Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby Barbzeee » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:36 am


Hello Thursday, Morning All...it's been a raining all night long..some heavy cells passing through.. and boy them loud bangs and cracks...and then the worst dastardly event of all...NO INTERNET...Now talk about shockers..you can almost live through anything..but when you click that Mouse and nothing happens...Oh My Gawd...The Earth has Stood Still....Don't believe me....well..be an a day without her....especially on this forum...LOL Yeppers you all know what it's like when you miss a day....It become a Rude Awakening !!!! and speaking of which .....let me see as my fingers do some walking :)

DpF (Pat) has already annouced..(in our Coffee room no less ) she's gonna be like, "Gone with the Wind" with the girls a Get A Way...can't say I blame ya...and I just can only imagine the fun you girls are gonna have..and what you all can get into... and with Pat's humor...Uh Oh... Pat.. ya hear us...we need to know all ...we won't tell LOL....Have Fun and Enjoy ..You've Earned it !!!!!!

Getup N'Go (Janice) she has a new "Doo" now that's spiffy.. and we can't wait to get a glimpse..Ya know we all need to do that too... I mean...doesn't have to be a "Doo" could be just something different in our lives to step it up a Notch... Janice I'm sure it was a given for you...when you go towards that low valley.. ya gotta climb that hill..cause at the top ya breathe free and clear... (maybe not me.. I'd never make the hill with my legs..but I'd try anyway) LOL ..

Hear there's a 3 cheers for Dan.. Seeya Gal ( Jenny and Dan) is telling of Dan's great assets.. and one of many I might add.. being he has such a calm nature.. is able to direct and teach in driving our Rigs..and one of the biggest is right Jenny.. backing our rigs into spots.. Most people don't want to listen....and even with back up cam and side mirrors you still do have them blind spots....Good job Dan... Walkie Talkies are great.. ifn' ya have two people LOL

Khenrie...( Kim).. That Donkey story..mmm I have to say I did see you in full force laughter..and so were the rest of us.. and you know what.. I think I could have found room.. LOL Yeppers I would have loved to taken them along.. omg.. How neat they were...and friendly.. they must have had lots of visitors.. and Cookies..ooooooh you made a friend for life there......good one Kim... and everyone needs a good laugh.. you sure did !!!!

Ah the new column started.. (Beth you is on the ball ) Interesting Places... with Pictures no doubt :) A good one too.. and thanks Asirmarco (Ann) Interesting Ferry ride and I know it's the start of a lot of great places being shown... and you know what will follow that.. I do..... lots of us wanting to venture there ... Why not.. we have the time.. well maybe not the gas..but hey.. things will turn around.. I'm a positive thinker..!!!

Olive Oil...(OO) * Dorothy.. (you'll always have that name in my eyes) You can keep them Ruby Reds you've earned them dear...!!! and ya know even in Mo..they have tornados...are ya still gonna chase them ????? but one things sure as shootin' we can always count on you to give us the full details... My Hedda Hopper Hat is off to you ! I just love your wit.. you sly fox you !!! LOL and I'm sure glad you enjoy my banter with you... :lol:

Mtntophoundz...(Mollie) LOL dear.. you sure is a busy momma.. and yep.. ya have to turn on the gas.. cause you ain't cookin with out it !! WE've all done that number one time or another.. I love your Blur... LOL

CarolinaGal... so good to hear you check in.. aaaaaaah see good to have Good Sam... and you're right.. when things happen.. sit back and just take it easy... cause nothing you can do.. until help gets to you.. and being your in a rig..well
relax..(less you're hanging off a cliff) make the moment of it.. if you can run the genny..fix ya something to eat or drink...and wait till help comes...alright gal you got in the moment and good you are doing ok ..

Sunshine Cruiser...(Carolyn) holy smokes lots of Carol, Carolyns.. LOL anyway.. Glad we can be of some help.. and thanks I'm so happy to hear you enjoy the tags.. I thought long on that vacation one.. then yep.. just put yourself in it an let your imagination flow...gotcha !!!

RVGranny (Lori) What a neat picture of You and Ernie.. Alright.. all of a sudded it appeared.. good shot....and I'm looking for that Afghan Stitch you were talking with me about.. can't find it.. soooooooo maybe we can get another area (oh Beth) for things we make.. mmmmmmm we'll see.. Arts and Crafts huh ... we can put pictures and patterns...easy stuff ..you know the kind when it's raining out and we sit around and some how don't have internet..omg.. !!! Oh and by the way Lori... you also mentioned a Wedding Lasagna... mmmmmmm didn't see that one up on the Recipes LOL pretty please hahahaha... PS... might get a weekend away.. maybe a few of us might come and visit...uh oh... Ernie.. LOL

Cedar... I told ya.. sometimes you'll look at my recipes..but when you make em.. you'll see.. and by the way that Creamsicle cake.. Liz made that one for a pot luck ask her...that's a gooder too... ooh and the Eclair..hahahaha I can go on.. and don't forget to try Beth's number ..now I have lots of variations to hers too... oooooh yeah..smokin'

Recipes.. ok gals.. I'm posting little by litte..all are gonna get up there..but ifn' there's a special one that you happen to need give a shout..or better yet..if you've got one.. flip it up there.. we're always lookin to see What's cookin ..or What's for dessert....

Ok, I need to get my coffee.. and I see my table is getting fuller by the day.. and I'm just enjoying.. cause ya never know what ya tell sitting around drinkin ya brew...I am so enjoying you all..makes my day (as Dirty Harry says LOL ) and nothin is better than having you all sit a spell and just enjoy each of us... aaaaaaaah I see Aussie Gal has joined.. now gals.. hold on to your Aprons.. a definite culture shocker LOL She's got one hell of a attitude and boy I love it.. You Rock Aussie and we sure are glad to see ya... come on' let's hear it !!!

Gals my cup Salutes each and everyone of you and as our Forum is growing so is our friendships..Relax, Enjoy and most of all be YOU....

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe...

God Bless........

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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:38 am

Ahhhhh.... daylight dawns,... and here's our friend Barbzeee with her "catching up with everyone" and coffee! We can always count on Zeee to start our day off with a smile and a "clink" of a coffee mug.

Is that a snippet of blue sky i see above me? Woweee, after the rain all day yesterday,.. downpours at times,.. I'd sure love a little sun today.

I'll also be AWOL starting today and won't be back until sunday,.... going camping again. Gotta squeeze as much camping in as possible before freeze-up and snow flying. I'll be working at least another year or two so summers are where it's at for me.

See ya all when I get home Sunday,.... I'll probably be up half the night trying to read all the posts! :lol:

Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby Echo » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:07 am

OH my. It's Thursday. Got to get thru today. Then will have 2 more to get thru and ahhhhh, will have Sunday off.
My morning here in northeast TN is foggy and calm. I know the sun is up and shining up in the sky somewhere? But other than being light out there now? Ya can't see much. And the traffic out on the highway that I can hear sure does sound a little slower this morning. LOL
Boy I'll tell ya I gulped that first mug of coffee this morning. Dang, Shade wasn't even done with her morning business yet and I was back inside for a refill. Now I'm out of the shower, swilling more coffee and posting. I hear Kelly in there finishing up her morning routine. So that means I need to get my lazy butt in gear and get it dressed for the day. I hate to see full grown adults wear their jammies in public. But by goodness if I could get away with it? I would wear my one size fits all nitie into work. Poor people would never be the same! LOL
Hope everyone has a great day.
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby carold » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:13 am

Another morning on the coast of Maine. Being greeted by lots of rain so planning on a indoor movie afternoon. Thinking of starting with Hancock and ending with Mama Mia for a GOOOOOd feeling. Heck, I might even get some chores done, like washing clothes and cleaning- having a small place can definitely be a plus. Well, my java is ready-mmmmm , only way for me to start the day and get kicked to get moving. Thanks for the am previews, Barbz, now time for the full show. carold
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby Mtntophoundz » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:28 am

Good Morning all! I woke up with the heat on in July! Its 52 degrees outside here this morning. I have to go into work for a little while today and get the locks put on the lockers. A friend of mine from work will be helping me so it shouldn't take too long. I am setting here right now waiting on a load of clothes to dry so I will have something to wear. I had put them in the dryer last night and went to check on them this morning and I had forgotten to start the dryer! Do you see a pattern forming here? :roll: Well my cup is empty and the clothes almost done. Have a wonderful day all!!!!
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby avalen » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:30 am

just a quick good morning as I'm not usually on the puter this time of morning
before work but had to jump on and check the bank account. Yep, payroll is in.
Now to make it stretch just enough to plan a day trip for aug 2nd or 3rd is the
thought on my mind for now. We'll see how the numbers stack up later.
Coffee is good this morning so another refil and its time to get ready for work.
Catch ya all later.
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby oliveoil » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:31 am

I'm clicking my ruby shoes & i'm out of here------------later --gator---------
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:35 am

I'm on my second cup & trying to get caught up here. It's has been a BUSY week. I took in 2 rescue pups this week, a Chinese Crested like my guys & a poodle. My 14 yr old grandson came for a week right in the middle of it. Throw in a little family drama, and there goes your week. The 2 new boys have been de-flea'ed, groomed, vetted & now neutered. Boy, they had a busy week!! They 've lived in cages all their lives, only used for breeding, never touched. And then go through this, but they are wonderful boys! I'll post some pics in the pet section.

But today we are getting ready to go camping! We are loading up the RV & I'm so excited! We are staying close to home but I don't care. It's a camping trip! I'll take some pics & post them.

Glad ya'll are still here! I'll roam around here for a while & see what you all have been up to. :)
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby Sunseeker » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:56 am

Well, golly...what time DO you all get here to the table?? I'm real early this morning and you all have posted and some even left for the day already! It's so nice to get here and catch up, I really love the recap. I'm going to have a quick cup today and try to get something done before the heat becomes unbearable. Have a good day, all.
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:48 am

Good Morning!!!
Okay, Barb, I'll get right on my mission of getting that Afghan stitch to ya'........and I'll get the family cookbook out and also post that recipe....lol....
The photo is from 1 that Sprinter took of the group last weekend.....just cropped the 2 of us and wa-la, a picture of Ernie & me!!! I forgot to get someone to take one of us, so this was the next best thing....lol.....and yes, an "Arts and Crafts" section would be great....

The rain has finally stopped here and thank goodness, it's cooler today.....went shopping with friends yesterday, so today is my catch-up day....

Well, that's all from here for now.....will check back later...

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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby Liz » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:48 am

Good morning all! I haven't got caught up on this week's posts yet, so am especially grateful for your recap, Barbzee. Now I've gotta go find Carol's post and find out what happened to her. I've got about 45 minutes before I have to leave for Crystal River and our scalloping trip. Hope we can keep the thunderstorms at bay.
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:40 am

Lordy, its 7:30 in the morning and all of you are up, on your second cup and already posted. I'm just working on my first cup and eyes aren't cmpletely open yet. So glad everyone is safe after the storms altho looks like Dolly isn't done yet.

Zeee, love your synopsis of posts when I don't have time to browse the forum. Keeps us all up to date. If you keep posting such good recipes (Apple pockets) its gonna be all your fault when I can't get in my jeans.

Have only a month to go here in Douglas. Getting anxious to hit the road and go home for a while. Am really looking forward to meeting some of you at the Texas GTG.

Well, dogs are at the door prancing so I had better go do my duty. Have a great day, all of you.
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby khenrie » Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:55 am

Morning Morning!

So good to catch up on all the happenings :-)

Got lot's of work to do today. Itching to paint/decorate this health club... just have no idea where to begin. Help?!

Also getting ready for ladies night out tomorrow night. I'm in charge... appetizers are ritz crackers with three varities of toppings (peanut butter, banana, choc & cream cheese, raspberry, choc & white cheese with apple), then Tortilla soup for the main course with avocado, cheese and chips for garnishes and finally an orange sherbet/vanilla ice cream with ginger cookies for dessert. Also serving champagne and faux champagne. Got some party games and decks of cards to round out the evening. should be fun! Not the best menu I could come up with, but I think it will do and satisfy the variety of ladies at this event.

You know, I am chomping at the bit to go again..... trying to figure out how I can squeeze in another trip this summer!
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby Bethers » Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:33 am

Morning all - I need to start coming in here first - and prove that somedays I really am up early LOL - Well, most days, but work days I barely have time to take Peaches outside, don't even start up the puter.

Right now no rain here - just teh high winds, but rain is predicted off and on all day - with accompanying thunder and lightening and possible toranados. So, will probably lay low again today. Tomorrow things will be pretty much back to normal LOL - if there is normal?

Kim, I love tortilla soup. I have one suggestion, since you're having champagne, get some orange juice and make some mimosas, ahhhhh, I love mimosas - you can even do the fake ones :)

OK, Lori and Barb, I'll add an arts and crafts section - I do believe there are quite a few ladies that will partake of that. We keep that up and we won't end up needing a "general" room lolol - but I don't want more rooms than will fit on one page, either - don't want any to disappear - will have to check how many I can do on that one page :) But keep your eyes open, as arts and crafts will be open soon. (I'll probably come looking at your pics in there - but am not much of an arty/crafty person - well, I did used to make rugs, so maybe I have some of it in me - buried down deep!)

Have a great day all.
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Re: Hello Thursday, Morning All !!

Postby SeeyaGal » Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:44 pm

Good Morning! Almost afternoon here but what the heck..LOL
We went to my BF house last night and had a blast!! My BF started a tradition that her kids come over for dinner every WED, after dinner the dishes and food are left on the table and they go in the living room and just have family talks...it was wonderful!!!

It was funny that I was starting to help in the kitchen and the kids told me that's not allowed till after the group talks in the living room. I laughed so much and I'll tell ya I really really needed to laugh!!

Sun is back out today and it's night #2 to go out together with friends.....it's going to be another great day :D
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