Goooood Morning Sistahs!!!!!
Rainy here on my back porch, temp isn't to bad out there. Yahoo says low 30s, what's left to the thermometer says in the low 40s. Never in my life have I seen a dog like David's for hating to get rained on! She goes out there in the rain, scrunches up her eyes, her skin starts to shudder, her head hangs down as soon as she's out the door and the rain hits her. When she hits the grass you would swear that she's trying to walk on broken glass. Cracks me up something wicked!!!
Work yesterday wasn't to awful bad. Nothing to complicated to deal with, no crying mortgagees, no one wanting to argue or fight on the phone and the calls were nicely paced. Ahhhhhh Sup tried to set some of us up in a training class to do compliance training, but the computers wouldn't co-operate. I guess we are going to try again today. This is something that is suppose to be done every year but we have never had it. It's something that I guess the 'collections' part of the business doesn't worry about. Why??? I haven't a clue.
Talking about paying taxes? I paid $568 to the great state of Maine that they notified me that I owed them from my 2005 taxes. Oh joy! I just loved paying that! NOT!!!!
So that took a chunk of money I had saved aside. By goodness that had better be the last of it. I had to pay fed taxes a couple of years ago that they said was owed to them. Love how they blind side ya when ya least expect it.
Kelly came out for a few minutes and then said she was going to lay back down for at least another hour. LOL Poor baby, she went to a club last night with a few people from work. One of the guys invited her to the club because he was performing in a drag show!! LOL She said his first performance was pretty good but that the second wasn't so hot. She didn't like his outfit for the second one either. So she's a little tired this morning. I went to bed at midnight and she was still out. David and Jenny came home early. Jenny is sicker than sick with the coughing crud now too. I guess she is going to the clinic for it today.
Well I suppose I had better get to going. Nothing exciting going on in my life today, that's for sure! Need to check my email and get dressed. That's it for my wild life. Hmmmm? I think that there's a missing person from here too.
Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe.
Love to all