Sunny Sunday in Mexico

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Sunny Sunday in Mexico

Postby asirimarco » Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:38 am

Wow - can't believe I'm the first one here this a.m. It's already 7:30 here in Mazatlan - Mountain Time. Looks like we're going to have another warm day here. Well up into the 80s. As opposed to home where it will be lucky to reach zero. Our house sitter let us know we were almost out of propane and there is none available to fill the tank so he is shutting the house down. Draining everything and putting in anti freeze and hoping for the best.
I sure hope all of you in the Midwest and north east are hunkering down for the duration. What a horrible winter this has been. I don't remember it being this cold for such a long period of time. And with more cold coming......
On Friday we were inland a ways and it was 93 degrees, I was cooking. We are following one of the congresswomen here in Mazatlan as she visits a series of small Mexican towns. Towns I can't even find on a map. One town we had to drive across a river to get to. Wrote about it in the blog
We have good hot coffee and pastries from the little bakery in Malpica.
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Sunday Morn and a little warmer

Postby bluepinecones » Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:39 am

Good Morning from a very foggy Lake City, FL
Got a few things done yesterday and enjoyed not having to fight wind/cold driving. Mostly did some dusting and organizing in RV plus several little walks for Nicky (he really needs to run or get longer walks but for now will have to settle for more frequent shorter ones until I can work up to adding extra steps).
Yesterdays weather was a disappointment - windy grey and downright chilly - but it was above freezing and only down to 34 last night - my first night above freezing.
Hospital has not found place to transfer younger niece. They did a good job working with her sister however; got bed and oxygen set up at older niece's house yesterday. Younger niece to be discharged today and nurse will come by late afternoon to check on her.
I'm headed for Hillsborough as soon as the fog lifts.
Have a good day
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Re: Sunny Sunday in Mexico

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:05 am

Good Morning All, Two interesting posts this morning...everyone must be sleeping in this beautiful Sunday morning. Sharon, that was not good news coming from you yesterday. I am slowly getting things organized to leave here again. It does take time. lyn

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Re: Sunny Sunday in Mexico

Postby IrishIroamed » Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:13 pm

Good morning ladies - and all that follow. No original thoughts in my brain today, so thought I'd pass this along. Just some food for thought:

Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich, had an article today, quoting a Monsieur Friod, who came from France to Chicago in 1894 and disappeared. His original writing “10 Thoughts on Winter in Chicago” had these thoughts:

When life hands you snowstorms, make snow cones.

When the wind howls, listen for the music.

When you cannot find the music in the wind, get some good earmuffs.

If God had not intended for pipes to freeze, she would not invented hair dryers.

However cold you are, someone else is colder.

Cold like all pain, is relative.

Without winter we would not understand the pleasure of Spring.
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Re: Sunny Sunday in Mexico

Postby avalen » Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:21 pm

good morning ladies
been catching up on a few miscellaneous chores this morning, stuff like dishes, etc. Also found someones ring that went down the
bathroom drain and hung on the little rod in there, fished it out with my crochet hook. Will find out who lost it when the rest of
the family gets home.
It is only 57 this morning and suppose to warm up to low 70's. I'm certainly happy with that as compared to the rest of the country.
Not much else going on today so I'll just watch old tv shows on those old channels. :D
Ya'll have a great day and be safe, hope you get warmed up.
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Re: Sunny Sunday in Mexico

Postby dpf » Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:18 pm

Morning! Crazy crazy weather. Right now it’s 48* but the temps are supposed to drop into the minus 0 tonight. Youngest son was home for the weekend and has to work the night shift at the hospital in Brookings a 150 miles from here and he just left. It’s 19 there and in a blizzard warning. I don’t think Gore was too far off with the global warming.

Bought my first grandbaby things yesterday at the children’s consignment. I was really impressed with the cleanliness store and the quality of the merchandise. Also the place didn’t have that funny musty smell that I sometimes associate with Goodwill and other consignment places. Not as inexpensive as garage sales but then you don’t have to run all over either. Irish we did check the recall on everything we bought. Didn’t realize that you can’t buy used car seats because they now come with an expiration date. When my two were little we could rent the first infant seats from the hospital. Which I did and then purchased a more expensive model for the toddler stage. Do any of you wonder how people our age ever made it to adulthood alive without all the safety gadgets that are available now? I doubt my parents even had a car seat. A booster seat at the table was an old Sears catalog and I was probably tied to the chair with a dishtowel! Didn’t find a high chair that I wanted because none of them were foldable, but I have time for that.

Well, I made a “to do” list for today and I’m about half through it, better get my butt in gear.

Safe travels to those of you on the road today, hope the GTG in Florida is a howling success! Prayers to those who are ill.
Ava...I'll be watching old sit coms too. There is hardly anything new on TV that is decent to watch. I think I have the dialogue of all the episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond memorized.
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Re: Sunny Sunday in Mexico

Postby IrishIroamed » Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:48 pm

dpf wrote:... Irish we did check the recall on everything we bought. Didn’t realize that you can’t buy used car seats because they now come with an expiration date. ... Do any of you wonder how people our age ever made it to adulthood alive without all the safety gadgets that are available now?

Didn't know there are now expiration dates on car seats! Good to know the government is doing something right :D

Boy Pat are you right about the safety gadgets nowadays. My mom thinks it's ridiculous now. She says "we smoked and drank and ate what we wanted and you kid turned out ok (well that's debatable :lol: :lol: :lol: ) I remember one time standing up in the back seat of my dads convertible when I was about 5 years old as he was driving down the highway. Almost gave him a heart attack . He looked in his mirror and I was gone :o I got tired of standing, so I sat down :D
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Re: Sunny Sunday in Mexico

Postby JudyJB » Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:37 pm

I remember in about 1953, my aunt bought one of the first two-seater Thunderbirds. My brother and I used to sit on the trunk area with our feet stuck behind the two seats. Very safe. :lol:

And do any of you remember those car seats that hooked over the back of the front seat? No straps to hold them down, but some of them did have a small plastic steering wheel on them.

I really slept in this morning. I was doing well at getting up at a reasonable hour, but I have been having trouble adjusting to Mountain time from Pacific time, and I really stayed up very late last night researching and making reservations for next summer in Washington and Oregon. It is amazing how fast the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean state parks fill up, especially on weekends. I have reservations for Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day weekends, which is always a problem since I like staying in popular places. Just wish I did not have to pay for all of this in advance.

Got my route plotted out also, so I know mostly how I am getting from Colorado Springs to the Olympic Peninsula. This was hard to do considering I had to adjust my route to obtain the most bakery items from Montana Wheat on my way! (Remember my giant almond bearclaw?)

Watching Lake Havasu and getting work done today, so staying in most of the day. Beautiful and sunny, so glad I am not in the Midwest or East today.
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