Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

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Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:57 am

Good morning, all..

Yep, had a rude visitor (and I think it's still out there... :shock: :roll: ) at 2:45am....How did I know???....You guessed it...Spinner's barking his head off.... :roll: getting the other dogs in the neighborhood going too at that hour.... :oops: :o Haven't seen it clearly, but by the way Ernie's bucket and the little cooler are moving around, I'm betting it's a raccoon.... :roll: Every time I get Spinner settled down and try to go to bed again, it starts up again with the racket.....so the plan right now is to stay up until sunrise....walk Spinner.....then come in and go back to bed for an hour or so...to catch up on the sleep..... ;) The reason I think it's "Rocky" is that the guys saw one the other evening while taking the bedtime potty run....anyways, so have, more or less, caught up on the posts here and on FB....played some of my games, and have drank about a half a pot of coffee....only 45 minutes left til it lightens up here...(it's 5:47am right now... :roll: ) then walk Spinner....and see what damage that critter did... :shock:

Yesterday got most of the kids Christmas shopping done....after my " morning nap", we'll get around and go get the rest of it done...want to get it mailed out before we move for the month of December....We plan to spend Dec. in the Crystal River, FL area (about), then back to GA until May....

Other than my report on the Raccoon & the shopping, nothing else to "write home about" right now...besides, my eyes are protesting after more than 3 hours on this machine... :roll: :lol: So will put another pot of coffee on for you all, and have some donuts I picked up yesterday....help your self... ;)

And as always, have a great day, all....
Lori, Ernie & Spinner
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby carolb » Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:53 am

Good morning Lori & Rocky! ;) and all to follow :D

My favorite part of the day--coffee & MC! So Lori, are you back in bed? :lol:

Anita, such good neighbors! & WOW on getting things going for your new truck--I'll get to see it in AZ. Gosh, it's only a couple weeks before I'll see you & Red in FL. Such a life!

Well, with my newly inspired interest in space, here's something you may already know: the "comet of the century" (can't remember it's real name just now) will be visible starting now & for the next month or so. Can be seen early a.m. in the western sky? At least that's the info from my bro! :lol: It's been too cloudy the past two nights to see any sign of it here....

Okay okay, I'll get over this soon :roll: :lol: Y'all have a great day & be safe always 8-) Kathleen, on the road this weekend??!!!! See you soon!
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:03 am

Okay, so it's not Rocky.... :roll: .....wait for it...........................................it's a "Rover"....(assuming it's a he..)...when we went out for the morning walk, Spinner started just a barking and pulling me across the drive toward the bathouse/laundry/community room building...there sat a "type of hound" like a blue tick or along those lines...and he wagged his tail..but stayed there....so my guess he's a stray or someone in the CG has a loose dog....but boy, did he do a job on our "baby Webber" and the hookup to the propane tank to it....and the little cooler was half way across the drive....and of course, the foil that was on the grill is now all over the site... :roll: Well, when we got back from the potty walk, Ernie was up and I told him about it....so, he went out to check things out...he thinks he can fix the hookup....but will have a better idea after it gets a little more daylight out....

Okay, I'm off to bed....later all....
Lori, Ernie & Spinner
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby bluepinecones » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:48 am

Something woke me about 4:00 this morning and I could not get back to sleep. Nap possibilities for today do not look good.

Niece sees doctor again today. Will know more about schedule after that. In meantime I need to clean out the van and get it to car wash, then grocery shopping and new tag for Magic.
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby chalet05 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:35 am

Good Morning,

Lori, I was sure the visitor was going to be a skunk when I started reading!

Carolb, thanks for the heads up about the comet. If the clouds ever leave at night, I'll take a look - if I remember :)

Really excited about all the Kansas GTG talk for next year!! In the meantime, I know I'll be seeing many of you before then!

I took a walk yesterday and came back all hot and sticky - dang humidity. Walked up to the river bank and saw a big black snake slither into the river; then an alligator on the opposite bank. When I was here 5 years ago, an alligator was down the river further away at the edge of the park. People go fossil hunting in the river - no thank you!!

Dealer has found a truck for me - NOT! Here we go. I told him I didn't want a lot of bells and whistles so he sends me a window sticker with a whole bunch of them on it and of course a high price - like it won't be high enough to begin with!

Talking myself into putting everything away and going grocery shopping today. I have been here 10 days without moving and I love it!

Have a good day all!
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby SoCalGalcas » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:01 am

Good Morning All, I saw that "lift-off" on the news Carol. Thanks for the heads up on the comet. I'll look for it when I walk Casey early in the morning.
Looks like rain, feels like rain, but, no rain here. The weather person promised rain too.
Lori and Ernie, sorry about being wakened so early...hope you were able to get back to sleep.
I'm taking one of my friends, who has lost her driving license, to tour the new library today, then we are going out to lunch.
This is a quiet week for me. lyn

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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby asirimarco » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:05 am

Good Morning to All from overcast gray Arizona - cold here in the desert first thing in the morning but I'm sure it will warm up soon.
This is our last day in the US - crossing over into Mexico tomorrow and will get as far as Hermosillo where there is a small RV park where we'll stop for the night. And hopefully be able to get to the Cell phone store and pick up and get activated an Internet USB stick. It is always a challange getting that done. Thank goodness for Bill's Spanish. After that hopefully it will still be early enough to take a practice run through Hermosillo to the toll road south. There is always construction there.
Today will be putting everything back in its place and doing laundry and last minute monetary business. Been using the parks Internet but will get our MiFi up and running to do that. Have to remember to call Verizon and shut it done for as long as I can while were south of the border. Hope I have all our paper work straight.
We did hear that our home in Indiana got through the storm okay. Just lots of tree debris all over. But no big trees down.
All of you on the road drive safely and enjoy the new scenery. Will get back on line when I can.
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:09 am

We are all up here in Ohio by and have finished up most of our computer wanderings. We are planning to make our escape sometime in early afternoon.... :)

I need to make a trip to the store for some milk, etc and a few last minute loads and store a-ways, find some dogs willing to follow me out to the bus and we are off! Will keep folks posted. Hope to be in Huntsville, AL sometime on Thursday....
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:14 am

BirdbyBird wrote:We are all up here in Ohio by and have finished up most of our computer wanderings. We are planning to make our escape sometime in early afternoon.... :)

I need to make a trip to the store for some milk, etc and a few last minute loads and store a-ways, find some dogs willing to follow me out to the bus and we are off! Will keep folks posted. Hope to be in Huntsville, AL sometime on Thursday....

OHBOY - and your Baja Journey has begun!
Hope to see you at Vickie's for Turkey Day - you know misery loves company...
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby havingfunnow » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:04 am

I'll be watching for blog posts now that the Baja adventure has begun! Tina, have you found shows for Audrey? I don't know what the competition is like in English Cockers; could you pick up points from puppy class?

Apple Glogg!!! I was having fun at Ikea yesterday, and I found a new favorite! I wasn't aware they made glogg with apples. It's delicious. An acquaintance of mine was working in Sweden years ago, where St. Lucia's day is celebrated vigorously, even though it's not an official holiday. He went to work as usual, and found everybody passing around glogg and pepparkaka, feeling very cheerful indeed. After a while, he asked if they should get some work done. Co-workers laughed, and one explained, "Even the computers have had too much glogg by 9:00 am on St. Lucia's Day!" :lol:
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby avalen » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:36 am

Well good morning ladies

Sounds like everyone else is having an interesting day.
Today is our annual Thanksgiving potluck at work, I brought
in the fruit salad and I have promised myself I would not
stuff myself. But all that food in there looks so good, it
will be hard not to. :D Time to go see what I can snack on.
Ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby JudyJB » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:59 pm

Up this morning and relaxing a bit before I hit the road again. It will be a short drive, so I do not have to hurry as I usually do. Even had time for some raspberries. Plan on taking some photos of this lovely park and then headed out for the day to Anzo Borrego, further south. It is nice that the nights are a little warmer here than they were getting in Napa, so electric heater is adequate.

Thanks to Azusateach for recommending this park to me. It is in a city so there is excellent cell service, but is a pleasant rural-feeling spot. Pavement and grass, and full hookups, so it would be a great place to rest for a few days and catch up with work and such. Will come back here in January on my way from Las Vegas to meet my son and his family in Anaheim.

Not cold, but cloudy today and looks like it might rain in the desert over the next couple of day.
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby dayspring39 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:08 pm

Good Afternoon everyone… grandson Pete came and took my MH to the shop so he can change the oil and check things out… good grandson he is…
I had rice krispies this morning but Lori your donuts sound better…
Oh Ava I remember the pot lucks at the bus garage… so many choices… hope you enjoy yourself..
Sarah keep us informed on your niece…
Wow so many headed for Baja hope the earth does't shift!
be safe
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Re: Early Weds. Morning with a Rude Visitor

Postby monik7 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:26 pm

SoCalGalcas wrote:Thanks for the heads up on the comet. I'll look for it when I walk Casey early in the morning. lyn

Here's a quote from an article on Discovery News about comet ISON:

"If you want to try and spot ISON for yourself before perihilion over the next few days, you will need to look low in the east before sunrise. Find the bright star Spica in the constellation Virgo and to its lower left is ISON that will appear as a faint fuzzy blob.

At the moment, binoculars or wide field telescopes (even bird watching telescopes) can be used to spot it, but as we head toward its closest approach it will become easier to spot with the naked eye, although this will be counteracted by the increasing brightness of the sun, drowning out the faint light of ISON."
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