Sunny Tuesday

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Sunny Tuesday

Postby Colliemom » Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:34 am

Good Morning everyone,

Well, the sun is shining here this morning under a big blue sky. Don't know how long it will last as it's cold and snow showers predicted for awhile this morning, but I'll take it.

Carolb, nice to see you post yesterday. Was wondering how thing are on the west coast. Yep, no use hurrying back to NY. Storm going to hit the NE again anyway.

I'm heading to dealers this morning to take trucks and get something in motion. Hope to know when I leave, what I am going to have and maybe have it by end of week. Then that will take care of the two vehicle issues. Then wait for snow to go so I can get into my TT. Might trade that on another one if price is right. A little bigger with a sofa slide, since I don't have weight issue to deal with ike I did with the Flex. Then the plans can start being laid for summer and fall.

Mitch, hope yours comes pretty soon. Can't wait to see what it looks like. You did order another Fun Finder didn't you? Ava, times getting shorter every day. Before long you will be in yours too. Ant there are others with new rigs or planning to get them. such an exciting time.

Well, I'm off to town. Got a little business to take care of online first and then we shall go. You all have a wonderful day out there.
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:49 am

od Morning cool this morning... will have coffee and bran muffin...
Anyone interested I deleted Facebook for personal reasons. I sent everyone a note but not sure it would be there if I deleted my profile.
Shadow gets a much needed hair and cut nail today. Then maybe there will not be so much hair all over!!
Did laundry at a real laundry mat yesterday so the bed is all clean for the trip home.
Coffee is ready
Have a good day
Me and My Shadow
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:55 am

Good morning Sue and all....Rain here but 77
so that's not too bad...went to Doc's yesterday
got diagnosis something called Venous Insuff. Reflux in my legs
he said it was the worst case he has seen...figures...but before
I can have any surg ..Medicare wont pay until I go thru 90 days of
other treatment...wt. loss, exercise, leg elevation , ware those stockings
then they will pay... I hope this treatment will help...the good thing is the arteries
are not evolved...I do feel relief that I now know ... so on with the treatment..
Sure wish I could have gone to Hunting Is. with MM and Linda & Sandy and who ever
else shows up...bummed about that....oh well next time maybe (could have
got lots exercise on the beach) have a fun
day and stay safe...donna ;)
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:15 am

Does anyone know how I can select an e-mail to all of my contacts? I want to send a bulk e-mail.
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby brendac » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:32 am

Good morning all.
I have been busy with yard work and painting the family room in the basement for the past 2 weeks.
Taking a break today as it's snowing yet again.
I am trying to plan some much needed rv escapades for the spring and early summer.

Kathleen, about bulk email, what I do is put my email in the TO area, then open my address book, highlight the first name , hold down the shift button, scroll to the bottom of the list, highlight the last name .... this highlights all the names then I add them to BCC because I don't want everyone to see everyone else's email addy. Hope this helps.

Y'all have a great day
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby Irmi » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:35 am

Good morning Sue, Kathleen, Donna & everyone that follows!

Sue, it will be fun making your plans for your summer trip but even more fun when you're actually on the road doing it!

Kathleen, I too, closed my Facebook account. A couple days ago I stopped going to another message board that I had been a member of for quite a few years. Other than coming here and checking my email, I don't do much on my computer anymore.

Donna, I had to Google Venous Insuff. I sure hope something can be done for you.

It's another cool day here in Ocala but compared to the temperatures at our home in MD, I'll take it. Another one of our neighbors that has been here all winter pulled out this morning. We'll probably pay for another month although we won't be here that long, but paying by the month is cheaper than paying for two weeks. Then we'll decide what we're going to do as far as trying to get back to MD and keep a close eye on the weather. Have a good day everyone!
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby Queen » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:42 am

Good morning everyone! A snowy morning here in IL, VERY ready for Spring.

Irmi - I'm doing the same thing on the computer, I recently left two forums where I'd been an active member for 10 and 11 years respectively, still have a tiny limited FB account under a fake last name (I use it to check on local restaurants and venues), and come here to check in (since everyone is so dang nice here).
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:46 am

brendac wrote:...then I add them to BCC because I don't want everyone to see everyone else's email addy.

This is VERY important for most of us. VERY IMPORTANT.
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby gingerK » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:34 am

Mornin' all! Yep, snow here in IL as Mickie said. Cold today, too but at least it's sunny out. My boarder went home this a.m., so I'm going to vacuum up all her yellow hair (ha ha she's a Yellow Lab, what WERE you all thinking?) and do up a few household chores. Need to figure out what's for dinner tonight and get going on my day. Have a good one, everyone!
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby Redetotry » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:42 am

Good Morning, ACK we also have snow, not much just enough to let us know it winter hasn't decided to give up yet. The sun is out now and I'm on my way for a massage so can't be all bad.I looked at my calendar wrong yesterday and gave two of the dogs their heartworm pill a week early. Toby had an upset tum that morning so was saving his to give with his dinner. About mid-day I looked again at the calendar and realized what I had done. I don't think it will hurt them, they have an appointment Friday to get their teeth cleaned and I'll confess then :oops:
Enjoy your day.
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby skeedaddle » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:01 am

I'll just say hello to all..
rain today here in SC...all park outing..just me..the dogs..& solitaire..
hoping for a chance to make our life ...better.. O:-)
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby chalet05 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:02 pm

The day is long over but what a couple of days. We went on a fact finding mission yesterday at Verizon since upgrade time is here. L and I both got iPhones and tablets. I really didn't think the iPhone was for him, but he wanted what I got so I could answer his questions! I'm excited but he was already frustrated this morning! Good grief, wait for me!! We went through this with the Droid two years ago. He whines and moans so much, I finally tell him to just take the d*** thing back! We did make progress this afternoon.

Otherwise, all is well. I just keep waiting for Carolb to show up!! ;) Getting too hot to boondock - at least in my book.
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Re: Sunny Tuesday

Postby Nasoosie » Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:07 am

grammynmaggie wrote:Good morning Sue and all....Rain here but 77
so that's not too bad...went to Doc's yesterday
got diagnosis something called Venous Insuff. Reflux in my legs
he said it was the worst case he has seen...figures...but before
I can have any surg ..Medicare wont pay until I go thru 90 days of
other treatment...wt. loss, exercise, leg elevation , ware those stockings
then they will pay... I hope this treatment will help...the good thing is the arteries
are not evolved...I do feel relief that I now know ... so on with the treatment..
Sure wish I could have gone to Hunting Is. with MM and Linda & Sandy and who ever
else shows up...bummed about that....oh well next time maybe (could have
got lots exercise on the beach) have a fun
day and stay safe...donna ;)

Donna, at least you know what ails your legs now! Good grief-----it would be neat if all that pre-stuff works and you might not need surgery. What does the surgery entail? I need to go online and look up venous insuff. reflux. I take it insuff. means insufficient? I will go check. Anyway, wish I could see you one more time before I head north, but it isn't looking good what with all I need to do before I take off. Good luck with the legs!
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