Hello, everyone! I may be in the low percentile here, but, I hope vandwellers are welcome on here as well. I'm not on here specifically looking for a date, but, just wanted to be up front about who I am. And heck, if one comes my way, why not.
I started my southwest journey in Prescott, AZ back in May '13. I began traveling with a group, but, got antsy to be more independent and have found traveling solo suits me well. I'm loving living in my converted camper van! My "house" is paid off, I get great mpg, there's lots of public land to camp on for free on, and I can even teach online to make a living as the Internet towers are becoming as common as dirt, even in the back country. And, if this nature girl MUST go to the city, it's easy enough to park and "blend" in without hassle, though city camping is not my favorite. It's nice to be here and I look forward to exchanging resources.