll!

I have a story to tell thinking the more I tell it, the more I'll come to grips with it:

Not having Internet is hard to get used to, but it was really hard when hospice was being called on for my favorite cousin. She is nearing 80 and we only got to know each other face to face 9 years ago. She broke her hip, had surgery and then had some good days and some bad. Combative, wouldn't eat, etc. Family had seen her on both the good and bad, but they went back to their homes when things were looking good. She was being moved to a rehab center in the building where she lived. Her hubby of nearly 2 years had bought into this complex several years ago.

She is moved and then the husband announces hospice is being called in and she is 'on death's door'. Arrangements begin and it is a few days before the family, those that have been there and some that haven't, get back to her. They show up and are appalled. This is a classy lady in a ragged gown provided, her personal needs have not been taken care, etc. The kicker was when they learned the hubby heard 'hospice', he thought he'd help things along by denying her food and drink! You know what hit the fan!

He went home for the night 4 floors away. A daughter asked to take her mother outside for fresh air. Outside her mother says, 'Get me out of here!' So the three daughters and other relatives, including a doctor granddaughter, 'kidnapped' her! She is now in the loving care of a daughter and extended family. The daughter has a closed FB page where she posts including lots of photos of the interactions - especially with the adult grandchildren.

This man was very good to her and she had a happy life with him though I think he did like to be in charge. I saw them in September. This is all weighing so heavy on my mind. She was widowed just months before I was. Our e-mails were about our 'new' lives and moving on. Thanks for listening.

Everyone stay safe and have a grand day!
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby monik7 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:41 pm

So sorry to hear your story Anita, but it sounds like the family is pulling together to give her the care she needs.
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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:43 pm

Wow Anita, that is quite a story! Has this all taken place recently? Sounds like she is doing much better in a more nurturing environment.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Busy Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:04 pm

Anita, my heart goes out to you, your cousin and all her family. The place she was in reminds me of another. My Mom lived in a senior facility - very nice one - her last few years. When she turned sick and had to have care, they had a facility on premises. My sister and I checked it out and refused to let her be moved there. Sure didn't meet my standards of even basic/minimum care. We couldn't care for her at home, unless we could have received 24 hour nursing care, and were very lucky to find another place to move her to. Unfortunately, often, people think that if one part of a place is good, so is the other. Not true. I know several families who were so thrilled their mother or father were in the senior apartments my Mom was at specifically because of the care center they were guaranteed admittance to. Yikes.

So glad your cousins family stepped in and has taken the moves to do what's best for all of them.
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