wow it's way to cold up here. (wind chill is -2

yep that is what I wrote..according to dd who read it on the internet and we believe all that is written on the internet right???

) wish that my truck had been done last week when it was suppose to be now I have no water to my
kitchen sink...suppose to get my truck on Sat...hopefully early enough that I can make it to SLC and in time to see my granddaughters
play..she is in 9th grade they are doing Guys and Dolls if I remember correctly
last week I saw the eldest granddaughter in 110 In The Shade they did really well and it was a great play but poorly attended felt bad for them
do so much and then to have not enough to come to pay for the play...sad...but dg did great she and another student did the choreography and I thought did really well
then tonight my eldest grandson was one of the leads (his girlfriend was the other lead) in Ransom of Miss Elverva Dower which was quite funny...and totally enjoyed the evening
Trying to get warmed up hot choc...didn't was hoping for the campfire to work it's magic...