Slide Covers?

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Slide Covers?

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:17 am

Those of you who have slides, what are your opinions on slide covers?


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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby Azusateach » Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:56 am

When I got my new trailer it came without a slide cover. After talking with lots of people over a year's time I decided to go ahead an get one. It was largely because I didn't want to have to climb the ladder and check to see if there was any debris on the slide before bringing it back in. This way I know that whatever's on the cover will be rolled off when I retract the slide. Also, my guru-repair guy said that water can pool on top of the slide, and when you bring it in all that water can end up inside your rig -- NOT something I wanted to experience.

So, I got one. Mitch, if you tell me the different brands (I think there were 2 I looked at), I can tell you which one I got. Can't remember. Actually, I think it was the Carefree. Didn't buy the one with the cover thingy -- it's a basic one, but still good quality.

I'm glad I have it. Gives me that peace of mind I like to have when camping.

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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:04 am

From what i can find, the two manufacturers are Carefree and Dometic. My new dealer quoted me $410 installed on the slide, medium quality one. I'll research the different models. I just don't want to spend the $410 right now because we ALL know that a new trailer requires new "stuff", so I'll be spending myself right into Bagladyhood...(although my financial advisor says NOT)

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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby monik7 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:20 am

Mine came with covers, but if it didn't I would definitely get them. I know my awning is Carefree so I suspect the slide covers are the same.
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:33 am

Another slide question - do you maintain your inside and outside seals with baby powder?

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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby Azusateach » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:49 am

mitch5252 wrote:..
Another slide question - do you maintain your inside and outside seals with baby powder?


I don't. Never heard of it. I'll check the video out at home (can't look at youtube at school). I'm wondering what it does to the slides.

What I DO do, however, is grease them once a year -- meaning that I've done it once. ;) I use white lithium grease and simply spray it on the "cogs" (for lack of a better description. My repair guy said that it isn't necessary to spray the track/teeth, as spraying the cog thingy will coat the track as the slide is extended & retracted.

Mitch, $410 is about what I paid for mine to be purchased & installed. I was told that part of the cost depends on the length of the slide, so there might be a little negotiating room there. My slide cover was 12' long. If you don't have a ladder on your trailer to inspect the slide EVERY time you bring it in, I'd spend the money now and forget about it.

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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby avalen » Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:29 pm

my slide doesn't have one, never thought I needed one since I couldn't use the awning cause of the wind, thought the little awning over the slide could be ripped also by the wind. Its just something I never considered I really needed. (although I'm up to considering it on my next rig)
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby judi » Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:12 pm

I didn't know about slide covers so I googled it and Camping World is having a sale. Check it out.

Dometic SlideTopper
(12 Reviews) Add A Review
Catalog Item # 20393d
Internet SALE
from $234.99 SAVE $30.00
- See more at: ... cRoOu.dpuf
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby grammynmaggie » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:18 pm

Mine came with a cover..
if it had not I would surely get one...
I just saw that video with the baby powder
on YouTube last week and I'm going to do it...
I put silicone spray on the slide underneath...
so that's what I do for my slide..... any other info would be great...
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby Trixie » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:53 pm

Mine did not have any slide covers when I was purchasing it, however, I had them put them on the four slides before I did purchase it. Like some of the others on here, I knew they would let the debris and water slide off when I retracted the slides, so seemed like a win win situation for us. Plus it keeps it cooler in the hot sun....just mho. :|
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby sharon » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:32 pm

Got them, you absolutely should get them before you pick up your new house. I have Carefree...I think. I'll go out and look and get back to you. You like to camp in the trees once in a while. It rains a lot where you live. You're short. You need a slide cover. :mrgreen:
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby longdog2 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:50 pm

Baby powder works well on the seals and is easy to use. Don't have slide covers. People either love them or hate them. They can make a heck of a racket in the wind and be a real pain if something does get under them. I have seen people putting beach balls, etc., under them because they were sagging.
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby skeedaddle » Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:10 pm

if i knew how to use this android phone to put pics..i would...anyway..this is a 2005 Fleetwood flair..we had to replace all the slide covers..just this past year..they were rags..
3 slides..2 long..1 short..a guy came out to the campground..did it in..3 hrs..$1300..
but before we close up to leave..been here..oh..7 months..
we'll hafta use leaf blower to blow out.
hoping for a chance to make our life ...better.. O:-)
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:34 pm

I wouldn't get a rig with a slide without the topper.

First I've heard of the baby powder. Guess I should have been using it, eh? But my slide has been pretty much maintenance free for me.
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Re: Slide Covers?

Postby snowball » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:05 am

I don't have them wish we had gotten them but dh didn't think we would need them and when he could climb the ladder and sweep them off we didn't I would like them now...but batteries and a few other things come first will have to put them on the wish list
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