Tuesday? TUESDAY!

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Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby carolb » Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:40 am

G'morning all:)

Oops, sorry Bonnie, I got a bit confused too when I looked at the "1st Tues" post :? Beth, hope you had a great MONDAY off, cuz, no, you didn't miss a day :lol: ....Anyway, I am posting this on TUESDAY morning, the real Tuesday ;)

OMg, BJ! I identify! Same with Piper--just sits at the door & STARES at me, & I have NOT figured out how to get her to use her voice or paws or whatever :roll: So I definitely know what it's like to wake in the morning when the bedroom door has been closed & you just happen to actually be sleeping when your pup is "staring" to get out :lol: If you find something that works for Toby, let me know. Martha, I know of people who use the bell-on-the door trick, but if the dang dogs don't even scratch at the door, can't figure out how we'd train them to scratch at a bell :roll: :lol:

Kathleen, good that your DD stayed with you--so much easier for everybody! I've heard others say the "procedure" is not bad, it's the eye drop routine afterwards. I helped mom with hers, & it seemed like I was always confused about the drops--she had two diff ones. Don't know if that's standard... Anyway, let us know how it went...

Yahoo! Good to see a lot of you back--Sharon, Sarah, CArol, JudiB... And Ava. we are waiting to see pix of the finished deck!! :P

More coffee??? Y'all have a great day!!! 8-)
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Re: Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby BayouLady » Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:19 am

No problem, I think I confused a few people with that post but I prefer two Tuesdays instead of a Monday :lol:

Beck scratches at the door, jumps in and out the bed, paces the hall (you hear the nails scratching the tiles), starts off crying, which grows into barks. There is no denying he wants to go outside. While he is doing his morning routine, Alexis will lay on top of me because she enjoys that extra cuddle time. The one good thing is that Becks routine does not go on camping trips, we actually get to sleep til 6am. If Alexis needs to go, she will just whine. Kinda like the staring idea, but the bell is cute.
Laissez les bons temps rouler

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Re: Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:42 am

Good morning all...Florida like weather in north west Pa.
got a good start on the house... in dinning room woodwork, walls and curtins all
washed and cleaned...not sure what to do about all the windows
in this house..i can only clean the insides...today will start on the
I take Maggie out first thing when we get up...first light...then at noon(she can
go longer if I am not home)
and again at about 7pm and she is done for the night...this is a routine
we have had since she has been house broken...when I house broke her
i took her out every two hrs...it was quick thing for her in about 2 weeks
she was house broke...she never barks to go out.. sometimes if i wait tooooo
long she will start to whine...i dont tie her out she has to walk a little to do
her business,,lol
got get busy now have a fun day and stay safe..
donna ;)
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Re: Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:22 am

Good Morning... I have been up for hours... have rice, chicken, carrots, celery and mushroom soup cooking in my slow cooker... that will be a nice meal for two days... finished drying the load of clothes from yesterday and folded it...
The surgery went very good. I did not have to be told only once to relax my shoulders and jaw! Kept the commands in my brain from last time. Margie takes me to the doctor at 9 this morning. Most likely he will say drive now!! It was easier having her stay here the night... Last time we had to take so much stuff!
My daughter will be moving things out of her living room today so the cleaning people can try to get the smell out of the carpeting if not new carpeting will have to be put down... Poor Augie seems to be peeing on the floor... their house is big and they also have a large basement many places to go... Shadow did not know what to think when we stayed there two weeks ago!
NOAA woke us up at 3... no sleeping with that loud warning noise... no rain or clouds here but guess there is a watch until 9 in some places...
Sure am looking forward to pictures from Ava and Sue...
Me and My Shadow need another cup of coffee and are wishing you a great day!
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby Othersharon » Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:32 am

Happy Tuesday all! Looks like more rain this afternoon with high temps! Guess summer has arrived, at least for this week!
Kathleen, glad your surgery went well. Donna, I have lots of windows in my house and I use the Windex product that I attach to the outside hose. I just rinse them first, turn the knob and the soap mixes with the water to clean, then rinse again. I can't find it at the grocery store but usually Lowes or Home Depot carry it. It works pretty well for me. Just don't try it if it's windy! It'll go all over the place and usually on me! :lol:

Thought I might get out of here this week for a couple of days but between the weather and now a battle with the owners of the empty lot next door looks like I need to stick around. I just don't feel right leaving it up to my other neighbor to deal with this be herself. We figure if we stick together we might get something done.

We tried the bell on the door when we got our Goldendoodle, it worked great! Except he whenever we closed the door he would nose the bell to ring it until we opened the door again. Turned out that he just doesn't think the door should be closed! It should be open so he can go in and out the doggy door whenever he wanted! The bell came down cause it drove us nuts! Now he either barks or scratches the door!

Ok, time to get my day started or maybe another cup of coffee! Have plenty so help yourself! Stay safe for all you on the move and those of you in the middle of the country with the storms brewing.
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Re: Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:26 am

Good Morning All, Sad day for those of us who knew Tony Gwinn. Lots of flowers down at PetCo Park and newscasters all over the place.
The game between USA and Guana was very good.
Kathleen, glad to hear the surgery went well. I too found that type of surgery to be easy.
Grocery shopping today....lyn

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Re: Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby avalen » Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:07 pm

good morning ladies
wow, I almost let the morning get away. Have been so busy working on the deck :D and just about ready to put the shadecloth on the top, then I'll post pictures. Although it won't be totally finished until I get the side on but that part is going to wait
until I know next months budget.
Back to work, ya'll have a great day.
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Re: Tuesday? TUESDAY!

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:47 pm

Was really busy today at work and I woke up with an awful sore throat and cold so wasn't too energetic, but still managed to do 18 haircuts. Not happy about getting sick, but hitting the Zicam all day today to try and stop it from progressing.

Got most stuff loaded in the car other than suitcase and cooler. Hope to be on the road by 9am tomorrow.

Found out that my cute across-the-hall neighbor in my old place is moving right below me in my new place in August! I told him about this place when I was moving out so he decided to come over here. Too bad he has a girlfriend :roll: .

No storms yet, but they will be moving in later tonight. Hopefully will be done storming by the time I leave in the morning.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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