Good morning, all..
Yep, had a rude visitor (and I think it's still out there... ) at 2:45am....How did I know???....You guessed it...Spinner's barking his head off.... getting the other dogs in the neighborhood going too at that hour.... Haven't seen it clearly, but by the way Ernie's bucket and the little cooler are moving around, I'm betting it's a raccoon.... Every time I get Spinner settled down and try to go to bed again, it starts up again with the the plan right now is to stay up until sunrise....walk Spinner.....then come in and go back to bed for an hour or catch up on the sleep..... The reason I think it's "Rocky" is that the guys saw one the other evening while taking the bedtime potty run....anyways, so have, more or less, caught up on the posts here and on FB....played some of my games, and have drank about a half a pot of coffee....only 45 minutes left til it lightens up here...(it's 5:47am right now... ) then walk Spinner....and see what damage that critter did...
Yesterday got most of the kids Christmas shopping done....after my " morning nap", we'll get around and go get the rest of it done...want to get it mailed out before we move for the month of December....We plan to spend Dec. in the Crystal River, FL area (about), then back to GA until May....
Other than my report on the Raccoon & the shopping, nothing else to "write home about" right now...besides, my eyes are protesting after more than 3 hours on this machine... So will put another pot of coffee on for you all, and have some donuts I picked up your self...
And as always, have a great day, all....