It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

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It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:32 am

Yep, it's Friday and Valentine's Day....PLUS today begins a week/10 day warm up and sunshine here...FINALLY.. :roll: ;) I survived.... :lol: We so need to dry out around here...everything is so wet....ON EDIT: Just got Info on what I suffer at this time of year....Seasonal Affected we know... :roll:

Ernie's going golfing with the guys this morning and I'm just going to have "me" time while he's gone...then we're doing an early dinner at our favorite German Restaurant and maybe some shopping...

Okay, not much else to report from here and I need more coffee...sleeping has been better, but today is an early start... :roll: Napping is so good... :lol:

So have a great day, all...
Lori, Ernie & Spinner
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby Othersharon » Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:55 am

Good morning, Lori and all to come. I'm with you about naps.....already thinking about having one but first I need to plow through all the snow. We got several inches but not as bad as other areas of PA. Was up several times during the night to look out the window to see how bad it was outside. Like I could stop it! I'm having company for dinner tonight so think I throw a roast in the crock pot and let it do its thing. The house will smell good anyway. Been fighting a cold the last couple of days so that doesn't help. At least I think it is, a little early for allergies. Ah well, temps to go up next week with some sun so maybe that'll help. Have a good valentine day, everyone. Stay warm and safe.
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby bluepinecones » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:03 am

Good chilly morning from St Cloud.
Thought I'd show you Magic's home for the week
I'm in Linda and Sandy's back yard. They share a lovely house here with fantastic back porch
Nicky and I rocked and rolled in Magic when a severe thunderstorm passed thru here Wednesday night. And it has turned cold again - back in sweat suit and unpacked the heater again. Think it is 39 this morning but there is a nice warming trend on the way.
Sandy gave me a tour of St Cloud yesterday and I'll post some photos from that excursion later today.
All the snow in Huntsville should be gone today and I'm hoping to get report from someone checking my house for water leak and yard for tree limbs. Really think pipes should be okay as tho below freezing not the bitter cold from earlier Arctic blasts.
Have a great day.
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:28 am

Good morning all...Was a little chilly here on the east coast of Florida this morning temp 40 sis is leaving today was a great fun 3 weeks with her for some R&R...will be spending time at Wickham with Sarah and MM when Sarah gets back this way...anyone else coming to Wickham? I thought I seen a post that someone might be coming but now I cant find it..did get a few things done on the rig this week...and made a couple blog post about it and more of my time at Hillsborough... take a look if you have a mind a ton of laundry to do so better get at it...have a fun day and be safe...
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby Colliemom » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:53 am

Good Morning from the frozen north,

18 degrees out there this morning. Sun trying to come out. Had some snow last night. About three maybe four inches. So will be out with the blower in a little while. First time in way over a week that I have even had to bother with snow. It's slowing down now. With the Great Lakes icing over to at least 85% on Lake Michigan and 95% on Lake Superior, our lake effect snow machine is pretty well shut down as is the lake effect cloud machine. Makes for more sunny days.

Sarah, love your new "campground". So nice of Linda and Sandy to let you park there. And you have a tour guide to boot> What more could you ask for.

Lori, sounds like SAD might just be your problem. A lot of people have it in winter. I get a touch of it, but that's why I keep myself busy. Makes the winter fly and now that the days are getting longer, I get more energy too.

Guess I had better bundle up that energy and get out there and get this snow work donw. Getting taxes done this afternoon. Would be nice if I get enough back to buy my dream RV. Probably wind up having to sell my current one to pay the govt. But we shall see. Maybe I will get enough to treat myself to Mickey D's :lol: Also need to stop at Ford dealer and get wiper arm put back on flex. Came off yesterday while I was cleaning some frozen ice off the wiper blade. So am praying I don't get splattered on way to dealers cause I can't use the wipers right now.

So hope you all have a great day out there. Keep warm, watch those roads where it's slippery and snowy (I should talk) and be safe.
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:29 am

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Valentine's Day !!!! The sun is out so pretty already today, but it is more then chilly, or to me it seems to be. I finally gave up and took me and my congestion to the dr. yesterday. She loaded me down with to much meds, Not sure what any of it is supposed to do, but this much should fix me up, one way or another :lol: Donna, I am one, who hopes to get to Wickham next week, hope this medicine does its thing so I can follow through with some of my plans.

Eye dr. app yesterday revealed that this surgery business is going to take longer then I have to get done. Meaning , my drivers license HAS to be renewed by April 3rd, and I have an eye app for April 1st. N. C. so far has said they have no extension as drs office thought, other states do, but seems I live in one that doesn't extend for any reason. I keep running into block walls it seems, BUT it will all work out somehow, so not going to worry about it, blood pressure is staying really good, in spite of everything . :D :roll: So far thinking after 8 o'clock app on the 1st I will be headed north with out new glasses, but hoping I can see better then I do now, these drs are not going to be happy down here, but who knew the first app with them in Jan. would go into April?. I just didn't give it good thought or might have known, and I told each of them as I had the visits that I needed to be done and gone before then. Assured I would be to start with then we moved into the stage of we will send items needed to extend your license, if necessary, well it became necessary so I called and found none are offered .

Well, I have a huge load of laundry to do too, and think you all have heard enough of block walls from here :D if not I can go on and on, :lol: :lol: . Wishing you all a really good day, wherever you are, those in the storm areas everything will be back to normal soon(whatever that is) Stay safe and try to find a wee bit of funtime in the day. If you have the sun shining, in your area, you're blessed today, Right ????

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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby Redetotry » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:35 am

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY and Good Morning Everyone,

I brought out my old valentines I've found at flea markets over the years, I loved how intricate they are but unfortunately they are getting very fragile. I don't know how old they are, thinking maybe from the twenties. We certainly have moved on from this style and the type of romantic sentiments expressed in these valentines of the past.

Sarah that looks like a great spot you are in, are those orange trees? What a beautiful home!! CArol sending hugs, I'm glad to went to see about your cold, sorry to hear about the delays for your eye surgery.

After two days of sunshine the clouds are back along with the forecast of snow, rain or sleet today. I could interject some inappropriate language but will refrain :)


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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:24 am

Happy Valentines Morning to everyone... yes we had cold for Florida last night it got down to 34 here in Ocala. But will warm up to mid 60s later.
My new converter seems to be working fine. I am kitty sitting for my friend Molly... I go over twice a day and feed them and pet them talk to them make sure they have enough water... it is such a small thing I can do for all the running she does for me...

Lori glad the sleeping is getting better... Sarah love your spot the lot size is great much larger than where I am... but I have full hook up and wifi and cable :D ... BJ when I talked to my daughter this morning she said you will get more snow than they are getting they will get 1 to 2 and you will get 2 to 4... so unusual... Carol too many road blocks but you will get through them... take care of you! Sharon after you shovel you will no longer be tired.... you will be full of energy!! Oh yes Sue my husband had SAD very bad... I get a little down but not bad... but not in FL... my trouble is homesickness... has not hit this year.

Got out the electric blanket for the couch yesterday... Shadow even lays on it to keep warm!!

Ran my two scanners this morning to be sure no more unwanted guests are in my computer... Alice said one of the main things is to change your pass word especially in e-mail... believe it or not my Mac has been so good up till now that I have never changed passwords... that day is gone now...

Have a fun filled day everyone,
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby brendac » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:26 am

Good morning from the aftermath of PAX.

The final count is 18". Thank goodness for my fantastic neighbors and their snowblower. It took them 1 hour yesterday and 30 minutes again this morning to clear my 125 ft driveway. I am springing for Pizza tomorrow to thank them all. I'd do it tonight but they have Valentine plans. That is all the news from Maryland for now.
Y'all have a great day.
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby Nasoosie » Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:48 pm


I am still in Orlando at the house, waiting for a guy to come and give me an estimate on the work I hope to get done on the outside of the place. Molly is doing great for this past week, thank goodness, and I made an appointment for her on Monday at the vet's to get her yearly vaccinations, provided she stays healthy, eating and drinking, until then.

Hope to get together with Sarah and Linda and Sandy this weekend when I return to the trailer. I will also mow the kids' back field as it's now turning into hay since all the rain!

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:18 pm

Soos, glad to hear Molly is doing better. :D Can't say as much for Coco. He is definitely not getting better. :cry: May have to make a decision for him soon. :(

Lori, I have SAD. I got myself a Happy Light but it doesn't work anymore so will have to get another one. If you can spend 1/2 hour per day sitting in the sun, that will help. People down south don't get SAD so much because they can get outside in the sun more during the winter than those of us up north. I also take D3 vitamin suppliments. You can get tested for your vitamin D levels and see how much D3 you need if you are low (most people are now days).

It is only 6 degrees here. :roll: They keep promising a warm up but haven't seen anything so far. Supposedly, will be in the mid to upper 30's all next week. Will believe that when I see/feel it!! :roll: At least the sun is out for now. Snow on the way for tomorrow.

No plans for V-Day. Just another day for me :roll: . I work from 3-9 today. Will be very quiet I think after 5pm.

Finally got my first subscription of Arizona Highways magazine! I used to get that years ago and it is such an awesome magazine with gorgeous photos and interesting articles about different aspects/areas of Arizona. I wish other states had something like that too.

Have a great day!
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Re: It's Friday & Happy Valentine's Day...

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:50 pm

Happy Valentines Day!

My Valentines Day present was a bag of smoked ham hocks from one of the meat markets near Ville Platte. :lol: The only place near here that has ham hocks is Walmart and theirs always tastes old. I cooked a crockpot of baby lima beans with ham hocks.

Made a quick trip to the post office and picked up a plate of fried catfish at the grocery store that has a deli. Usually on Fridays the lunch line is to the door but not today so I stopped.

I finally ordered my floor tile and it was suppose to be delivered yesterday. The tracking site said it got stuck in Memphis because of the weather. It got to Baton Rouge this morning at 4:30. Now the site says we are at a remote address and they don't have trucks coming this way everyday. I think they are full of it. We are about 1/4 mile off a main highway that supplies the off-shore oil rigs. There are two heliports down here that fly out to the rigs and several docks.

I'm watching one of the neighbor's horses across the road. Horses can lock their legs and sleep standing up. She is trying to sleep and every time she dozes off she almost falls down. She is a Tennessee Walking horse and about the clumsiest horse I have ever seen. The neighbor has quit riding her because she has fallen with him so many times. She must have a short somewhere.

Sarah, nice campground. So nice of them to let you stay til you can get back in the campground.

It is 64 and very windy today. The sun keeps trying to come out but it's cloudy.

Barbie, Texas has a magazine too, Texas Highways, The Travel Magazine of Texas. Every issue is full of beautiful pictures and articles about different towns and events. I have subscribed to it for years.

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