good morning ladies
well yesterday was a fabulous day, Liz and I went to the archeological dig and checked it out, very interesting. I enjoy that kind of stuff
and they were having a festival while we were there as well. Then caught up with Tina after the dog show and went to a fun little town
and had dinner. I'm sure the girls will post pictures and stuff. Missed you Mitch, but I know your happy soaking up that sunshine. Its what
we do a lot of in Arizona
Doing a little catch up today on routine chores. Had brought home one of the booster seats from the bus to wash it up as it got "p" in it.
Most of the special needs students wear pull ups and sometimes they leak, alot, and seats need to be cleaned. Booster seat is now dry
and ready to bag up for return in the morning. We usually just swap them out for another one and all the seats get washed during the
summer but I just didn't want to take the time to drive over to the other yard to do the swap. Much easier for me to just bring one seat
home and get it washed up. So many parts of being a bus driver are NOT glamorous and fun but somebody has to do it and it might as
well be me cause then the clean part of my brain knows where it stands
and I don't have to be afraid to touch something for fear of
the dreaded germs. Enough on that.
My knee is protesting a little today, as I expected but a little aleve with breakfast hopefully will do the trick. Will have to discuss this
with my doctor at my next physical.
Little chilly out this am, actually only 40* but supposed get up to 68 or maybe even 70 today. One of the things I look forward to when
I get back into my rv is sitting in the sunshine for my morning coffee, something I can't do here. One thing at a time and it will all come
to be.
Ya'll have a great day and be safe. Someday I'll be where you are