Thursday Morning and Getting Colder

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Re: Thursday Morning and Getting Colder

Postby dpf » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:40 pm

Bethers wrote:I accepted a workamp position in Keystone, SD for summer 2014. They sent me pics of where I'll park - in the snow. Of course, I told them I want the snow gone by then lol

Pat, I figure we'll manage to get together before/after or even during somehow - we will figure it out! And anyone who travels through ... I expect visitors!

Like Sharon, I'm not a fan of this cold snap - but feel so lucky in comparison to what I could be in. So, so glad to not be dealing with the MN/WI/IL winters anymore. But love the pictures.

Camp Cihak is always open! We would love to have you stop! The hostess is around full-time on weekends! I'm not sure I'll make it to the Black Hills next summer. I think Sean might have completed his 9 year career in Custer at the Cowboy. He graduates on the 13th of this month and has accepted a position as an RN at the hospital in Brookings only because his lease is until the end of May. But he has said that if he doesn't like the position he may go to Custer for one more summer....just for the $$$$ he makes! It's rather sad that in three months he can make more as a waiter than he would as an RN. Unfortunately the job in Custer is seasonal.

It's supposed to get down to -8 tonight. Hard to believe it was 60 on Saturday!
My mind works like brilliant flash and it's gone.
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