Tuesday with more rain

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Tuesday with more rain

Postby carolb » Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:36 am

G'morning all! :)

Yard/garden are loving this rain! Another day to "relax"--which I really didn't do yesterday :roll: Finally found a few minutes to start chopping on my hair--dang, I was having a couple of good hair days, then yesterday, POOF, my hair puffed out like Bozo! :lol:

Oh, Kathleen :evil: sorry about the continued drama...Irmi, you deserve a good get-away break in your beautiful new MH!!!...Tina, just looked at the pix of your rig! Is anyone else as excited as me about the detachable electric??? Boy, would that make quick get-away trips so much easier!!...Donna, I think you're soon to be a real full-timer! Get that house sold! :)...Barbie, nothing better than having neighbors who can pet sit. And to all others, keep having those good days, at home or on the road!!!

Y'all have a great day! 8-)
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:55 am

Good morning Carolb...and all..
just a quick post..be heading out..
this morning ...last leg of trip
to pa... not sure if i will thake
two days or try for just one...
have a fun day and stay
safe...donna ;)
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby BayouLady » Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:19 am

Good Morning Carol, Donna and all still waking up:
Nothing better than a relaxing rainy day, hope there a covered spot outside that you can enjoy that Carol.

Donna, unless you are in a rush, take the two days and enjoy the scenery along the way.

Does anyone know of a spray that would protect you from getting poison ivy? I never used to have a problem with this but now, I think it just has to be in the air. Calamine is my best friend, but it dries out the skin too much, I hate it.

Need to get going, everyone have a safe and fun day at home or on the road.

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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby Colliemom » Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:51 am

Good Morning everyone,

Another nice sunny day here today for awhile, but clouds will be moving in with some rain showers for next couple of days. Seems everybodys having rain of late, except those areas where it's really needed. And also looks like Beth, being the nice lady she is :D is sendiny the cooler air she was having in SD out to MI in time for my trip next week, :lol: Although they tend to change, the long range forecast isn't looking too keen. Showers and cooler weather. Oh well, will roll with the punches.

Carolb, seems like you have been working like a mad women since you got home. I should have kept you here and let you work in my yard :lol:

BJ, if you miss your van and are looking for a good car to drive around, check out the Ford Flex like I had. A very versatile vehicle. Great van, rides and handles great and with the seats down in back, makes a great hauler especially for dog and stuff.

Barbie, I was surprised to see you have to do all that work on your past apt. Most places have cleaning people come in to do that. I just read about unpacking after a move, and it was suggested that you do one room at a time, starting with the kitchen casue that's where you spend most of your time. When do you leave for your camping trip?

Tina, love your new rig. One suggestion though. I had a pull out plug on my last TT and loved it. Just take it off and wrap it up and put it away. But one thing it did develop, like a hose sticking straight out from the faucet, it started to bend downward from the yellow part and eventually kind of pulled the heavy rubber away from it. I would suggest maybe wrapping the cord with some tape or something to give it a bit of addition support at that point.

Spent yesterday visiting with friends down in Roscommon, south of here. Had a nice visit. Talked about camping and trailers. They have a 5er. Took my battery along and he checked it out and charged it up for me. Now back in my trailer which is plugged into my garage. All systems working.

Off to town this morning to pick up stuff to take along and also Hobby Lobby for scrapbooking stuff. Taking that along too as I need to start another one. Load of wash is going already, just need to get myself cleaned up and dressed and off I go. Hope you all have a nice day out there whatever you are doing.
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:32 am

Good Morning everyone. Cloudy and rain today.
MY eye check and pre op check went fine yesterday. Now ready for the next go around on Monday.
My neighbor Cindy got home yesterday from Iowa... She is ready to stay put for a while...
Shadow slept in until just before 7 so hopefully his time clock is being reset. I think when my daughters dog Augie was here they both got up in the night and that stuck in Shadows mind. He is getting older though so maybe he will need to go out at night.
Only a few more days Sue and you will hit the road. Donnas trip to Pa is nearly done. Hope you can relax Carolb... you will soon be mowing again with all of the rain...
Have a great day everyone...
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby Redetotry » Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:40 am

Good Morning, And so for me at least it is a good morning. Yesterday I slept too long (seven) and felt like I was only half awake when I got up. I fixed my toast, reached for the coffee pot only to discover I had forgotten to put the coffee on!! I can't remember that ever happening before! So I pitch the toast and start again. We finally head out to go finish car shopping and as I walk out, a bird poops on my new blouse. I'm beginning to think I should just go back to bed! We finally get on the road and just a few blocks from home :oops: and I'm pulled over and get a warning ticket for a rolling stop :shock: When we finally stop laughing, DH says if anything else happens we are going back home. We get to the car dealer, I finally pick the one I want and THREE hours later it is finally mine. Their computer went down and delayed the paperwork an hour! I love my new Subaru Outback but sure hope it lasts as long as my Toyota van because I really don't like the buying process!! I thought about looking at the Fords Sue, but after last winter we thought one of us should have a vehicle with AWD.
Carol, you have such pretty hair I wish mine was as thick and curly as yours, want to trade :D
I guess I should start my day, I have a long to do list and my cousins are coming to play Mexican Train Dominoes tonight and my house needs attention. She and my brother got the neatness gene in the family. I hope everyone has something fun or relaxing planned
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby Bethers » Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:08 am

Congrats on the new car, BJ!
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:27 am

Okay, I'm done smiling at your morning, BJ, particularly the birdie doo-doo...

CONGRATS on the new vehicle!
I love my new truck, but miss the Sienna.
Wonder if you will, to?

Wishing you many safe and trouble-free miles!
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:08 am

Good Morning All, Heat in the central valley and o'cast skies here in so cal. No rain anywhere!!! Except where they have had lots of rain all ready!!! Ain't fair.
I had a friend who had an outback...she loved it and it is still going strong for her!
Reading all the blogs takes time each morning. I'm lovin it tho. I also get a blog from a man called CHEAP RV LIVING. He is on his way to Alaska as is Anita. Brings back such good memories of my trip there in 2001.
Plummer coming this morning to fix a valve in shower. I can get nothing but hot water!! Is very difficult taking a shower with only hot water!

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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby avalen » Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:35 am

good morning :D
ya'll are so busy today and congrats on the new car. Had a Subaru many years ago and I loved it, wouldn't mind
having another one some day.
Had a great dinner last night at daughters and of course a great visit too with little Jack. He's just growing so
fast. Did bring home some leftover lasagna for tonight :D
Started outside this morning to work a little on my steps for the deck but my hip was hurting so bad I just had
to come in and get some aspirin. Its going to be a lazy day today and hope the aspirin takes hold and makes
the pain go away, then I'll get just a little done inside, enough to keep the muscles and joints fluid.
Ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:44 am

The line of storms is almost through here. Abbeville had a tornado warning a little while ago but I think all of that is moving off to the Northeast. I want to go to town but think I will wait until after lunch.

Yesterday I brought my DH to Baton Rouge for his doctor's visit. OMG I'm glad I don't live in Baton Rouge. The traffic is crazy. I use to go to Baton Rouge for work pretty regularly and I didn't find it that bad. I think after Katrina a lot of people from New Orleans moved to Baton Rouge.

BJ, I'm glad you found your car. I hate going through that process too. Probably why we keep one 10 years. The sales girl at the local Chevrolet dealer took an hour on her computer and came up with 2 legal pages to figure out the price of a car I was looking at. And it wasn't the price they were advertising in the news paper. I have checked twice at one of the dealers in Lafayette about a car they were advertising on TV. Both time they were out of that car but kept running the ad for 2 weeks.

My motorhome has a removable electric cord too. The weight of the cord pulled it lose from the plug. The RV pace tried to fix it but their fix didn't last long. I was looking through one of the supply places and saw an electric cord with a 90 degree angle where the cord hangs straight down. That one works a lot better.

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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby Readytogo » Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:50 am

Good morning ladies. BJ I am having a day like yours yesterday. Except no new car in the deal! Still foooling with my pool (that is a long story, got part of it fixes). The pool lady couldn't vacuum this morn but i can run the pump to circulate the chemicals. Pump won't prime, probably because of the leak in the line they found yesterday. When i went to use the upstairs potty it wouldn't quit running. I was busy so I turned it off until I could look at it later. When I turned it back on started dripping all over the floor. Oh well, just turn it ogg and don't worry about it for awhile. Go read a book on the Kindle! Kindle battery is dead, you don't have this problem with a paper book! I am a chronic forget to charger! That is my day so far! I wish I was handy like some of our members! Also some days I blame my DH for dying, like it was his fault!? Anyway, I think I am going to a movie! What can poosibly happen ??? You all have a FUN day! Wendy
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby Readytogo » Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:00 pm

Don't mean to sound negative! I just wonder if any of you other ladies, those with brick houses and by yourselves, get frustrated when things start breaking, leaking, stop working, overflow, or otherwise malfunction?
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:29 pm

Wendy - we can compare notes on things malfunctioning when you want - pretty sure I can top whatever. Would tell you about a few now but got to batten down the hatches again as yet another wave of severe thunderstorms are rolling in as I type. Been hit with 65 mph winds 4 times in past 5 days. Power out twice for about 4 hours each time, lots of limbs down at my house, many trees down in the area.
No chance to get recall on Magic's tires addressed yet and "to do" list is getting out of hand.
I have been having fun playing with my new Fitbit One - easily entertained these days.
Nicky has gone back into hiding due to thunder so I'd better shut down before storm gets worse.
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Re: Tuesday with more rain

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:27 pm

Readytogo wrote:Don't mean to sound negative! I just wonder if any of you other ladies, those with brick houses and by yourselves, get frustrated when things start breaking, leaking, stop working, overflow, or otherwise malfunction?

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