The flies were not that bad when I was there a few days ago. Apparently it is seasonal, so I will need to find out when to avoid the place.
Just got back from a hike up Palm Canyon--three miles round trip and was supposed to take 2.5 hours--but it took me 5 hours! It is a really rough trail with a lot of climbing up and down rocks and stepping over things. It is not really steep, but the trail barely exists, and what trail there was, supposedly washed out in a big rainstorm last August. There was hardly any walking on a gravel or sand path--most of the time it was clambering up rocks and then coming down, it was a lot of climbing down on rocks. If I had younger knees, I could have just stepped from rock to rock and slid down a few, but my knees are wobbly, so it meant watching every step so I did not fall or turn an ankle. Sometimes going over a pile of rocks, you had to step over 5-7 in a row, and I had to pick my steps very carefully. The palm oasis and the stream at the end was well worth it and absolutely amazing to see in such a dry canyon. Very beautiful
Coming back, I took the alternate route because a couple told me it was easier with fewer rocks to climb. They lied. My big finish was about 3/4 of the way out, when I slipped on a rock and ended up on my rear in a bush that had cactus growing in it!

Luckily, an older couple was right behind me, so the man helped me up and the lady helped me pull out the cactus spines on the rear of my shorts! I used body tape on both shorts and my bare rear end when I got home, just before I took a shower. Think I got them all.
Anyway, in a couple of hours I will have photos posted on my blog. Unfortunately, did not think to have the couple take a photo of me in the cactus.