Monday already?

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Monday already?

Postby carolb » Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:17 am

Good morning all! :D

Lori must be getting another good night's sleep ;) & how I'm getting to MC so early for a second day is a mystery :lol: Cool here in FL--ran the furnace a few minutes this a.m. :shock:

Ava, how great to hear about your gtg with Liz & Tina--& Audrey! Any pics yet? I didn't see any posted this a.m....Mitch--where is Mitch? I thought she was with the Baja babes???? Next stop, Sharon's?

Catherine, Lyn, sounds like we do need that "campfile" on Cmas eve--& I assume you meant "campfire," but a "file" would work too! ;) Really different Cmases for many of us...

Well, y'all have a great day--I got the coffee, but you'll have to wait for Lori/Ernie to offer us a yummy breakfast! Be safe always & treasure the moment! 8-)
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Re: Monday already?

Postby IrishIroamed » Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:47 am

Mornin Carolb, Lori (when you wake up) and all that follow. 6:45 & still dark (I hate less sunshine). Off work again today. Hopefully doc will say I can drive again. Really tired of being stuck in the house on weekends and having to ask for rides to work.

I'll let Lori make breakfast, but I do have coffee on for whoever wants some.

Have a great day & stay safe on the roads.
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Re: Monday already?

Postby Carolinagal » Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:47 am

Good Morning !!! Coffee is good this morning, little chill in the air. Not as bad as wee bit north of me though, sorry to hear your low temps, Kathleen. It's always colder up there though.

Cheryl, I missed something, why have you been unable to drive ? If you feel up to it hope Dr allows it. I don't want to think about not being able to drive but it pops into my head at times :?

Carolb, glad to hear your aunt is doing well, sorry about the caregiver backing out though. Buggy situation sounds like its also better, that's a huge plus !!

Colds seem to have come to this home again, almost Christmas vacation so they are on time :twisted: Now to hope I haven't picked it up yet. My DD was really sick yesterday, said it was going around her office. I'm thinking I won't be in the house much for awhile, might even head back out to my CG. I sound like a horrible mother and grandmother , but last yr after my spell with Pnuemonia it hit me hard and meant a dr visit, etc. when younger you deal with it better.

I hope you all are staying well, especially the Baja gals, hopefully they are warm now. Travelers please stay safe, everyone hope you're enjoying the season and staying well.

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Re: Monday already?

Postby Colliemom » Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:49 am

Good Morning from the West/Central U.P.

Sunshine is making the clouds red this morning. Reminds me of the sailor's warning, "red sky at morning, sailor's take warning". Well, there is a bit of a clipper system heading down from Canada again today, may or may not see snow. Had a very windy and snowy day here yesterday, complete with white out conditions on the roads I heard. So just stayed here and watched It from inside for the most part. although was outside too. But down home, they got dumped with over 18 inches of lake effect snow, so they are busy digging out.

I had a great day yesterday though despite the weather. When I am up here, Randy, the owner (place is owned by a couple) considers me his "official" snow shoveler after helping him dig out the place last year after a big snowstorm. So I was out doing a little shoveling yesterday although he had most of it done prior to his plowing. But while I was out, I was heading down the hill to the lake to take a picture of the blowing snow and ran into two of the TX guys coming up in their big ATV. They stopped and thanked me for the cookies I had given all of them the day before and asked if I wanted to go for a ride. So I hopped in and off we went, running through the woods, the deep snow and all, doing a few wheelies on the road and just having fun. They had the big cooker going to, so after the ride, had to go back and check on it. Later in the evening after supper, they were still out there and the owners son and daughter in law were here for dinner, so they were out there, and so were the people in the apartment next to me from TN. So I ventured out as well. Was really nice as the wind had died down, although still cold, but there rwas a full moon rising in the eastern sky. Sassy was out snooping around and we even got another ride back up to our door on the ATV. Both Sassy and I. Couple of the wives will be coming up from TX this next weekend. I heard one hasn't seen snow before.

Hey, I've got a spare bedroom up here if anybody wants to spend a White Christmas in the U.P. of Michigan :lol: Even have a small tree up, not decorated yet, but it's up. And sometime this week, will be going out with owner to cut some boughs for the railings etc. n the building.

Sounds like Ava and Liz had a great time yesterday. Mitch must have found herself a spot of sunshine or else Pedro was in AZ for the day :lol: And Tina was at a dog show with Audrey. How fun.

Time to be off and get dressed here, make bed and venture out on the highway. Running out of milk, so plan to run up to store about 7 miles down the road here. Maybe they will also have a leftover Sunday paper around too. Have a great day all.
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Re: Monday already?

Postby cpatinjones » Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:44 am

Good morning to all.
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Re: Monday already?

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:59 am

Good Morning… a warm up is on the way here in Ocala… will be in the low 80s by the end of the week… only 60 today after 42 over night…
Carolb sure hope someone is found to help your Aunt…
have a great day everyone
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Re: Monday already?

Postby dpf » Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:10 am

Good Morning. I’m home from work today because I’m just not feeling up to par! Since just about anything can be said on this forum I’ll be perfectly honest….I’m so darn constipated that I’m miserable and have been since Saturday. Now that’s a wakeup call isn’t it? This is a totally new experience for me usually I’m a regular as clock work. I have drank prune juice, orange juice, drank lots of water, walked around the block several times yesterday, used a silver bullet and taken pills and I’m still full of it. My friend’s daughter is a PA and says if nothing has moved by tomorrow that I’d better get to the doctor.

On a lighter note, Friday our son, Sean, graduated from college magna cum laude with a degree in nursing. He was in the top three graduates of the class. I am very proud of him. He has been a CNA at the Brookings hospital for the last three years and they asked him to come back as an RN after the first of the year. So he is gainfully employed also. Next step is two years of floor experience and then on to be a physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner or nurse anesthetist. Then he can support us in our old age!

Weather is warming a little around here and it’s supposed to get up to the mid to high 30’s today thru Wednesday. Hopefully that will melt some of the icy streets before another deep freeze is predicted for the end of the week.

Have a good day.
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Re: Monday already?

Postby SoCalGalcas » Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:31 am

Pat, you have every right to be proud of your son..that is a great accomplishment!! When I had a deep skin CA removed from my leg I was happy to have had the PA do it as the surgeon, who just didn't have time was such a snot.
I want to weigh in on yesterdays discussion just a little. How about a YALI in Istanbul on the Bosporus for $115 million!!! It's a beautiful building!!! People on the European side are complaining because people on the Asian side are "driving up prices"!!!!!
Pat, go see a doctor today. lyn

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Re: Monday already?

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:16 pm

Good afternoon, all....No, wasn't getting a good night sleep....was up and down thru the night with the Spinner "pup" who was having "stomach issues" for 2 days....doggy "flu" type....but think he ate something he wasn't suppose to while out on a walk.... :roll: "the mess" was over before bed-time, but he was so miserable and just wanted lovin' and spoiled....he even got into bed with us...right between us, don't you know...wanting the belly rubbed...geez, it was like sleeping with a toddler again...legs all over and laying side-ways.... :roll: and of course, we just had to take a potty walk at 2am.... :roll: The good news, he's lots better today...and everything is back to normal...but will keep him on his rice/veggie food for a day or after I get the laundry done, I'm going down for a nap....and just like when a toddler is sick at night, Ernie slept right thru it.... :roll: Nothing changes..... :lol: :lol:

Will finish up our gifts for here and get the cards out hopefully, by that they will reach their destinations before Christmas....I'm so behind this year.... :roll:

Okay, got to go check the dryer....hope everyone is having a good day....
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Re: Monday already?

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:00 pm

Oh Pat been there and it is no fun… the doc can give you something stronger it will work by night…
Do take care…
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Re: Monday already?

Postby IrishIroamed » Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:07 pm

CArol - just some minor surgery - no biggie but as of today I can drive, but still have to wear frankenstein boot when walking.

Pat - yes - get to doctor please & congrats to your son!

Lori - hope Spinner is back to his normal :?: self tomorrow.
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Re: Monday already?

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:01 pm

Sue, we are having our own white Christmas here! Woke up to an unexpected white out this morning! Several inches overnight and another inch this morning. Sure was coming down hard for awhile tho! Couldn't see a thing! So glad I have the 4WD! The snow just keeps coming. :roll:

Have tomorrow off and need to do a little Christmas shopping. Supposed to snow more overnight, so hopefully the roads won't be too bad tomorrow (will sleep in and let the crazy drivers get to work first! :o ).

Hope everyone had a good day! :D
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