Clean Eating-The Kindle book

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Clean Eating-The Kindle book

Postby Redetotry » Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:25 am

I just found this book in the daily top 100 Free Kindle Books on Amazon. I haven't had a chance to look through it yet but from the reviews it sounds like other people have found it helpful. It is hard to know what real food is these days!
I love Amazons free books and have found so many mostly fiction titles that I have enjoyed. This is a link to the top 100 free books ... =UTF8&tf=1

Clean Eating- The Benefits of an Eat Clean Diet ... 06011_f_11

A couple of Reader reviews:

"Clean eating is about embracing a healthy lifestyle, by removing preservatives, additives and highly processed foods and utilizing nutrition packed foods."

"Author, Dottie Copps takes you through a step-by-step process of removing unhealthy and toxic foods from your diet and details how to make better choices. She talks about weight loss, as well as avoiding or eliminating chronic diseases.
I bought this book because of the title, it is something I have been promising myself to do for a long time, but kept putting it off as I felt it would be basically too much trouble to go on another fad diet. This book completely changed my attitude. I found the tone to be very encouraging. It goes through why a clean diet is so important for our health, explaining early on that it is not another fad diet, but a way of life, and goes on to give an account of how to shop, what to look for in labeling, what to avoid in your food, and how to implement these changes in your diet, without sounding too technical or preaching at you. There is no jargon in this work, only simple and powerful information that makes it easy to make some changes in your food consumption. Thank You Dottie !! "
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Re: Clean Eating-The Kindle book

Postby retiredhappy » Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:54 am

Thought I was eating "healthy" when I bought frozen, skinless chicken breasts. Well ladies, read the label. They are soaked in "salt water" to help preserve them so they are high in sodium which I am supposed to keep low. You just can't win. Also, as a diabetic I started using Splenda when it came on the market. Then I read it was only one molecule removed from pesticides. Now I use Stevia which comes from a plant. Guess I should just stick to my bananas and wine.
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Re: Clean Eating-The Kindle book

Postby mitch5252 » Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:43 am

Thanks, BJ - I just downloaded it to my iPad.

Karen, WalMart adds (and has for several years) salt water to some of their beef products, in addition their chicken! "Contains up to a 15% solution"...yeah, I'm paying 15% for SALT WATER. They're not enhancing flavor, they're enhancing their bottom line. I'll add my own salt, thanks. I always find no "solution" added chicken at Kroger and our independent grocer here - E.J. James.

The turkey breast I just cooked had a 20% "solution!!!

When I was in the hospital in September, I was on a liquid diet. They brought broth to me twice. I love salt, but I MUST cut back and try very hard to. (I used to drink 3-4 cups of bouillon in the morning, every morning, instead of coffee, that's how much I love salt.) Well,this hospital "soup" was so salty I couldn't even come close to drinking it! I couldn't believe they served that crap in a hospital, where they pay dietitians big bucks! Grrrrrr...

Ever eat a McDonald's grilled chicken? Bordering on sodium inedibility.

Added sodium is close to the top of my Pet Peeves.

I am stepping off my soap box now. I am going back outside now to finish hooking up. I am trying to get out of here tomorrow morning, before the awful weather hits! But it's dang cold and blustery today...just no freezing rain.

PS: Another new peeve - Chinese tilapia fillets are fed untreated chicken and pig feces, which makes the fish susceptible to e.Coli and's a quote from MSN News:

An explosive Bloomberg News story published in October of last year and headlined "Asian Seafood Raised on Pig Feces Approved for U.S. Consumers" revealed in graphic detail fish farms and packing plants in China and Vietnam that are rife with filth and disease, and U.S. inspectors doing what appeared to be a poor job of stopping the tainted fish from entering the food supply. According to the piece, 27 percent of seafood consumed in in the United States comes from China, and yet the FDA only inspects 2.7 percent of the fish that gets imported. Of the fish inspected, the FDA has reportedly rejected 820 Chinese seafood shipments since 2007, including 187 that contained tilapia.

The FDA denies all of this is true. Yeah, right. Ask our dogs.
My Chinese tilapia went in the trash. As did my other fish from Vietnam.

Okay, now am REALLY off my soap box.

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Re: Clean Eating-The Kindle book

Postby havingfunnow » Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:20 pm

My pet peeve is the corn syrup that's added to everything these days. I'm convinced that it is a major contributor to the enormous rise in diabetes in this country. Even worse is Monsanto's genetically modified 'Roundup-ready' corn. I really don't want to eat food that was grown soaked in Agent Orange, and I suspect those bumper crops are purchased cheaply to be processed into corn syrup. Scary!!!

Ok. Shutting up now.
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Re: Clean Eating-The Kindle book

Postby Excel » Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:17 pm

Thanks for all the information.... Truly didn't know about the chicken/salt in frozen chicken. I don't buy that easy chicken stuff that you throw in the microwave, etc. & eat in a few minutes.... however, I do buy a lot of fresh chicken & will now read the label more carefully (if you can trust that to be true)... they showed on 20/20 last night about how labels are covered with new labels showing different expiration dates.... and as far a fish is concerned, even if you buy it fresh you don't know where it comes from & frozen is the same thing... it may say manufactured somewhere in the U.S. but that doesn't mean the fish are from our waters either.
I do NOT buy anything that comes from China as their health & cleanliness in all areas is almost non-existent (IMHO)....
So thanks for sharing info.... I will definitely be careful at the super market.... :?
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Re: Clean Eating-The Kindle book

Postby cpatinjones » Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:30 pm

Thanks for info!
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Re: Clean Eating-The Kindle book

Postby Bethers » Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:46 pm

I am trying my best to do "clean eating" now. I purchase very, very little already prepared food. Don't eat out much. It's been great for my waistline (lost over 20 lbs so far this year and am never hungry). I have no sugar in my house ... so when I splurge that way it's because I'm out - like the Thanksgiving dinner Amazon served last night, yes I had a piece of apple pie. Oh, and I ate all the rest of the stuff I don't eat at home anymore. Yep, splurges are allowed (by me lol)

My morning smoothie is sweetened with frozen banana - and gets protein from a good vegan protein powder (although I'm not vegan - I like this one).

Hardest for me is making my lunches to take to work.

Harder is going to be the time in Baja ... I know I'll be doing way too much of eating of things I shouldn't. But hopefully not overdoing.

Just got the book - will be seeing what else I can discover in it.
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